Runewords and MF

Does anyone else find that the addition of new runewords has made MF an obsolete stat on items? I’ve been playing offline for a bit, and I’m looking at my items contemplating why certain slots are always the same, whenever there is new item content, it was always runewords. Yes they’re fun but too many is just causing the uniques to pointless. I feel like the new runewords that were added in D2R should have just been reworked uniques or sets. Reworked uniques would probably revive the MF stat, though many will probably argue that the 4-5 uniques that are useful is enough, but I disagree.


You need MF for things that are not runewords like:
Rings, Amulets, Boots, Gloves, Belts, Helmets, Jewels, Charms, certain Armors or Weapons, etc…

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kinda seems like the issue I was describing

RWs had been an issue before d2r - the new RWs just made it (a bit) worse.
But even beforehand, you had 3-4 slots mostly occupied by RWs (plus 3-4 more if you count the merc) and 6 more for which MF and gambling are still good.

I don’t want RWs replaced, but to completely make uniques/rares obsolete in those slots kinda feels bad. I know rings, amulets, circlets and boots are always gonna be best as rares, but having uniques that are not completely garbage would be nice until you win the RNG lottery. The main offender I find awful is “Islestrike - Twin Axe” it’s meant to be for shapeshifting druids and I can’t imagine anyone ever using this, it’s just so bad yet it’s stats are for SS druids.

RW give more damage = clear speed = chance to find better loot = they are like MF in a way. This game needs new RW that make possible to make new builds around not used skills, like: Thorns, Sanctuary, Blaze, Vengence, Holy Freeze, Poison Dagger, Most of Ncro Curses, Summoner Dru, Stun Barb, Plague Jav. There need to be a bit balance to sets and Uniques. But no to much, items need to be good and bad. They cant be all of the same power. Some Better upgradnig system and charcter “reborn” systems would be nice to. This game needs a expansion.

Also remove teleport and TPs. You want to get somewhere, walk there from WP. This way game will last more than 15min rush. Also make mobs more random. 1Boss + 5 Adds all the time is dull.

Blizzard has whole forums of ideas for expansion, all they need to do is to pick the money from under their feet.

Uniques and sets don’t need to be powerful, just not useless. As for removing teleport, all that would do is make every ladder even more of a sorc fest than it already is.

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Remove it from Sorc skills too. Make a reborn system for all classes (i.e. after getting lvl 99): one of vertical percs can be a slow FCR teleport. This way there would be a purpose to the grind

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To many players, if they aren’t part of the META, they don’t exist.

No, the fast pace of teleport is what most people like in this game. As an older gamer, the cooldowns on everything in every game is what I dislike the most. I’m definitely not the only one who feels this way. Adding cooldowns only stops the fun.

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The issue with uniques is that you can’t deterministically get them, so when you create an item to fulfill a need, inserting a unique is likely to leave that need unfulfilled for many players. That’s why, if we start with the assumption that having teleport available to all classes is desirable (I am not saying it is or isn’t), Enigma needs to be a runeword rather than a unique.

I think some uniques could have their themes reinforced to make them a little more relevant, as long as it’s done thoughtfully.

MF is far from being useless, but you do need to think about the amount you want depending on what you are farming for, and if necessary have alternative equipment to switch to. Many uniques remain strong choices in multiple slots, even if runewords tend to be the best choices for their slots in most cases.

I play this game for 10 years combined. I had like 1 Blizz Sorc, Half a Hammerdin and never played Java. I like: Zeal Obedience Holy Fire Pala with 90%CB, DemonMachine, Spearzon, Poison Creeper Dru, Hurricane Dru, Fury Dru, Dragon Tail Assa, etc. so META is not 100% of playerbase. This ladder im making Blade Sentinel Assa.

I like to buy items from META players tho :stuck_out_tongue:

Also i never been to Uber Tristram. :sweat_smile: 10Rals (20min time) = Ist = Mediocre Torch

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But unless you find like: Shako, Griffs, soj, maras, NW etc… Almost everything you’ll find just becomes gold or left on the ground. I’m not suggesting they create things that completely destroy runewords, but rather have something that can be used as an alternative.

Magic and Yellow items :shushing_face:

No matter what you do, there isn’t room for an infinite amount of useful items. Even if you make more uniques playable at endgame, most uniques will always remain worthless. I’ll add that most uniques and set items are common enough that even if they become viable for endgame they’ll still remain worthless.

Not to say there isn’t room for buffing some of the uniques (Community Feedback for Improving Itemization is a good place to debate possible unique buffs if the devs ever decide to buff them), but I’m not sure what you are expecting to achieve. I’ll also warn against power creep, as making uniques more competitive is likely to overall increase top power.

Thats good. Problem is people know to much about the game. If there was no databases, YT channels, forums finding anything a bit better would be cool. I wish i could unlear all the stuff ive learned in last year and be a newbie again like for many years before. Yet again to this day i dont remamber runes that make Insight so maybe im at right pace.

First time finding stuff is the best. I did to much research on the game tbh. So maybe item rebalance is a good way to change the “menu” for all players. Also they need to add some real endgame.

I’m really not a fan about the kind of place this leads to. Players quickly learn the “menu”, so you’d need to be constantly changing the game, which is something that would turn me away from the game pretty fast.
I am fine with making changes to improve weaker builds, weaken builds that are too powerful and opening up new builds, but I am not fine with changing things to “change the menu”. The goal should be to get the game to the best eternal state possible, not change for the sake of change.

Ok this is a bad idea on second tought

This is a must tho

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i wished Blizz would do a much needed (IMHO) revamp of the crafting and cube recipes? also the rares need to be made much easier/cheaper to reroll/upgrade ^^

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This is a completely separate issue from:

There’s no point to MF if there’s nothing worth MF for, this much is true. However, the answer isn’t to annihilate runes, as you are aware when you say:

The first part of the answer is to REMOVE / REWORK 90% of all items in the entire game. Make things WORTH finding, and people will WANT to find them. Simple, eh?

And the second part? Come to terms with the fact that there WILL be BiS gear. Whether it be that shiny reworked unique, or that shiny runeword. There WILL be a best-in-slot and there’s not a single thing wrong with that.

It’s about the chase, not the result. You want more stuff to chase and are blaming deterministic BiS for making too little things worth chasing. My suggestion is to not blame the deterministic stuff and instead blame the tons of crap you don’t WANT to chase.