On the below mentioned thread we discussed mainly a rework of uniques with several ideas to help the Act 3 mercs (mainly a proposal to Lidless Wall, Hexfire and Splendor to a lesser extend). With only very few added RWs, one was specificially designed only to serve Act3 mercs.
Since they can not block (and I´m sure we wont see this changed) we only added affixes which would help specificially those dudes and the -100 to mana prevents other classes to us it on top of a relativ big price tag.
As DarkHelmet already mentioned some of your proposal are not possible with the current affix limit. And some stuff doesn´t make to much sense imho. E.g 100% chance of open wounds on "Gluttony "? How would that ever be applied?
Keep up thinking Make Iron Wolfes great “again”!