As a vengeance Paladin playing since v1.08 pvp and pve. I hate the idea of it being an aoe.
What I’d like to see are small changes. Vengeance mainly struggles aoe, But its fine not adding that. As it is suppose to be a strong 1 hit with all elementals.
Vengeance also struggles from
- Chance of hit / Low attack rating (even with conviction on)
- Attack speed
- Able to be interrupted while attacking
- Lack of +Elemental damage melee non weapon items. for example Ormus robe boosts up a good amount of elemental for vengeance but really sucks as a melee armor.
Like you said removal of salvation synergy would be a good start. - Due to lack of ele melee items… let Enhanced damage from non weapon items should work fully or partially.
You can check this topic out.