Season 5 - Calling for Well Deserved Nerfs

Yea them giving more love to melee and making guess what NEW RUNEWORDS for melee would be great both armors and shields and weapons!

My question to you is why? No matter what you think, you aren’t forced to play the meta builds or use best in slot gear. If you want to use that Lidless instead of Spirit and use ViperMagi instead of Enigma, you can!

The only reason you would want nerfs is to force other people to not play as efficiently. And why would you want that? Why try to control how others play?

If you think this will help control the economy because people are less efficient at farming, then let me introduce you to the larger problems of botting and now duping that are much more impactful to the economy.

Nerfing things won’t make you play other classes. The majority will still roll a Blizz sorc and farm gear for the next class to play.

Overall I’m not against your suggestions, I just don’t think it’s necessary to do.


A little bit too late, already destroyed the game, by the time next season comes most ppl will transition to d4, if not out yet they will just wait instead of playing this crap

Nerf Grief buff other melee skills/items - yes.

Then balance casters all else else around melee.

Or, do what you want, but make an SSF online ladder.

What we cannot do is buff melee to cold sorc levels so there is no choice of a challenge left.


I think the only problem game has is that Cold Sorc has a three times an Infinity runeword effect by default. Thats extremely powerful to have early on when all other builds need some sort of super expensive runeword to meet the damage. If we add to that free TELEPORT, we dare to say cold soso is broken.

But what is broken is fun isnt ? So instead of nerf Cold soso why to not provide all other classes/builds a new passive MASTERY that will ahve the very same effect as Cold Mastery and have every build as viable as cold soso so people have fun with multiple builds ?

Most likely though that wont happen because itll need a lot more work than just nerf cold mastery.

Also for people who call out for nerfs … the more nerfs youll be making to other classes/runewords the more desirable SOSO will be like in the old times. The issue is not to bring SOSO down and make game a chore but to bring everything else up so people dont mind to choose something else than soso.

The ultimate goal is for D2R to be fun with all different builds for all different content. Sunder is the only way that can be possible so is a welcomed addition, i had to have such fun with Diablo 2 since 1.10 early days.

I should have prefaced with the thread below for Itemization Improvements to account for the developers buffing uniques and melee in general, which should be done in tandem with the proposed nerfs in the OP…

The problem with grief is not that its too powerful, but rather that everything else is too underpowered, melee is just way more difficult compared to the same investment for other classes.

An easy way to nerf grief without nerfing all melee, is to increase the base damage of white melee bases, it wont affect grief much, but will boost the ED of other melee runewords and help all melee at the same time.


Agreed. Nerfing Grief, and then following up with buffing old school uniques and lackluster melee skills (e.g. whirlwind, vengeance, impale, rabies, etc.) would be the best path forward for the health of the game.

Great post OP.

I play all those builds and they’re all busted, bringing them down a notch would be good for the health of the game, and would make them more interesting to gear.

There’s no good reason why Cold Sorc can get away with taking everything in the game to maximum negative resists with zero gear investment beyond just 1 Sunder.

Hammerdin is in a similar spot where it’s too effective out of the gate with zero gear investment.

Blizzard put a little disclaimer on Cold Mastery being tuned properly in their patch notes before this season launched; they were dead wrong on their analysis, or they don’t understand their own game.

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HELL NO, how about they BUFF the other classes that are not being utilized? Stop trying to take the fun out of the game. Thank god you are a nobody with 0 say.


this op is a real jerk

You guys need to learn to read, or think for a little before posting. OP has way more knowledge than most of you I would bet.

I am going to be nice and give you a fish, although you should learn to fish yourselves: OP is saying nerf Grief BUT buff Melee somehow (itemization, or skills). Literally how is this hard to comprehend? OP is not wrong at all and this would be a very healthy change to the game.

Also people crying about nerfs because “you just want to control other people” it’s just so silly. No, it’s because we notice flaws in the game we love and we want to improve it. And yes, we have the right to complain if people are being more efficient by abusing said balance flaws.

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this is great to read

people need to go an see by themselves

“but cold sorce…” they say

cold sorce is doing what she already did in ancient tunnels, nothing more

im gonna add that the phys Scharm helped alot my necro, i finally can farm ghosts as fast as i could anything else

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Sounds reasonable

No, the whole point of Terror-Zones + Sunder Charms was to make more of the game viable for non 10h per day players with multiple Ber runes lying around.
Cold Mastery + Sunder Charms fit this perfectly, as a starter and is already limited on the top end by the -100 resistance cap, which in turn means cold skills only get a meager +100% damage maximum anyway. The maximum damage potential of other elements is already way higher, if you have the gear.
Having cold as a starter with low gear requirement to transition to something else for more damage, if you play long enough to acquire the necessary gear is already a nice progression.

And what about this nerf should be hefty? Ranges only lead to more frustration, and as you said the runes are so cheap you just reroll until you get what you want.
All you do with this is to slow down the initial progression, of you are on the side of bad luck on your first spirit, until you get strong enough to farm all the necessary runes fast anyway.

Attack based builds already have it hard enough in this game, they do not need another nerf.


spirit changing to 1-2 is LOL. That does not change anything at all.
It is so cheap, you just redo it…!

Grief might be completely OP, but the main issue is, that all the other weapons are SO bad. Melee already struggle…why nerf them?


Developers said cold mastery is at 100% because it does not make it more powerful than 1/5 conviction and 1/5 lower resistance. I don’t see how you all know more than the Developers considering they are the ones looking at all the numbers. honestly and I say this for fun just to make all the bad kids rage they should have only made one sunder charm that only broke cold immunities and made the rest of you suffer with infinity and lower res haha!


LR/convic nerf was a bad move
it harmed more non-cold sorce builds than cold sorce
what it did to cold sorce? just made her invest more points into CM
what it did to non cold sorce elemental builds? completely nerfed their dmg potential

People are crazy if they think it would “kill” cold sorc to make them deal with the 1/5th penalty on cold immunes. It’s been one of the most popular builds since forever… and that was vs full on immunes.

Cold would still only have to deal with around 50-60% resists(less with facets)… it would still kill those just fine but allow for there to actually be a noticeable difference between enemy types… and the give cold facets a bit of power back.

Still the best solution would just be to remove the stupid charms.


That’s fine by me, but I’d like Cold Mastery to pierce immunities the way Conviction and Lesser Resist do. That would make the skills even, since the reason those other skills have the 1/5th penalty is because they pierce immunities.

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That was my original thought to reduce Spirit to +1 to all skills, and is the best solution. Spirit needs a hefty nerf as it is so cheap and outclasses other items. Making it a range of +1-2 only leads to more frustration, which is not the goal. The goal is a well deserved nerf. Updated OP.

Keeping Grief in the broken state to keep melee semi-viable is a bandaid solution. The best approach to fix melee is to nerf Grief, and then follow up with implementing a massive patch to improve itemization, with special focus on buffing old school uniques. See thread below.

Itemization Improvements

Sounds like a good idea to me, consistent mechanics. If Cold Mastery is nerfed to 1/5 penalty, then the developers should consider adding ability to pierce immunities the way Conviction and Lesser Resist does.

Just trying to have a healthy discussion with the community. No need for vitriol. Good day.