Some of my offline characters have been erased and idk why

This is the second time since I got D2 resurrected on my Xbox that my offline characters have been seemingly deleted. I had a lvl 80-90 necro and sorc. What’s strange is I still have the level 1 mule I used for more space and my stash is still filled with all the stuff I collected, runes, gear, gems and gold… just my characters are gone.

Can anybody shed any light on this unfortunate mishap for me? It’s not like I used some dupe glitch or cheated in any way. I created the offline characters, played them until I didn’t and uninstalled the game when I knew I was done for the time being.

I don’t think that could have done anything tho cuz like I said I still have my offline mule and stash is full as I last left it.

I had some good stuff they were using I wanted to transfer over to my new paladin and obviously I can’t do that.

Is this some bug and I can do something to restore them? Last I played was around March or April.

EDIT: Okay so I did some googling and someone mentioned changing the clock to get certain terror zones can cause problems and I absolutely forgot I did that. But I promise I also remember asking if there was any repercussions for doing so and I was told nothing would happen.

I Only have two guesses, A. Do you have a wife or a girlfriend? If so, it might be possible she delete your characters because you’re spending too much time on your Xbox.

B. Since this game is being sold as something it’s not, off-line mode is not true “ Single player “ , Off-line mode is Limited to 30 days of being off-line, then you are forced to connect to battlenet servers To authenticate your product a.k.a. ask for permission to play the game that was sold to you under a perpetual license, and to force any new updates, because of the whole live service game scam, So it is very possible because of blizzards TOS and EULA That you agreed to means blizzard can go in and delete all your characters or change things or completely ban you from online play or do whatever they want, it is possible blizzard deleted your characters, That whole 30 day temporary off-line is why I refunded this game from nintendo after playing it for a month, because the product that was sold to me under perpetual license quit functioning. Because blizzard Withheld the function of the product, people need to wake up to these live service game frauds. This game just like Diablo 4 Should be sold like World of Warcraft under a “subscription license” the game should be Free with a $10 monthly fee, If they want to make it a online only game.

:clown_face: you keep hijacking every topic for your rubbish license propaganda that nobody cares about, it is beyond pathetic. Seek professional help…

Blizzard cannot delete/alter any offline character, they can probably ban you using the product, that is it. For characters, I am sure they can do whatever they want but the real practice is to just ban your account, no point individually messing with anyone’s heros.