Hell if it did ANYTHING. Thorns effects just haven’t been useful outside of normal since like 1.09.
I agree m8 i tried playing vengence+thorns paladin and even in 1.09 it wasnt great
Yeah it’s even worst 1.10+ Mobs hp went up 10 fold… but their damage stayed the same lol.
I can see how that becomes boring quickly. That may be true for many high end builds. The intention is to break the game, and they did it.
I still play HC SSF on all my characters. It keeps the experience more refreshing, and flexible as what items I will find and how to build around such random drops.
I intentionally avoided shock wave too. I find that skill really breaks the game, and takes the interaction out. Ravens’ dim vision is what I find fitting.
Yea its like waiting for turtles to kill each other with thorns.No matter how bad was thorns spirit of BARB was always even somehow more bad than aura itself.
Spirit of barb increasing fire damage of whole party you included and than having ACT 3 merc would be a real neat combo to dish like druids from DND real masters of elements!
I am using the Act 3 fire merc too. He compliments the pure summoner nicely. With 3 elements, so far I haven’t found a thing I could not defeat. People have been saying SW cold damage is too low. I only have +5 skills and I find them ok so far.
2.4 really gave some new life to the underused mercs.
Enchant damage isnt really top of the notch wish merc gave a bit more of it to pets!
Yeah, Druids are supposed to be the whole “jack of all trades” class… and having SotB’s sort of being a hybrid between a pally aura and enchant would be pretty cool imho.
Now listen to my crazy idea giving lategame ACT 3 fire merc dream shield+helm +last wish sword Just that sooo EXPENSIVEEEE
But honestly my main gripe is mid game with summoner like it needs some helmet specialized in summoning like jalals mane just instead +2 to shifting to give +2 to summoning!
wouldnt do much damage.
things that make the tesladin and dream sorc work is the added synergies from the paladins resist lightning and the sorceress lightning mastery. the level 30 aura by itself is kind of pitiful.
For intance SOTB giving Sanctuary aura would be more cool than thorns!
they really should add masteries to act 3 mercs. Would make dual dragon + HoJ, and dual dream on them interesting.
Yea definitely elemental masteries would be real neat on them!
I just figure since all they do is damage… maybe they should… do some damage? lol
They should let ACT 3 merc use orbs for sorceress that would be real amp on them!
The more I think about it, the more I realise whit a summoner Druid, there’s basicly no item that you can’t use to your addvantage. Shure someone will come up whit the endgame BiS gear/set up, but still you can find many ways to play it.
You want to go ranged? Go for it! You want to go SS to back up your summons? Do it! You want to back them up with elemtal magick? Hell Yeah! Use what ever mercenary you like, you can’t go wrong.
You just can’t go wrong whit Summoner Druid, which is a huge fun factor.
While I agree with you in the general sense, something happened yesterday was to my utter surprise, and unfortunate works against my summoner.
I found a Spellsteel (with decrepify charges). The excitement of such a lucky drop was very short-lived. The fact that I use ravens as main damage source means this awesome item is actually of little use to me unless I am fighting bosses and uniques.
Yes well I was carried away a bit, you have to be thoughtfull still, and some items will only favour you in certain situations. Never the less I think Summoner Druid is going to be a Hell of a fun character.
I didnt say otherwise but fire is super strong. Huge aoe clear compare with single target summons. Its true. I lvled up mine as fire super fast and so ez.
druid spirit of barbs is weaker version of thorns like aura. The actual pally aura thorns from another player or an item like EDGE runeword is a more powerful type. Spirit of barbs only does smaller percentage of damage. The pally one does attacker takes x PLUS however a high percentage based on skill level.