Season 4 Ladder character can't withdraw items from Season 3

Hi, everyone. I met a problem when Season 4 started. I do find the checkbox “past” on old Season 3 characters. But I can’t find the checkbox “past” in my new created Season 4 Ladder characters. is this my local installation’s problem, or players just can’t withdraw items from the previous Season 3 to the new Season 4?

Thank you for reading : )

You can’t transfer items obtained during season 3 ladder to the current season 4 ladder. You will only see the “past” checkbox on non-ladder characters.

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I just read the “Diablo II: Resurrected Ladder Season 4 Now Live”, it mentioned "You will have all of Ladder Season 4 to withdraw any items you would like to keep from Season 3. ", according to what I understand, I can withdraw any items from Season 3 to Season 4. Or it means I can withdraw from Season 3 during the period of time of Season 4?

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The previous ladder items become non-ladder. You can withdraw the previous season ladder items with your non-ladder characters.

Not sure how else I can explain it, but it’s true.

Think about it… Why would they allow you to transfer your previous ladder items to a fresh new ladder?

I’ll post it to Bug Report to let Blizzard to see it, it could be a bug that I can’t withdraw from Season 3 to Season 4. it should work this way, think how great it is, save a lot of time to mf : )

It’s not a bug… lol

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Once Ladder Season 3 ends, all Ladder characters will be transferred to their respective non-ladder group. All items in that character group’s shared stash go into a new Withdraw Only set of Shared Stash tabs, denoted by a check marked Past box. Any items from Ladder Season 2 stored in the Withdraw Only tabs will be lost at this time. You will have all of Ladder Season 4 to withdraw any items you would like to keep from Season 3. When Ladder Season 4 ends, this withdraw only set of stash tabs will be overridden with any items in the Ladder Season 4 Shared Stash. Be sure to get any items out before then or they will be forever lost!

The first bolded part transfers everything to non ladder and then the rest of that applies.

It is poorly written but darkjedi is correct.


I start to understand why Blizzard put our Season 3 shared stash to a past stash, because the people played Season 2 have items on their non-ladder shard stash, if Blizzard doesn’t create a past stash, there will be no place for Season 3’s shared stash to become non-ladder stash. So they created a past stash to store the new come Season 3’s shared stash.

Can’t say if trolling or just oblivious lol

Average ploot and runestacking enjoyer lmao

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LMAO, most likely. Prolly only plays softcore, too :smiley:

that’s the bug. THe idea behind ladder is that everyone starts fresh. So only NL chars can access the “past” stash.

I don’t think i really agree. seems to be a waste of time allowing a shared stash
with withdraw only tabs for the past ladder only for NL. Kind of like saying eth bugged Armour that goes up in def when a random socket gamble is done is a bug. It isn’t
It’s a feature. Because players SAY it is NOT because Blizzard says it isn’t. Seriously,
why would anyone want old NL equipment for NL anyways !? And if Blizzard disagrees
well ok i guess that’s how it has to be, it just means a lot of trading will have to done
YET again and we all know the last time it was tried to include an in game feature for
trading what happened which also means players will either have to be psychic or use secondary trading sites to suss out and trade to get new gear. Not that i am advocating
any form of cheating.

you do understand what the point of a ladder is right? being able to bring items with you into the ladder undermines the entire point of the ladder. this isnt a casual season like most games have. this is the way its been for 23 years. you can’t just compare it to the old ebug mechanic being patched. entirely different ballparks, i dont even know what kind of mental hurdles you have to jump through to make that comparison