RuneWords not working

So I was gonna make Steel( tir+el)
i i got a sup 2 sot mace… put them in and it dint work.

plx look in to this and find the problem


I’ve made a Leaf, Stealth and Steel and they all worked. Are you sure you are using a white item and not a magic one?

yes i am
i woot post pic

Just tried to make a stealth, didn’t work either. Have screenshot

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Could you upload it and post a link? Would be really interesting to see.

I try runeword Nadir: Helms 2 sockets with Nef+Tir
Didn’t work

Pic(s) or it didn’t happen.

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Those have to be specific GREY items, not blue, not yellow.
Steel works in Swords, Axes and Maces, but not in Paladin scepters.
People are probably messing greys with blues, try to make 2 socket runewords in 3 socket items. Just google/youtube it, dont try to make it in wrong items and blame blizzard lol.


I am running into the same issue, I tried using just a white two socket Leather Armor to make Stealth but the runes are not going into the sockets. I also tried using a white two socket Scale Mail to make Stealth and the same problem happened.

By not going into the sockets do you mean you can’t even insert them? Try having the base item in your inventory, one noticed that you can’t socket items in stash (maybe only shared?) I was able to make a Steel axe successfully.

  • Runewords works only on white items
  • Runewods not works if item don’t have specific number of sockets

Crystal sword with 6 sockets… If you try to insert 4 runes, it will fail.
Because all sockets must be filled. That means you must use 4 socket item for 4 runes.

Thank you so much Insidious, it was the shared stash not allowing me to insert the runes.

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I can’t get Tir + El to work on a maul, it’s a mace right? It’s now a greytext “Gemmed Maul”, not superior/crude, no nothing just a “gemmed maul” Tir + El. I could swear it used to work :s

Mauls are probably considered as hammers.

I have the same problem with Nef + Tir “Nadir”. No runeword, only the effects of the runes themself. I put them on a simple mask with 2 sockets.

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Could be a magical mask with two sockets.

item your socketing cannot be in the shared stash it must be in your invintory or your personal stash tab.

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You probably put the runes into a Jewelers Mask which is a blue item with a Magical Jewelers prefix/suffix that gives sockets. Not the same as a white item with sockets. If the name is Blue, it won’t work.

this is the best thing ever. i love new people. xD

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Hi, why TirEl don’t work in maces? purediablo runeword calculator say it does. Its a bug or an error in their calculator? (try it in a War Hammer mace class weapon)