Stackable Runes and Gems

I just wonder what others think about this. In my opinion, 20 characters per account are not enough to store all the runes and gems correctly on mules.


I personally would love a Shared Resource Stash which would be specifically used for runes and gems, similar to what Path Of Exile has. Outside of that stash however, the runes and gems wouldn’t stack.


While I’m against making big changes to the game(D2 was first PC game ever for me), i find this good idea, everyone hates mule characters. And now since we can’t(?) create infinity amount of accounts for free the old design should really be abandoned in this area.


Yeah, stackable runes and gems are a no-brainer. It’s a QoL improvement that would be very welcome.


I do not in any way advocate for additional stash tabs or different kinds of stashes.

HOWEVER, runes and gems being stackable is something I could get behind.


Same. There is just not enough room for the gems and runes. Drives me slightly nuts and I am hyper organized. I realize I can use the cube to combine lower level ones but some are needed in the lower form for cube recipes and such.

It is a QoL I would personally see as a benefit that does not have too many negatives.


Yeah. I don’t know that I would necessarily want or need massive stacks either. But anything that would help alleviate an entire tab + overflow (or mules) being devoted to both gems and runes is a good thing IMO.


This would be an absolute wonderful QoL update.


All aboard the hype train!


I am thinking sp in D2R for this reason. I see that GoMule for D2R is available.

For D2LOD that is how I kept everything I wanted to long term for my Holy Grail, still only about 75% done. It is all manual in D2LOD, so fill stash in game. Save and Exit out of D2LOD and open GoMule and move (edited: said copy previously) items off your single player char into unlimited stashes. Reopen D2LOD, rinse and repeat as needed.

If needed I am hoping the same thing will work in D2R, but it would be nice if we have a Holy Grail option to save the items or just the stats of every set/unique/rune/runeword etc we find or make.

edited: GoMule never made copies of items, just moved items from char to stash and back as needed. Holy Grail via Flavie report. Enough stash space in GoMule to save off one of everything I find for sets/uniques. Quick comment at lunch and I mis typed copy vs move. Forgive me mods.

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Doesn’t have to be stackable in inventory, just the storage.


I feel like I’m playing a Inventory Space Management Sim game. Not a ARPG. :joy:


If you only keep the ones you need, there is much less a need to stack them all.


Its not a space issues. Its peoples hoarding habits. Why horde so much


I’d agree with your hoarding statement with regards to items, but not to consumables like runes and gems. Most if not all runes and gems serve an important purpose when it comes to useful runewords as well as crafting/cubing recipes.

It’s not the same as hanging on to a bunch of garbage gear because you want to have it “just in case”.


thumps up, this is a good QoL improvement - bumb.


Yeah, I’m against the hoarding stance as well when it comes to people wanting tons of stash tabs like Diablo 3. The thing with Runes and Gems though is that every character you make needs them for Runewords, crafting, and cubing.

Stuff like gear and uniques you can transfer to the character that will eventually use the item, but runes and gems are used by all characters. This is just my 2 cents. :smiley_cat:

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Nah, i cant support this,

Its bad enough the addition of the tabs, which ok , i dont mind. but thinking long term, into ladders and economys, well , i just cant say this is a good change.

There wasa time you had to make decisions. Do you really want to keep EVERY gem you pick up , nah… not enough room to even begin , if you wanna store some runes… good runes, etc.

Muling was something people got to doing on their own. The game makers didnt design it with that in mind much, else wise, they would have just increased all inventory / stash sizes/ shared etc.

Its taking away decisions, as is, lots already. But, thats just my opinion.


there is litterly NO reason to not add stackable runes and gems now that we have this big stash. they could just hand us more stash tabs, or simply make the runes/gems stack.


I totally agree with the “don’t loot hoard every trash item” statement. Theres enough room already.

But i also think, which is why i’ve created this thread in the first place that gems even the flawless ones serve crucial recipe purposes(like cubing to higher runes which has also been proposed as a solution to decrementing rune counts). It’s just not economically to store flawless gems though as they’d take away way too much space. But you still need them(Same goes for runes).