Remove Mosaic plz

Remove Mosaic plzRemove Mosaic plzRemove Mosaic plzRemove Mosaic plzRemove Mosaic plzRemove Mosaic plz


i agree with everything that was said here.

AC130 in a medieval game

Not going to happen. End of story!


haha this i know, but i want to agree.

Mosaic is a diablo 3 item — not diablo 2


Pow pow pow!
Remove mosaic now!
Wee wee wee wwe
Give it for diablo 3!

Mosaic is a runeword in d2. Runewords doesnt exist in d3.


lol I meant it is in the style of a diablo 3 item as it changes the ways skills work rather than just add to them or proc them.

the set up for mosaic sucks , who cares how broken it is. hit this twice, hit this 3 times, hit this 3 times, hit this 3 times. now go crazy ! o u killed everything cool do all that ramp up again . it can be as busted as it wants to be still not fun at all to play


It also not fun for those around you that can see nothing onscreen.

Perfect for D4 to hide the crappy graphics they used.


Imagine the day where everyone’s mosaic turns into “gemmed greater claws” lolol.

Might break out the champagne
For that.


The devs can just remove the runeword from the game codes and the runeword would just unroll itself with the runes socketed into the base. Either way we celebrate right?


This please. Revert mosaic out of the game.


remove mosaic plz. it’s making other builds boring

The existence of one build, changes nothing about another build, especially in the scenario of mosaic.

People like to play efficiently in games. If one build blows everything else out of the water, that diminishes the satisfaction one can get out of other builds.

What guy above said
If there is a build 100 times better than any other build there is no point to play other build lol


At best mosaic is 1% better than a nova sorc (made up number) Meanwhile both classes are 5x as good as a fire druid (also made up) Regardless I’m sorry but if you cannot have fun on a nova sorc or even your fire druid because mosaic exists then you never had fun on your fire druid in the first place. Because mosaic didn’t always exist. It is a lame way to try to get rid of a build that shouldn’t be in the game anyway and is a terrible argument. There are plenty of reasons to remove mosaic, it being far more efficient isn’t one of them.

The ladder leaderboard says otherwise. In games where something is truly as far advanced as you’re pretending it is, you’d see a far more dramatic preference switch than what you have with mosaic.