Let me try this another way.
Sally has $100.
Tom only has $10.
If you Take $45 from Sally and give it to Tom, how much money does each have?
Let me try this another way.
Sally has $100.
Tom only has $10.
If you Take $45 from Sally and give it to Tom, how much money does each have?
Want to paraphrase that nonsense
Sally has 100 dollars
Tom has 10
You give Tom 20 more now he has 30 she still has 100 if you give Tom more 20 he could maybe buy 50% of Sally has?
Okay you aren’t going to get it. Cool.
None is taking anything from OP classes just giving other classes more chance to compete in the uphill battle.
ahh, enchantress
And that’s my point. Buffing every class doesn’t make the game better, it just makes the game easier.
I get it! And you’re actually right. Shifting the meta truely, will require nerfs for high S tier builds.
How is that not making game better by having more choices which are more viable instead of having 4x A and 4x b and 10x F choices you will have maybe 5x A and 12 x B choices?
You never start a new druid as summoner. Always lvl up as fire, is super strong early on, till hell and then respec.
Summons in this game have their own mind, sadly isnt like D3 where you could target your minions to focus a target.
Yeah only the Necro can do that, so all other summoner builds rely on stupid minion AI.
funnily you hit the nail on the head of why I DIDN’T like summons in D3… they felt like just another spell
Because rather than have 15 S tier builds and insta gibbing everything in the game… You could have 7 B’s and 8 C’s? and have to “slightly” use your brain when farming?
I think you played a different D3 or don’t understand what is a permanent minion. And how bad they are in high density. There is a down side that D3 sometimes consider some spells as minions. So i’ll give you that. But perma minions out side necro skele warriors, are stupid AF.
So everyone should play same specs until gets twinked items for decades, so that you can actually gear up toon you wanted to play.That sound soo much fun…oh wait no it doesnt.
Again question how is having more viable builds choices worse than having less?
Man I don’t know if you don’t speak English as a first language, are drunk, or what’s going on, but damn.
Anyone want to try and translate for me here? I’m at a loss.
-First you pulled up wrong math calculation out of your behind trying to prove something- after you slipped there
-You tried to band-aid that by telling how its bad for balance without any argument again how that will change anything
-I gave you an example how gearing up side toons did go almost every time for years (only if this part changes balance will change if not it will not change)
-And final step when you lack arguments is to try being passively aggressive by witty cynicism or some similar underhand method.
-And yes you are at loss- Loss of arguments to counter statements
10 + 45 = 100 - 45 isn’t an incorrect calculation.
I never said it was bad for “balance” I said and I quote “Buffing every class doesn’t make the game better, it just makes the game easier.”
Irrelevant to the topic.
Irrelevant to the topic.
Irrelevant to the topic.
I see what you are doing, you actually went back and read what I wrote and are trying to turn it into an argument instead of a discussion.
Well your math calculation is dependant on someone taking something from someone which is not the case here is it?
How is buffing weaker classes making game easier if people are mostly going to use primary S classes for grinding?
Excuse me but it looked like an attack
It’s very much the case here. My suggestion would be to nerf the power of the meta builds instead of further buffing druids so they feel more powerful by comparision.
The stronger builds in the game reduce the difficulty to near zero at this point. If you “want” a more difficult experience the only options currently is to play “weaker” builds. Generally this is why PvE people have historically farmed gg gear is to make stupid alt builds.
I’d rather see the meta builds brought down a notch first so we can figure out where the baselines of “op” “strong” “decent” and “weak” actually are. Currently if every build was brought up to the level of Pally/Sorc there would be no difficulty left, nor would there even be a reason to farm GG gear outside of PvP. After all if every build is OP out the gate… why farm?
Your arguments are valid but we all know that 1 ability which makes certain class outperform others.
I like to gather gear for sake of gathering grailing and i like playing alt class from start to finish instead of going usual route than respec.
I prefer having the road and the goal with same class last few years of bnet.(not competitive)
My suggested buffs wouldnt make it S class at least not summoner IMHO offcourse.
However they could just add as White runeword is for necro similar runeword for summoner and that could also alleviate the problems without buffing class anymore.(would actually like to hear your opinion on this)