Sorceress [2.4] Dev Update

My notes from the D2R 2.4 Developer Update Stream on Dec 16 2021, MrLlamasc hosting.


  • Overall D2R team thinks Sorceress in a good spot.
  • Changes to lesser used Cold tree Armor spells.
  • Chilling armor will have the greatest defense bonus, still only trigger on ranged attacks.
  • Frost nova: some damage scaling improvements for later skill levels.
  • Nova: Damage scaling improved. Static Field will be a synergy for Nova. Thunder storm will be a synergy for Nova.
  • Thunder Storm: changes alluded to but didn’t have time to discuss.
  • Inferno: player control improvement. Free form casting and better damage scaling.
  • Blaze: free up synergy requirements, damage increased. Run / walk speed buff.
  • Hydra: Remove casting delay. New limitation on max Hydra Count.

Thanks to Adam, Robert, Matthew, Rich, Tom, Andre and the team for this open communication. Thanks to MrLlamasc for hosting.

They mentioned PTR might be done in multiple phases: from 0, then with templated 99 characters and loot vendors.

EDIT (12/25/2021): Maxroll put up a nice summary as well:

Current feelings: I’m mostly excited about these changes! I feel there are some skills being overlooked, and I’m worried about not being able to Hybrid with all the new synergies being added.

Cold armors: changes to these could be good. I just worry about the point investment requirement to make them good. We’ve only had to build around 1 point required for Cold Armors. Hybrid element builds require so many points elsewhere.

Revised Cold Armor skills really need to be near as beneficial as Energy Shield to invite point placement. However, I like that they might possibly be an alternative defensive option for pure element builds.

Love Hydra changes, can’t wait to test. I like the idea for Blaze utility.
Frost nova scaling? Didn’t see that coming. Interested.

Nova / Thunderstorm, especially with Thunderstorm changes could be really fun now. Would like more info on Thunderstorm.

Slightly sad nova won’t be as Hybrid capable, but I like that we’ll have the opportunity to increase the damage via synergies. Perhaps removing the Static Field synergy (60 point Nova) and just giving Nova more damage (or benefit from it’s one synergy) would be a better fit for Hybrid builds.

I’m surprised that nothing was mentioned about Frozen orb shards being bugged or dealing low DPS. Compared to fully (or even 2/3) synergized Blizzard it deals significantly less output.

No mention of Fire Wall. Would still like to hear news on this one.

Sounds like PTR will be a fun endeavor. Thank you all for the update!


Yes, remind them to fix the bug of frozen orb:


Went through some Pre-2.4 PTR thoughts. I really want Hybrids to flourish.

In general during PTR feedback we will need to cater for reduced synergy requirements for:

  • Nova
  • Frost Nova
  • Thunderstorm

and focus our testing on the Hybrid builds listed (if possible; since we don’t know all info yet).

Unsure about thunderstorm changes. Hoping they give it a solid buff to damage and don’t change it mechanically. I enjoy the automatic damage from the aura and would be less inclined to use it if they made it an active ability -or worse gave it a cool down.

Also not too crazy about giving Nova synergies. Should just buff the damage and let Nova/thunderstorm be low investment skills. Good for hybrid builds. And why static? I can’t think of a worse skill to sink twenty points into, unless they plan on changing the way static works.

Just hoping they don’t change the way the spells work, and instead focus on the numbers.

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Thunderstorm could be a good Hybrid option for AoE centric builds, like Frozen Orb, or Blizzard. If Thunderstorm is able to one-shot enemies that did not get killed by the splash, that’d be amazing! And versatile for killing immunes. Agreed, the automatic nature makes it a fairly unique option for Sorc.

I’m not averse to changing the rate at which Thunderstorm attacks, though. It’s frequency is low…It’s slow, even at higher skill level (only 1.08s at level 50).

Nova needs to remain lower on synergy requirement. Static in particular feels so wasteful. Can still somewhat Hybrid with a 60 point Nova (1 Synergy Skill) is limiting, but with 80 (2 synergies) it’s prohibitive.

While Static is an active skill, I feel like zapping life away from afar won’t be as engaging, especially when it’s capped. Soft points alone give enough radius.

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I have been playing around with thunderstorm and Frozen orb and they are really fun together. Thunderstorm does a good job in players 1 but falls off heavily in high player games.

Orb also feels a bit weak with high player count, but there’s a lot of gear to boost cold damage. Thunderstorm feels more limited in the gear department, and the slots compete with fathom and Nightwings.

Personally for sorc I’d reduce synergies across the trees and encourage players to use at least two elements. Maybe reduce blizz, fireball, and lightning synergies by 1 and add that damage into the skill. So they don’t feel so rigid but are still the strongest single element builds.

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That’s good news. Thunderstorm with a rework might feel pretty good at p1-3. :smiley:

It is appealing to have pure element / heavy investment synergies that provide higher damage output. There should be some reward if a Sorceress wants to dedicate herself to just one element.

But you’re right, Rydia; there simply are too many of these paths currently. Especially with immunities in play.

I’d prefer at least one branch of each tree to have Hybrid options available. Similarly there should be at least one branch of each tree that has a Pure element option.

I do like Blizzard, Lightning/CL, Fire Ball/Meteor as pure element paths.

I think a change to the Masteries is the best place to alter a skill to free up points.

If Lightning Mastery and Fire Mastery had:

  • -Res% / Pierce% effects, similar to Cold Mastery (though perhaps lesser or different in value)


  • Lower amount of Lightning Dmg% / Fire Dmg% granted per soft point.

they would both perform better at lower gear and character levels (pre-infinity) and would also free up points for Hybrid builds.

The best thing is how many points are freed depends on how much you’d want to invest in that element. More player choice.

Okay, I went off the rails again. :train2: Chew! Choo!

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