Sanctuary should include Demons and a +magic damage on hit

Like the other damage auras, Sanctuary should have an inherent +magic damage on hit that increases per level (1000 at level 20 sounds right, maybe 2000), and also effect Demons along with Undead.

In the end, this is still a pretty weak ability even with these buffs, this would barely give the skill a memes chance in hell, but it NEEDS to be done because right now it’s absolutely not a playable skill. My exceptional mathematical skills calculate this change would place this skill built with zeal as still the worst aura in tandem, but at least you could play it somewhat just like FoH holy bolt is done in special areas only.

Please Blizzard do this.

Level 20
Radius(yards) 19.3
Magic aura Damage 113–276 vs Undead and Demons
Damage +870% To Melee Attacks vs Undead and Demons
Magic Damage on hit 1000


I mean…with the changes to Holy Bolt, you’re not wrong. But if they’re really going to continue changing D2 so much, then they should be looking at more than just Holy Bolt or Sanctuary, or whatever else they did in 2.4. Make some sweeping changes if they’re going to do some changes. Add Inferno difficulty after Hell. Make the rest of the skills currently not used, better in similar ways. And etc. I hate this ticky tack approach they’ve taken where some get the goods (like Pally), while others are left wondering wtf (like MA Sins). Either go one way, or another, don’t go in all different directions.

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This is what my endgame concept solves, it’s a great equalizer in term of damage type

Then once you kill baal, games you create have a new mechanic.

The more monsters you kill the harder the remaining ones get

+life, +damage ,+ resistance(including magic)

No more immunities, monsters are capped at 95. Resistances above 95 are added back as extra life

No more magic damage OPness since monsters gain resistance to it

Initially I was going to propose Sanctuary affecting Demons but came to realize that it’d be way too strong if this were to go through. You have to remember that on top of periodically knocking enemies back with Magic Damage and adding a massive %Multiplier to your Physical Damage, Sanctuary’s main perk, and an OP one may I add, is that affected enemies effectively have their Physical Resistance ignored and that includes PHSYCIAL IMMUNES.

To quote from the skill itself:

Effect: Damages and does knockback to the Undead. Ignores Physical Resistances and Immunities Of Undead Monsters.

Under your proposal it would mean that any Undead or Demon target, including anything Physical Immune, would effectively be at your mercy since most monsters on Hell have 50% Physical Resistance(meaning at bare minimum your Physical Damage is face value instead of being halved). Fortunately, the skill doesn’t work on Bosses(Ex: Diablo) so if it were to include Demons it won’t make Boss Fights super easy. That being said, if you include Demons into this equation, you will make Paladins and coincidentally Act 5 Mercenaries insanely strong as Lawbringer would be a must-have Runeword since it not only has Sanctuary aura but also Decrepify. Decrepify with all affected enemies at 0% Resistance would be so strong its not even funny. Decrepify on Undead/Demon would effectively put them at -50 Physical Resistance from the usual +50 or outright Immunity. It’d just leave Animal/Beast enemies who are not that hard to beat since the vast majority are not PI save for Swarm’s and Stone Skin Uniques.

Therefore, the skill doesn’t need Magic Damage on attack as the Physical Resistance perk is the strength of the skill. I would be in favor of expanding it to include Ranged Attacks since, AFAIK, it only applies to Melee.

I do not understand why some do not think some steps ahead.
There are uniques or runewords that grant that aura.

While I agree that the aura is not playable for a solo build (not every skill has to…), further buffs to paladins are NOT welcome.

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Yeah pretty much every FoHdin would start to use it, to wreck CS and Pindle even faster. And every Boss basicly.

bad idea, sorry. goes against lore, but also would throw balance out the window

haha you’re joking right?

please show me an example of a build that this would be overpowered with.

we literally already reduce mob resists to -100 with conviction.

with decrep it would be op? LOL what? we already can amp damage…

i cant tell if you’re trolling me or not.


I’d like to request blizzard do a game query to check if anybody in the entire ladder has more than 1 point into this skill and then show results.

pro tip:


the total will be 0

nobody even uses this skill now to far niche locations of undead because it’s still underwhelming even in it’s best environment.


No, it would be too op.

Increased dmg with synergy would be good tho.

Well i would be ok with dmg to demons but not with knockback effect. Thats woold be too good.

Also this would be way too strong. You have no idea how broken barb merc would be with two azurewraths.

Even now can merc with azurewraths totaly wreck undeads.

oh no, something besides infinty act 2 merc could be useful omg what we cant let that happen.

Dual Azurewrath with this chance would still be dogpoop compared to Eth upped Headstrikers.

Eth upped Headstriker hits for an average damage of 12,000 per hit. i’ve done the testing.

Go test double azurewrath or just one with eth headstriker on undeads…its freaking strong after sanctuary bug fix. And you want it to be able dmg demons too.

Just because we have stupidly op RW infinity doesnt mean we need more thing to to bring at same level to make game easier. I am fine with buffing sanctuary but you want too much.


you have no idea how the game mechanics work for mercs.

Eth upped headstriker has a max damage of 660 for a barb merc. it gives 100% chance to crit, and he can crit inherently again on the same swing for a total of 400% damage.

Nothing comes close to it.

I saw your video of dual Azurewraths killing pindle and it made me laugh pretty hard at how slow it was. I see you socketed something there, was it 2 ber runes into the swords so you could do damage? Your opinion is not based on facts.

And you showed nothing.

Btw your dmg with headstriker will e halved for undeads. Some will be even immune to your headstrike merc.

Anyway did you completely forgot what is this topic about? its about sanctuary. Azutrewrath is using it so is lawbringer and you can both combine it with thar eth headstriker of course.


DPS STATISTICS FOR Act 5 merc with max frenzy stacks (fortitude and Andariel’s)

Versus non-undead


With dual Azurewrath vs non-undead
Damage: 3789–4653
Off-hand Damage: 3789–4653
Attack Rate: 9 frames per 2 hits (5.56 hits per second)
Damage per Second: 23,391
Attack: 11,696
Off-Hand: 11,696

With dual Eth upped Headstrikers vs non-undead
Damage: 4595–7476
Off-hand Damage: 4595–7476
Attack Rate: 9 frames per 2 hits (5.56 hits per second)
Damage per Second: 66,896
Attack: 33,448
Off-Hand: 33,448

With dual wielding Azurewrath and Eth upped Headstriker vs non-undead
Damage: 4595–7476
Off-hand Damage: 4498–5439
Attack Rate: 9 frames per 2 hits (5.56 hits per second)
Damage per Second: 47,215
Attack: 33,448
Off-Hand: 13,767

Versus Undead


With dual Azurewrath vs Undead (lvl 26 Sanctuary)
Damage: 6311–7231
Off-hand Damage: 6311–7231
Attack Rate: 9 frames per 2 hits (5.56 hits per second)
Damage per Second: 37,523
Attack: 18,761
Off-Hand: 18,761

With dual Eth upped Headstrikers vs undead
Damage: 1890–3076
Off-hand Damage: 1890–3076
Attack Rate: 9 frames per 2 hits (5.56 hits per second)
Damage per Second: 27,521
Attack: 13,761
Off-Hand: 13,761

With dual wielding Azurewrath and Eth upped Headstriker vs undead
Damage: 5586–9089
Off-hand Damage: 5110–5897
Attack Rate: 9 frames per 2 hits (5.56 hits per second)
Damage per Second: 55,912
Attack: 40,663
Off-Hand: 15,249

VS Hell Baal


With dual Azurewrath vs Hell Baal
Damage: 2020–2576
Off-hand Damage: 2020–2576
Attack Rate: 9 frames per 2 hits (5.56 hits per second)
Damage per Second: 4667
Attack: 2333
Off-Hand: 2333
Time to kill: 357.03 seconds

With dual Eth upped Headstrikers vs Hell Baal
Damage: 1890–3076
Off-hand Damage: 1890–3076
Attack Rate: 9 frames per 2 hits (5.56 hits per second)
Damage per Second: 9895
Attack: 4947
Off-Hand: 4947
Time to kill: 168.39 seconds

With dual wielding Azurewrath and Eth upped Headstriker vs Hell Baal
Damage: 1890–3076
Off-hand Damage: 2020–2576
Attack Rate: 9 frames per 2 hits (5.56 hits per second)
Damage per Second: 7308
Attack: 4996
Off-Hand: 2312
Time to kill: 228.00 seconds

dual wielding Last Wish and Eth upped Headstriker


With dual wielding Last Wish and Eth upped Headstriker vs non-undead
Damage: 5250–8542
Off-hand Damage: 5532–6154
Attack Rate: 9 frames per 2 hits (5.56 hits per second)
Damage per Second: 54,582
Attack: 38,215
Off-Hand: 16,190
Charged Bolt - Spell: 177
Crushing Blow: up to 12,145 damage per second

With dual wielding Last Wish and Eth upped Headstriker vs Hell Baal
Damage: 2218–3609
Off-hand Damage: 2337–2600
Attack Rate: 9 frames per 2 hits (5.56 hits per second)
Damage per Second: 8352
Attack: 5804
Off-Hand: 2459
Charged Bolt - Spell: 89
Crushing Blow: up to 69,163 damage per second
Time to kill: 53.67 seconds

With dual Eth upped Headstrikers (wearing Guillaume’s helm) vs Hell Baal
Damage: 1846–3004
Off-hand Damage: 1846–3004
Attack Rate: 10 frames per 2 hits (5 hits per second)
Damage per Second: 8604
Attack: 4302
Off-Hand: 4302
Crushing Blow: up to 61,578 damage per second
Time to kill: 56.79 seconds (proving Last Wish is noob bait waste of runes)

Conclusion of my thorough and INDISPUTABLE EVIDENCE:
My original proposal WOULD ONLY MAKE THE SKILL VIABLE. NOT OVERPOWERED AS SOME PEOPLE WHO DO NOT HAVE AN INTRICATE KNOWLEDGE OF THE GAME MECHANICS LIKE I DO HAVE CLAIMED. To think that it should not be buffed because you did a simple 2min test on pindleskin is RIDICULOUS and reckless imo. I AM THE GAME MECHANICS QUEEN. There is nothing about this game that i don’t know.

Sanctuary would simply become a CHOICE, like fanaticism, conviction, and the elemental auras. It would still be less used and not as strong as the other auras, but we might see a few holy paladins playing with it once in a while.

Now that i have PROVEN without a doubt in the court of D2R forums that this buff would not exceed anything already in game, especially on mercs which have stronger choices, PLEASE CONSIDER MAKING THIS SKILL A VIABLE OPTION.



Make it a good PvE only aura. You get massive damage, yes but you dont get any dmg vs animals and no ias/attack rating like from Fanaticism.

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Where did you calculate monster damage resistance? Undeads have quite high damage resistances . Many demons too.

Considering resistances, it looks like Eth upped headstriker is best with Azurewrath together right?

Can you make calculation with azure+headstrike with your improved sanctuary?

Sanctuary aura is more about using Lawbringer and Azurewrath than using it as paladin himself.

I was using Grief + Azurewrath for my WW barb and he cleared p8 throne room or chaos sanctuary very well. That was before 2.4 patch. With % dmg bonus now working it is stronger.

My opinion on your idea: giving +1000 magic dmg on hit is fine. I don’t like working it on demons.

my improved Sanctuary would add 1k damage per hit, just like cold/lightning/fire add, and be semi-usable against non-undead. Very weak without fury/zeal, so-so decent with fury/zeal.
Undead are a very small portion of mobs in the entire game. Look at the new FoH pally and how it still struggle in half the game.

I’m not trolling you as I completely see where you are coming from, but my point was more so about the Act 5 Mercenary than the Paladin itself. I don’t need to tell you how broken it would be to have a 427 average damage Headstriker(Ethereal and upgraded) on a level 90 Paladin before Strength/%Undead/Zeal/Fortitude/Might is applied. Then Zeal APS and you’d reasonably be hitting ~50k+ DPS against anything Undead, including PI with no curse. Slap Decrepify on them and its now ~75k+ DPS.

Then take above and apply it to Demons which when combined with Undead is ~80% of the entire game and you ought to see my point about how stupidly broken that would be.

[quote=“DarkHelmet-1157, post:4, topic:129822”]Initially I was going to propose Sanctuary affecting Demons but came to realize that it’d be way too strong if this were to go through. You have to remember that on top of periodically knocking enemies back with Magic Damage and adding a massive %Multiplier to your Physical Damage, Sanctuary’s main perk, and an OP one may I add, is that affected enemies effectively have their Physical Resistance ignored and that includes PHSYCIAL IMMUNES.

As a zeal/fanta/melee Pally, who plays primarily solo, Sant is the go to aura on weapon swap for dealing with physically immune.
I agree I’d not run it as my prime, but, does every skill in the game need be a “prime” skill?
I’m content with it filling a specialty role.

Hmmm… I wonder how my Azurewrath would work on my dual dream guy?
He was fun with hand of Justice…
Maybe it’s time to make a Lawbringer.