Runeword Obedience not working


I tried to create the Runeword “Obedience” (HEL+KO+THUL+ETH+FAL) on my polearm (a white one with 5 slots, added with the cube) and it didn’t work, the runes order is OK but I’m getting nothing but the ordinary Rune’s effects :’(

I can send you a screenshot somehow if necessary, actually it says I can’t add an external link and there isn’t any option to add the image while creating the post :frowning:

EDIT: Here comes the image:

(I tried to answer the message to let you know I read you Daelan but the forum says I must wait other users to write before I could answer again :D)

What’s the weapon base exactly? You can post a screenshot via preformatted text.

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I don’t speak Spanish. But, that does not look like a Polearm.

Google Translate

Spanish English
Tipo de lanza: Velocidad de ataque alta = Spear Type: High Attack Speed

The only bug is that you used the wrong type of Weapon.

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Really? Polearm exactly means " A pole weapon or pole arm is a close combat weapon in which the main fighting part of the weapon is fitted to the end of a long shaft, typically of wood, thereby extending the user’s effective range and striking power.", so if it’s not, dunno what could be :confused:

These are different types of polearms (not on D2, but IRL):

I mean, if in D2 this is not recognised as a polearm, it really sux :confused:

Thanks for your answer anyway bro, I feel really dissapointed rn :frowning:

The operative phrase here is “not on D2, but IRL”. This is D2 and it is NOT real life.  

As I said, I don’t speak Spanish. But, you should have a Weapon Class like “Tipo de arma de asta”. (Or something similar).

These are Polearms:

These are Spears:

And here is your Weapon. (Look familiar?):

You’re welcome.  

Sorry for the loss of your Runes.     (At least they weren’t High Runes).

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