Roll back FHR, fast block before 2.4 patch

Always keep in mind that respect in a debate is only when you respect your opponent. Elementary school education, listening.


Inaccurate and cringeworthy comment. If you dont pvp stay out of this thread and have fun doing meph runs for another 20 years


Typical PvP player. Thinks Meph is where items comes from.

Why would you want to play a game that has so many complex mechanics? Just simplify it for the new generation to come and play. :upside_down_face:

But seriously, Blizzard just needs to have a separate balance for PVP.

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People want to play D2 like a moba with a cash shop.

You are spaming this crap non stop in multiple posts. I don’t really care.

So many pure PVM players with zero knowledge about pvp hell bent on voicing their uninformed opinions. Why? Rolling back the FHR change won’t affect you. You have no dog in this fight. Just stay out of it instead of looking like a spiteful tool.


then get the hell out of this topic. We dont care about the fact you dont care. People like you and Fredi just come to spit on PvP when the things we are discuting dooesnt change pvm at all for you…


Looks like there’s gonna be new Pvp metas from this patch? Adapt, learn and move on just like you did with patch 1.10. Dev have their eyes on the game again, expect changes and stuff you like and don’t like.


First TCP/IP removed with forced online connection for updates then butchering core mechanics of the game in order to make this game appeal to people who cant think on games that have a little bit of depth.
Whats next new Blizzard?
Ah yes lets not forget censoring but blood is alright.
Hydra CD removal was great tho ill give you that.

The changes also benefited melee, it is not a coincidence paladins are always half of the pvp games, because despite smite stun being reduced, they also don’t get stunned by say traps/tornados etc, they just walk around freely and spam smites. That being said it is true casters can now play very defensively, perhaps a cool down should finally be added to teleport, skills similar to teleport always have a cooldown in other games, D2R should be no exception

are you brain dmged or just unable to read? PvM is not even a part of the discussion here LOL


Blizzard Diablo officers, I hope you think again. The game is seriously boring.

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The game should not be balanced around pvp whatsoever. Pvp is a side novelty. Part of its challenge is dealing with how the game is tuned for pve.


To he honest the problem is teleport has no cooldown, it can be used way too defensively, pick any other game that has PvP of any kind, now imagine you tell someone the game has casters that can spam a teleporting skill faster than melee characters, and it has no cool down, obviously the game won’t be balanced. The fact it was semi balanced after a ton of GM rules is a coincidence more than anything. PvP needs to be more balanced, tweeks right now affect the very delicate balance, but the problem is all around teleport having no cooldown, a 1-2 seconds cooldown would do wonders.

This is also an issue for PvE, now amplified by wide screen monitors, all PvE can be ignored due to no teleport cooldown, again find me a game that has teleport with no cooldown and has PvP, there isn’t one because it simply can’t be balanced that way.

Unfortunately, judging by the attitude of complete disregard for other players, I think some of the Pvp fans around here didn’t even play the game and didn’t grind on their own for their gg items. They just went straight to the credit card and than jumped straight into PvP, skipping the pve part of the game.

Now they seem to be in the situation where they need to make changes to their chars to make them again viable under the new meta. Buhuu I cannot stunlock players for an easy kill with my assasin. Deal with it!

I think this is the core of the problem. Possibly I would also be mad if I spent hard cash on my char that just became irrelevant. That’s why I don’t pay to win! :vulcan_salute:


I don’t even care much for PvP and yet I can still see how this has massively affected the game in a negative way. And all for what? Nothing. Just revert the change, if you really think mind blast or whatever else is a problem in PvP, then address such skills individually and directly (like barb Leap). Don’t just gut the entire system with one simple and stupid ill advised change, rendering so much obsolete and undesirable and reducing the game to an even baser form. Thanks


wayy too much pvp cry in this thread. “news flash: you are like less than 10% of players and pvp is a joke in D2”

there’s few classes or builds and everyone uses same gear and strategies. THAT is what’s boring. Now you will have to actually figure some stuff out and strategize. Adapt and grow its not 2012 anymore there grandpa

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It’s doesn’t matter if they are a minority. The developers cater also for this minority. It doesn’t matter if Pvp is barely fleshed out. Who knows…maybe they will develop it. It is besides the point.

Most of them cry because they spent real dollars on their equipment for a certain build, and that build became irrelevant over night. This is the issue. Now they need to adapt to the new meta. And they simply just didn’t want that hassle.

Btw…I have been playing Diablo since the beginning. Age has nothing to do with their cries or entitlement. :vulcan_salute: