Simple changes i would like to see!

I hope more builds raise from F or C tier to A and B tier so they are viable choices
I think we need currency stash (Diamond,Rune stash) -Runestash (33 slots) Diamond stash (35 slots)
I think uniques need to be stronger and to accompany new revived builds(such hydra sorceress ,Concentrate barb runeword,Summoner druid,Fire bowazon etc) just giving them edge in mid to high end game.


Simple change I would love - remove Fear from Grimward, and let it be made on undead corpses too.


My top 3 changes that I want would probably be:

  1. Charm Tab / Inventory

  2. Rune / Gem / Key / Essence tab in the stash

  3. More skill balance, especially for underperforming skills

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holy grail

better character management interface (for us masochists who wish organize an army of characters)

TP speed that increases with skill level

slow TP (lvl3-5) in enigma

: )

oh, and the peace runeword should not keep respawning the Valk… it is annoying…

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do you mean the LOADING time it takes your PC / console to load the game… be diminished… because you’re a higher lvl, am i understanding that right?

A lot of people abbreviate “teleport” as “TP”, which of course is somewhat confusing with “Town Portal” also being abbreviated as “TP”.

Based on context clues I’m guessing D22000 is proposing that:

  1. Teleport skill has some sort of Cool Down that makes it slower at lower levels, and additional points in Teleport skill reduce that CD to make it so you can teleport faster.
  2. Enigma get Teleport Skill level 3-5 to ensure there is a CD on it that makes it worse than Sorceresses Teleport Skill could be.

Just a guess and I’m not saying I agree.

that’s what I would propose


for the barb:
-remove the whole “click to one point for WW” mechanic. instead make it free to roll around like crazy and add a mana cost per second.
-remove the howl synergy for frenzy
-add WW as frenzy synergy
-give WW a synergy, and make this synergy frenzy.
-let frenzy ias apply to WW
-increase frenzy duration by 3 seconds
-bind leap or leap attack speed to runspeed

that would be so much fun!
and still not OP as hammerdin, the ASSA meta or certain sorc builds but it would give the barb something that melee chars miss.

also rework durability costs and durability loss just by 70% in time and 80% in cost for superior items. and increase durability amount in general by 100%

@Blizzard pls

it would be better if the game would let sorcs invest skill points for a faster TP… that is, let them make another trade off with damage

on the other hand, melee chars would be mobile if they use enigma, but not as mobile as sorcs, it would be a low level TP, a slow one

sorcs would be more mobile as they should but even more frail
melee would be mobile but on a basic level
diversity would increase and enigma would not be so OP

This is basically what he meant based off context clues. Some way of making it operate outside of the FCR BP system.

I don’t get people’s fetish with Enigma or teleport and thinking it needs changes. If teleport is removed, people are just going to find other ways to be efficient.

replying to your Barb recommendations:

Howl as a Synergy for Frenzy indeed doesn’t make sense but should that matter? Synergies don’t have to make sense imo. Making WW a synergy of Frenzy reminds me of the 2-H dilemma that we have from 2.43. Making Frenzy a synergy of WW only makes things worse because why go 2-H WW anymore. Frenzy IAS already applies to WW but I bet you already knew that(apparently not…). Frenzy duration is increased via synergy(Increased Stamina 0.4 seconds/level → +8 seconds fully maxed, yielding 14 seconds. That not long enough for you?). Not sure how you’d handle your last recommendation, but I wouldn’t do it other than perhaps making Leap Attack AoE apply a multiplier from your Run Speed(more you got, more it hurts. Vigor Aura amplifies it).

  • 2 skill points per lvl up (fix for too specialzed synergie system)
  • increased inventory to 10x6
  • unlimited respecs on normal mode
  • all summons keep when exit the game
  • end game maps with 99lvl monsters and multiple rdm bosses
  • Mosaic mechanic moved to MA and CM
  • recipe to roll max socets in magic/rare/unique items
  • buffed melee
  • buffed rare and crafts
  • +100FRW when Stamina is full, +50FRW when is under 50%, 0 when is 0%
  • new Item: Book of Teleport skill
  1. stop calling it TP. it’s tele. TP is the abbreviation for TOWN PORTAL. that’s how it’s always been in d2, no one calls teleport TP.

  2. no. we already have a metric to gain FASTER CAST RATE. it’s already there. we don’t need another one.

  3. melee characterse can also use FCR. what is this nonsense.

: )

the game would be better though, more fair, imho

  1. is that so?
  2. nothing to do with FCR, we are talking about the skill’s own mechanic which only involves mana cost that is, it is broken
  3. some people like enigma because it changed the game… they are playing melee based on a caster’s OP skill. The skill should have a cool off effect which should diminish with the number of skill points invested. Or enigma should give a very slow skill

but that’s my 2 cents, what do I care, I play SPSF

go back into your hole then. you have a terrible take.

enigma should just get removed though.

it is a very nice take

even if enigma is removed the teleport skill should be faster with more investment (not talking about FCR)

but anyway,

I think that I will stick around a little bit, maybe make a good habit of it

well at least i can count on they are definitely not taking your ideas. lol.

I can remember when the original devs tried to fix teleport being a go to skill. They actually thought making areas like the Durance of hate bigger was going to make teleport less of an option. Spoiler alert. It made teleport more necessary.

They need to adjust the rate of unique drops off random mobs and not have bosses be the ultra loot pinatas.

A really simple request

ban bots, block their ip’s, that way they cannot bot and they cant keep posting on the forums asking for help with their bots by giving them more …