Separate Strict Remaster and Modern Realms in D2R

lol It’s ok Vechain. I didn’t force anyone to do anything. It was the original Diablo II Blizzard team’s vision to make the game the way it is now, and they didn’t force you to play it either.

If you want to play on modded fan-fiction D2r servers where small minorities of dudes go because they for whatever reason like the idea of Corruption or Personal Loot or Firebolt hitting as hard as meteor, just wait awhile and I’m sure you’ll get what you want.

Oh and also, I noticed that 90% of your responses to other forum users are completely sarcastic in nature. It looks like ignorant hoo-ha which people will generally ignore. If you want to push an agenda of getting other forum users to understand your “vision” of what D2r should be so that they agree with you and also begin to voice for similar changes so that those changes might actually happen, you’re going to need to drop that sarcastic approach and start providing actual statements with factual & knowledgeable discussion behind it. Pure sarcasm will only land you in a position where you have a bad forum reputation.