Same 20 games in lobby

Good point, and I agree. If it’s impossible, no worries, I’ll move on. I just think this game deserves to live to its full potential and right now, it’s most definitely not.

In my opinion guys like LLama and Debrunski are doing a great job in building up a community, getting people hyped up and interested, and even attracting new players. But I think this online mode is like a hole in a sinking ship, I think all their work is going to waste because there is no in-game community. The online mode is dull and lifeless. When I was a kid in 2002, the online mode is what made this game addicting. People were doing rushes all day, and everyone was excited to get into a cow game and level to 80 as fast as possible (the /COW channels were PACKED with thousands of players. I never saw that once since launch, and that’s all because the player base is split up.

That’s a great question. I’m hoping the PTR database udpates will help out with making any server changes in terms of connecting more players together (if that ever happens).

I think keeping a game hidden for 10+ minutes should stay hidden from the game list. That way people that are doing runs with people have a good chance of joining the next game.

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Pub hardcore games are essentially dead the way this system works.
I just want to see all games in my region instead of 0 - 2 max …


wait until LoD softcore community ladder is 1 month old and population split in ladder and non ladder. They will feel it too and start supporting us.

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No one plays non ladder.

What? There always was a big NL community, mainly the pvp community. They are not going to build new pvp chars every 4 months and then have no time to duel.