There should be an in game feature that shows all current rune words. Maybe when you cursor over a socketed item, the game shows all possible runewords for that socketed item
While I will agree that the game needs some sort of built in reference guide for all of the cube recipes and rune words, I wouldn’t want to go as far as making it THAT easy.
There must be a chance to do something wrong, waste a rune by inserting it in the incorrect order or in the incorrect item base. It’s important to have the possibility of making a mistake and then learning from it.
Absolutely, I agree. In this generation, people know they can go to websites for info, and the search for information just binds people to the game more, instead of having every single guide in build into the game.
A little dagger should pop up anytime you have enough to form something. When it pops, it should say something like “I see you have Runes. Would you like me to make a Runeword?”
Ya know, D’Clippy.
I’m making a new topic. And I agree. The Arcane Sanctuary should have them. Normal up to level 30 or 40, Nightmare up to level 60?70? and hell have all of them. The room where you find Tal-Rasha’s tomb Rune. Should also have the rune words. Normal lvl35 Nightmare lvl 60 and Hell all of them. Something like that. And it’s really lore friendly. A book you open. It’d be awesome