Runeword did not take effect and work properly

I used the rune word “Lem” 'Ko" “Tir” (in that order), to make the runeword “Wealth”.
When the 3 were applied in order, the runeword did not take effect.

Please reset the item and runes on my account.

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Did you use it in a body armor? Is the armor non-magical (non-blue)? A screenshot would be helpful.

I used it in a 3soc jewlers light plate body armor. I cant seem to post a screenshot on this website. I looked up stuff about it, it says something about trust lvl 3.

Its not game breaking, but it sure is disappointing

Jeweler’s is a magic (blue) prefix, runewords will never work in those. The item has to have a gray name.


Right, i know that. Yet I sware it was blue. There is no magic properties to it. Maybe the item it self was bugged. Like the Jewlers light plate should have had magic properties yet didnt so it was grey text? As the readout shows, theres no magic from anything else besides the runes

Jeweler’s Light Plate
Durability 60 of 60
Required Strength 41
Required Level 47
+10 To Dexterity
+2 to Mana after each kill
50% extra gold from monsters
Socketed (3)
CTRL + Left click to move

Jewelers/mechanic’s, etc all of those are not really base items.

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oh shoot. Well thats super misleading. :rofl: I always thought, no magic, sockets? she is good to rune up. Time to farm some more runes.

Thanks for the clear up you guys

You put runes into a magic item, not a gray item and it will not work in a blue item:

Jeweler’s is a [prefix] that can appear on [Magic Items]

This cannot be used to make a [Rune Word], as Rune Words are not allowed in magic items.

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The magic property of a Jeweler’s is actually sockets. I know it might be confusing at first, but remember that the item’s name can’t be blue if you want to make a runeword.

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Mechanic’s, Jeweller’s, and Artisan’s are three prefixes that always catch inexperienced players off-guard if they are looking only at mods and not the name of the item.

“Please reset the item and runes on my account.” - Entitled much?

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You scroll threads in blizzard about people who legit are trying to help the game out by reporting bugs to find people that are wrong in some kind of fashion to oust them.

I admitted it was my fault. I feel sorry for you, get a life.

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lol, you learn these things the hard way sometimes.