Sparxbarx - crashes

Lucky you,

My desk top is too old but my laptop has nearly identical stats to yours but still doesn’t seem to run, I get the following unexpected error code: 9C867172-154C-4688-9FEA-2B67D1AC0D96

MSI GT60 2012 Lap Top / Windows 10

  • i7-3610QM
  • DDR3 12GB RAM
  • GTX 670M

Some say it’s my GPU but any insight is appreciated cheers.

Your GPU matches min requirements so update drivers for that if you need to. (I did not)

That leaves processor maybe? Are you part of the group that does not have AVX support so are waiting for a fix? There can also be other programs that cause the error on start. Every time you get a crash, you get a unique error code you can submit to Blizz. They can look up that report but I certainly can’t.

I feel like you should eventually be able to get it working on your laptop.

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Hmm I’ll give that a shot, I just sort of pulled it out of retirement & reinstalled windows 10 the other day. I believe the processor supports AVX but my desk top does not. I’ll contact them & yes the code is unique each time it seems. Although the last drivers for the GPU were in 2018 nothing more modern exists.

Cheers & Many thanks,

If you just re-installed Windows you may need to check for updates a few times. You know how it goes.

And yeah, I don’t think my card has recent drivers either which is why I did not bother.

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I also just thought of something else. With laptops most have integrated video and a dedicated video card.

If your laptop is pushing to the integrated that would cause the error.

Check your power settings to ensure it is not switching you to integrated for power savings. A lot of laptops have that as default if unplugged. Also check in the Nvidia settings that the game is using your GTX. Those are two places you can control that.

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Hmmm, NVIDIA Display Setting are not available. :-\

That may mean your nVidia drivers are not installed or are corrupted. Since you have the 670M, you’ll want to grab the latest drivers here:

While those are a far cry from the latest 470+ drivers available, those are the latest for the 670M unfortunately, and nVidia has just announced it will be cutting off further driver support for Kepler GPUs in the near future (at a currently undisclosed time).

Ultimately though, your issue here is likely going to boil down to the lack of AVX2 support on that CPU if all else fails. From the Intel Ark site:

Try reinstalling the nVidia drivers first. That will give you the nVidia control panel to check your settings with, as well as to set framerate limits in case D2R’s limiter doesn’t work for you (should it launch).

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I wanna back up a little bit here. The nVidia 670M doesn’t meet the requirements, but the CPU is fine. (comparison chart)

That doesn’t mean it won’t run at all, but there’s no guarantee it would keep running as they make adjustments.

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Okay, I managed to get the to get the Nvidia control panel back by reinstalling the drivers fresh from nvidia & gave the GTX 670M (last drivers 2018 no longer supported) priority over the integrated intel graphics card & it still seems to be a no go. Seems to be another randomized unexpected error.

I’ll look into the intel ark site to try & see if I can play with this AVX2 extension stuff you’re speaking of. As far as frame rate limits I don’t see anything with that option in the nvidia settings besides "Maximum pre-rendered frames options: 1,2,3,4 or Use the 3D application setting.

I do appreciate the help, I will try a few other things and respond here with future results.


I think you misunderstood me. The Intel Ark info I posted merely stated what your CPU has. It can’t give you something you don’t have. It’s an informational site, not a site to add features to a system. :slight_smile:

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Understood, I just noticed that! I’m not the best with all this tech stuff so it seems to have avx I see through the intel site but nothing to download to make it do something hehe :stuck_out_tongue: