Runes are still too rare

they just would like D2R to be like D3…1.5h 1-70lvl = join XIV follow someone loot full inventory of legos in 10mins…well played game over…

thats enough…u don’t need to find more than that lul…it’s meant to be hard to find…so even 3 in ladder season is good

Ive grinded this game for like15 years mate, i know what running thousands of baal and pit runs is and i know what rarity is.
Without bots running rampant and everyone willing to trade or buy them, i promise you, you’re going to change that cringe gamer bro logic.

If you tell me you’ve found more than 4 hrs on any given ladder by yourself, ill be the first to laugh at you and call you a liar.

They are changing ladder durations is another problem with this, and i go on d2 hard. i make a magic finder, and keyhunter, a pvp, and a uber character every season. That would require around 15 hrs for their needed gear.

im not grinding a single mfer and a half- decent whatever uber character in an entire ladder.

sorry but iam happy if i find one…can always trade another if in need…and would be even happy with 1.13 drop rates…so. think about that. if u just need moar of everything then ur looking at wrong game! rarity keeps ppl farming and keeping intrest in this game!

never used jsp never will.
Always been on ladder
i’am a self drop player, i don’t trade.
i think the drop rates are fine and shouldn’t be increased and i don’t think they should add a /players command to battle net either.

It’s fine to get what we want slowly and little by little.
making it easier would simply make the feeling of accomplishement from farming things you want void to me and overall make my playtime decreased by just as much as it would make my holy grail goal that much faster.

The only thing that to me should get changed is the amount of character slot (20 is way too few) and maybe some more personal non shared tab.
i’am neutral for the rest , except drop rate change, which i’am against.

There are plenty of people who play for years and don’t find jah/ber/zods. I think a lot of people talking about “finding high runes” are mixing in their Ohms, Vexes, Los. Which in heavily duped economies can trade for the same value as Jah/Ber, but in a legit economy its 16 Ohms to a Jah. I’ve found a handful of runes around Vex now and again, but there’s no ladder in which I could dream of finding 4 Ber+ runes

I’d have to fudge the numbers to do the comparison since I’m unsure of the average number of mobs in chaos and their spawn rates are rather odious if you want to map out champions/uniques, etc, but I have a feeling that if you did the same P8 P1 eld/shenk/nihl/chaos and join P8 team for the end of a baal run, like I do, you could probably hit level 99 long before you find 4 runes. And level 99 takes something like 6000+ baal runs in P8 iirc. Bots do it all the time, humans don’t very often.

Im referring to group play, Ive Seen that many drop. I had a hard group of 7 buddies and we smashed chaos and baal day in and day out.

Im referring to the surs, bers, chams and zods.

Its a completely different story when a bot does is non stop on 50 different accounts 3X more efficient and faster then you.

Now imagine you cant even trade for it now because no one has one or has used it.
Now imagine you have no friends you can ride with to smash baal.
Now imagine the ladder are even shorter than before,

and remember, if its looking at P8P8 droprates you really need to divide by 8 players sharing the items too then. I think most often the farming comes in around ~P6P1 since lots of people cruise public chaos/baal games for their solo farm, but P1P1 matters if you want to truly grind it nonstop or calculate what bots can do overnight on those 50 accounts 3x as efficient.

I’ve seen Ber runes drop a few times in pub games with 8 players to grab for them, but in solo farm whether P8P1 or P1P1? I don’t think even once. I’ve never felt inclined to grind a character to level 99 either

Lol. Wanting a challenge is not “cringe gamer bro logic” we just don’t want casuals ruining the game by changing drop rates to suit their schedules irl.

Go ahead and call me a liar, but I’ve done it.

The only one of these that actually require HRs is a PvPer, give me a break. You can MF, keyhunt, and Uber all with less than an ist rune worth of items.

Again, an uber smiter is one of the cheapest chars to make, give me a break.

This kind of explains it though. We shouldn’t be changing the game so drastically for people who have never even 99’d. What next? lets take a survey of all the people who only played < 50 hours of the game and make all the changes they want?

No man, this makes no sense. I won’t be able to grind the game 8 hours a day either…it’s a good thing that years down the road we’ll still have something to hunt.

People and games these days…no wonder things seem like they’re getting easier when I buy modern titles.

The issue with increasing runes would make runewords very very common. The Runes are supposed to be one of the grind for items. They do increase dropping with your magic find % AND you can combine lower ones up to get the higher ones. Even casually playing during beta i had plenty for the low % of MF i had.

for the topic of increased drop rate (runes , items etc…) here’s what i said to someone it is quiet relevant here too i think :

once again i’ll be merely speaking about drop rate part :
i do have a job too now.
and it’s ok for our quest to find items to be longer than in our teen
no need to rush it.
also we don’t NEED to have the best items , no need to increase the drop rate for that.

we can very well take our time and do it at our own pace.
playing with Lore instead of shako for a time.
playing with insight instead of infinity.
playing with skullder instead of enigma.
playing with yellow ring instead of bul kathos/soj/raven…
Or blue mid mf rings instead of perfect nagel or very high mf rings.

There’s no actual need to have every good items since you can easily replace them with more common items until you actually find them while still being able to solo and farm efficiently anyway even with mid/low items.
i’ll take multiple months to get enigma , won’t be a problem for me i’ll simply play without until i manage to get my own self looted enigma :stuck_out_tongue:
And every time i manage to get little by little the items i actually want the most it’ll bring me this sense of achievement , until then i can simply play with what i find , there’s absolutely no problems with that.

Same for my quest for holy grailing , it’ll be long , but each items found will bring me closer to my ultimate goal.
Yes it’ll take years , but it’ll be fun for me.

Runes do not increase in drop rate due to your MF, this is incorrect.

thats funny because in the beta i wasn’t getting any then after doing a few good topaz’s i had plenty dropping then i took them out and it reduced… my tests showed it did help. RNG could have influenced it but it was happening as i’m describing.

as far as OG diablo 2 is concerned , MF never mattered when it comes to Runes , they are in another kind of drop list.
runes rate do increase though as you go in higher acts for normal mode. (you won’t see much runes drops in act 1 normal mode outside of countess) because monsters level are too low for that but that’s solely for normal mode act 1 atleast i think , but that’s solely a question for this specific act in normal mode anyway.
And as you said rng being rng it can make pretty interesting thing.

It’s actually often better to make a non MF character to farm runes , in order to kill faster.
unless you go chest run but that’s a offline mode /players 8 thing most of the time

This is simple confirmation bias, runes do not work in the way you describe. The coding for this game is pretty much an open book at this point, with modders being able to manipulate on a whim any of these functions.

RNG is RNG. Runes are not influenced by MF, the tresure Class is chosen, and rolls are made after.

No, no, no… please no. In Addition to all the legitimate way to farm runes, keep in mind that you can also trade for HRs.

Most of my characters where better combat than find characters but i’m not going to refuse a nice piece of gear to help my chances.

Gold and gear are easy enough to get the faster you clear. And a few topaz’s in off pieces to help doesn’t hurt much either when gems aren’t perfect and its a piece ment for that only

well , yes, mf won’t give you more or better runes , but it can give you more chance to get better gears (set , rare , unique) which is just as important anyway since it’s still gearing your character.

though usually , for low-mid gearing , countess is good enough in my opinion as a rune farm.

if you play sorceress you can get nadir , leaf and stealth when you hit act 2 and get your tp skill to make her farmable quickly and get the runes from her by returning to act 1

Unless you made big sample with a lot of data, its just rng.

I was running with 150% and didnt experience anything.

I cant even begin to think how badly they would have to break game for MF affecting rune drop. Runes dont have quality, they have nothing to do with item quality.