[SC/L] Barter Items 😂

Chance guards
Gold wrap
Arioc’s needle
Thunderstroke Javelin +4
Guardian Angel
Verdungo’s belt

Trang oul’s trophy
Trang oul’s belt
Sazabi’s sword
Tal Rasha helm
Griswold’s helm
Dark Adherent

Shako 163
Phase blade
Phase blade 6 sockets
Thresher 4 sockets
Dusk Shroud 3 sockets
Dusk Shroud 514 def
Ghost Spear 6 sockets
Broad sword 4 sockets

Grand charm +1 fire sorc
Caster Amulet +1 necro skills , poison res 30%, replenish life, 15 mana
Amulet +2 to druid skills, 35 light res, 17 fire res, 80% gold

Poison -75
Fire - 73

Looking for
Cold sorc charms
Perfect Amethyst
Tal Rashas Amulet and Armor

Hey, can i buy your Thunderstroke for a Mal rune?

It’s a deal :grinning:
Please add me: Caszual #1100

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Um for the Dracs

Sure thing. I’m online now.

I won’t be on till later tonight. Do you mind holding it for me?

What’s your timezone? :joy:

Mountain standard time.

It’s 7:34 am for me right now I’m at work for the next 10 hours

I might be able to have a buddy grab them from you I’ll let you know

Cool. :grinning: 20-character reply met.

I can’t add you as a friend for some reason :confused:

Same here. Getting failed to send request :unamused:

Alright we’ll if you still have them in the morning before I got to work I’ll buy them off you.

My buddy doesn’t have an Um rune at the moment

Hi there, I’m interested in Sazabi’s armor. Would you know what the defense and life on it is?

Yep. still have it. Try adding me when you’re online. Thanks

Sounds good. I’ll be online shortly.

Hi. The roll is pretty low :sweat_smile: 814 def, 55 life

Would you take a fal for it?

Fal it is. >>>>>>>>>>

Thanks for the trade!

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added you