Stash search bar

could you please add a text search bar into the stash interface? I shouldn’t have to mouse over every single item to find something specific (for example: an item with dexterity) A search bar would make life much easier in this regard.

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While I’m not against the idea I’m not so sure the use is extremely necessary.

Let’s say you do need an item with dexterity. Is it a ring? Shouldn’t it be grouped with other rings and located on one shared tab? Or on a mule with other rings? And if it were let’s say it was a 10FCR dex ring, shouldn’t it be grouped with your 10FCR rings of which you might have what like 7? Keeping yourself organized will help you tons.

Perhaps in some scenarios I could see having an issue where certain jewels or charms (small) or a torch tab might have you struggling sure. But again even those can be organized and divided into groups having you hover over a few items to find the one you want.

Yeah, I could come up with a ridiculously complex and unnecessary system of organization for my stash. Or, they could add a search bar in under an hour, and it would help everyone who plays the game.

If you think simple organization is difficult I’d hate to see your house. They couldn’t add a search bar in an hour or anywhere near it. Also what is it supposed to search your 3 shared tabs? So it is supposed to transpose the loot from all 3 shared and your stash tab together and show you all the items that meet that threshold? That is a massive laggy search feature in a game that already lags, while also being the least necessary QOL thing they could do. Not really sure if they need to add a search feature because you can’t handle organizing your loot.

i mean while i don’t think the idea is bad, as it would be nice to be able to find a specific ring or amulet on my jewelry mule without looking through like 30 of them.

its pretty rare for this to really be an issue with any sort of normal organization.
for the most part items are fairly easily identifiable by their sprite alone.
like outside of jewellery what are i looking for that u cant easily identified by the sprite.
maybe they do a lot of crafting? idk.

i could certainly see a use for it. but compared to what this the game actually needs?
like being able to chat in the game lobby, and blocking spambots, and after that… an customizable item filter?
it laughably worthless by comparison…

And yet other much better ARPG’s have this feature from day one.

I am down for it
But there are more important things for now like fixing melee
Or bots

Which apparently takes years to fix…

And the previous version of this game had functioning chat channels. I mean yes, in a world everything should be possible, I’m just not sure that on a list of things needed this is anywhere near the top end of priority IMO. During one of the ladders I had a mule FULL of rings and ammys and never really struggled to find the ones I was looking for, not that the feature couldn’t serve some use, just that you can make do easily without it.

I’m just saying other game franchises and companies have juggled these priorities and moved past them. It says something about this game franchise and company. Some of these games are even on the verge of releasing new expansions by the end of the year. It’s a really sad state of affairs with the Diablo franchise. If other smaller teams can deliver like this why can’t these devs?

I mean there is a whole host of issues outside of what you or I think is reasonable excuses, but for the higher ups they simply don’t give a crap about the game. D2R has made 99.9% of the money it ever will. Even with a solid expansion or massive QOL and interface update with a 10 dollar price tag that is still a use of resources that wouldn’t gain nearly as much as releasing a D4 expansion for money, or working on D5 or whatever. They simply don’t care to fix the issues because this game was a marketing ploy to get people back into the franchise after they bombed D3, so they could sell more copies of D4.

And now even beyond that Microsoft has taken over, which brings a whole new host of issues. Since the previous company wasn’t even working on the title, and now microsoft has to take a look there is an even greater chance that this game sits on the back burner, especially because to be honest there isn’t a population large enough to create a big enough stink to get what they want.

I mean despite some of the additional QOL updates that they have been successful with when they released D2R, why in the world would there ever be a remaster release that is a worse version of a game that was made 20 years ago? With several patches that have destroyed some of the key themes of the game via destroying PvP and creating items that fundamentally change builds, and adding in TZs which actively destroy the game list and is a poor way to ease the 99 grind, as well as sunders which is a poor way of bypassing immunities. In no way are the current version fundamental game mechanics in a better state, not to mention the busted chat channels. But because the money is already in their bank account why would they care? Also, this does seem to be a theme in many companies where the remastered version never matches nor exceeds the value of the original. Even mass effect remaster is missing DLC missions because they didn’t have a copy saved of them lmfao. This is the status quo for the massive game companies nowadays who value investor money and stock price over the quality of their work. And the thing is people keep on buying blizzard titles, so they never had to adapt. Everyone needs the next fix, and so their model at least how they view it is successful .

So, your premise is money from D4 > D2R. Don’t disagree. Even in the case of investing money in D4, it seems like they are doing far worse than other competing game franchises. D4 is regularly on sale for 50% off (I still won’t buy it) and popular streamers are saying with the recent updates from the campfire chat it’s 1.0ish now how long after release? I’ve also heard that Season 4 will determine the future of D4. It seems like they are struggling and having a hard time figuring out how to steer the ship whereas other game franchises are doing it with ease. I just don’t see why investing in this franchise is worth it anymore with competing franchise being much better and, in many cases, cheaper. If multiple indie game studios can have superior end game content and proper game balance and this AAA studio can’t, I just don’t understand. Heck, I’ll wager that Llama RPG will be a better game than D2R or D4 when it’s released. And don’t forget, Titan Quest 2 is right around the corner. It will be funny if TQ2 drops into the mix and does well.

I would assume you’re right, they’re trying to suck in as much money for D4 as they can because it collapsed. We’ll never be sure about the comparisons between D4 and other new RPG games because people aren’t really releasing numbers. But overall both of them are sort of in the same position where they’re sold most of what they ever will sell, the only difference is the potential userbase for D4 is higher in their mind so they focus on that more, but new patches/updates will never generate them enough money to justify doing it, instead in the typical big company that makes game moving onto the next project to them is better.

As for them and other AAA title makers, honestly most of their stuff hasn’t been well made in the longest, somewhere along the line, they found out that they could release a lesser product more often and make far more money. Blizzard hasn’t produced anything on the level of excellence outside of OW in like over a decade.

While I think llama is mostly a clown, I hope he does a good job, but I’m not sure if I have faith in him or not. But there are plenty of competing titles that people seem to like, but they’re hyped up for a few months then die just like the rest. Of course it would be nice if one of them take’s over a field that Blizzard sucks at, but the same thing will happen in the end. Some big game company will buy them out to kill the competition.

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I don’t really care about which company was more successful than the other in terms of pure sales. As a consumer, I care about value and entertainment for the money I spend. The Diablo franchise hasn’t been fun for a long time and it’s getting worse. People are being persuaded by emotional hype and nostalgia to pre-order not so great products. If you can make money doing that, I guess it’s a free country, but I choose to spend my money on better, more enjoyable products. Those products tend to be the ones that have a lot of positive streaming content and strong player bases. We know that D4’s player base is dwindling. Its ability to make long term profits is probably not there unless they make substantial changes. The thing that gets me is why are these devs so irrational? Really, they’re going to be difficult with their customers on being able to zoom the camera out. That’s just silly.