Since using FoH Paladin I’m unable to pick up items


Playing on PS5 here, if I use or cast FoH and then attempt to pick up or interact with anything (open a door, chest, kick a barrel, pick up a item) I can not and my character just runs around weirdly.

If I cast charge skill it like clears it and I can then interact with anything until again If I use FoH and then it starts all over again.


I’m having the same issue on xbox. Can’t pick up anything while mercenary is near as it just tries to target the merc for some reason. Even auto pick up gold doesn’t work. Have to run of to drag merc away then quickly run back to pick stuff up before merc catches up. Seen a few posts on diablo group on face book of people having same issue, I’ve tried turning off show party members as someone suggested but that isn’t fixing it either. Only happens on fist of heavens build


I have found the issue to be with holy bolt. When you have it mapped to a button it is constantly trying to target the merc preventing you being able to pick anything up. Un mapping it fixes the issue but obviously means you can’t use holy bolt.


I have the same issue on nintendo switch



I have thé same problem. PS5

I Hope a patch for thé ladder

There’s 3 separate lines in the patch notes about fixing this and it’s NOT fixed at all. Literally the exact same issues post-patch as before. I just tested it and even remapped the skills, took them off and on again and it still has all the same targeting and pick up issues. :man_facepalming:

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Are we sure the patch hit the Switch? I’m still crashing in the tower


They made a change due to this and now foh is ruined PC pvp – they need to figure out a different way than the change they made.

FOH on switch still has this issue

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You don’t have any skill bound to the pick up button right? It should be empty (I guess that it’s the ‘A’ button switch?)

That is correct, no skills bound to the A button