Terror zone is 1 area per game
I’m talking about a mechanic that makes you explore a whole game and where the time you invest in a game makes it better for you
Rather than the current boring 1 area pump and dump meta
Terror zone is 1 area per game
I’m talking about a mechanic that makes you explore a whole game and where the time you invest in a game makes it better for you
Rather than the current boring 1 area pump and dump meta
I understand what you are saying, but this is very similar to TZ mechanic and completely different discussion than buffing wet noodle bosses.
I highly recommend the devs fix Diablo’s firehose for Nightmare/Hell, and ESPECIALLY Uber Diablo and DClone to restore the terror that he is supposed to be known for.
Also they should create a Baal Clone for Terror Zones with a new item of some sort. He would be teleporting and slaughtering player after player. It would be so epic.
Giving every superunique 3 modifiers could be a good starting point.
I’m surprised dev’s haven’t fixed this bug yet.