Whenever I start up the game my hotkeys for any character aren’t saved to them. I need to completely re-bind my hotkeys every time i log back in (they carry between games but not once i sign out and back in).
I’ve tried saving them, I’ve done save and exits, and checked permissions, loaded the game as admin. Even tried deleting the .key file and havint it repopulate itself as I relogged and adjusted them again. nothing works.
This didn’t occur previously, and i’m not sure when this bug occured. It’s occured on the ptr as well when I played it, but I’d assumed that was ptr specific as the characters were rerolled often (esp when deleted). Now that i’m back on the actual game itself, and the problem persists. It seems it’s occured around when the ptr patch was updated/released
I don’t know if this will help, but you might want to look this over and see if it gives you some idea what might be happening: About Custom Key Bindings
done all of these. I played enough to nearly fully guild a trap sin before taking a little time off. return a little after ptr and they no longer save.
happen to know if the plan to fix it anytime soon? I’m not on the most often and my internet can randomly cut out for 3-4 seconds causing a d/c making me reload the game. . in every case, I need to completely reassign hotkeys, it’s rather tedius to say the least. . . Like, theirs no point even logging in unless i’ll be on for a couple hours at least.
I don’t expect blizz to respond in any meaningful way. they never do. so I guess you probably won’t know the answer to that either.