Remove immunities from regular monsters

I have been advocating to keep immunities in games in past but I changed my mind after some testing to play the game without them in mod. I have to say I was wrong. Not only game feels much better to play when you dint have to skip content and you can kill most stuff with your element, but removing immunities also solve some current balance issues.

So what is my proposition? Any regular non elite monsters having 100 or more resistance will be toned down to have 90 or 95%. Slightly more in case of physical resistance. And on other hand more monsters can be resistant to magic dmg, but not too much as there is no way to lower it as in case of other resistances.

  • No more complaining that certain builds like hammerdin can kill everything while others cant.
  • You can kill most enemies with your element.
  • There is still occasional immune elite monster providing some challenge or obstacle you needto deal with.

Most people will argue that it will make game easier. But really? Skipping monsters is not difficult and thats what most people do now. Difference will be that now you actualy can fight monsters previously immuned to your element. Sure, some classes have skills to deal with immunities but not all of them. In other cases you are forced to play different build just because your build would not be able to kill content to go further. I think its pretty poor game balance.

Look how bad is for example lightning sorc at farming area85 zones without infinity breaking immunes vs sorc with infinity. You are forced to use high end item with high runes just so you can kill certain monsters. It doesnt matter how strong your build is, top items full of skillers and if you dont have item breaking immunities you still do zero dmg to groups of immune monsters…

If anyone is interested, i can record run with proposed change to immunities to show how it looks like.

You dont agree? Explain why please so we can discuss it.


I completely disagree.
What builds do you have so much trouble using to clear the game??
I think immunities are the weakness of the Sorc.


List would be way too long. Its pretty much every build with exception of avenger or double element builds.

Immunities are weakness of everyone. But sorc can skip them alot easier than others.


i completely agree

i will add that with this change, sorce cold mastery would need to be tuned down or completely remade


I can think of Sorc and Javazon…

Physical immunes are a pain for melee but damage is the main problem. Physical immunes means you just have to wait for reapers toll to proc so its slow going just like, say, a lightning sorc with infinity.

Necro? Immunes no prob.
Assassin? Immunes no prob.
Fire Druid? Immunes kind of a problem but theres physical damage.
Wind/Cold Druid? Immunes no problem.
Paladin? Np.

The above builds would do OK with a staff of teleport too. I think a lot of other builds we can mention it needs to be implied they have enigma and infinity if needed.

The advantage of the Sorc is not just teleport, especially in late game. Her late game advantage is her hard hitting aoe spells.

Yeah sure, it would require some additional balancing so some classes are not too strong. Game need more complex changes than just hammerdin nerf.

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Hard disagree. Love theory crafting and having to plan builds to deal with immunities. If you go for an 1 element glas canon you have to live with it. Hybrids exist. It is always a matter of what you want to do with your toon, and make a choise between pure power and versatility.


with 95% base resistance and immunities for bosses, you still gona have to do it until you have access to facets, infinity or any other way to lower resistences

untwinked builds would still exist

this would still be a thing
but with this new system you have the choice betwen skiping or spend 20x more time to kill trash if you were stubborn enough to single spec without endgame gear, for bosses you would still have to skip them
but now you have the option to kill, even if its totally inefficient


I concur. I was making this argument just a little earlier today. Once upon a time, this game never had synergies, and builds were free to focus on 2, 3, or even 4 separate types of damage. Those builds could handle any aspect of the game on their own with just their own skills. Sadly, immunes no longer make sense with synergies forcing builds to focus on one major skill and source of damage.

Removing immunes will open up which various builds can be effective through the game, and be far more effective then any nerf, or additional immunes could.


Forcing? lol
All players cry because terror zone is way too easy. You want the mega baby mode.


Have you ever played this game when there wasn’t synergies?

I’m all for keeping immunes, if that means synergies get thrown out.

Immunes were in this game from the very beginning. Synergies were not.

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Some of my toons so far:
LF/FA zone w A2 might (lightning/cold/phys)
FO/FB sorc w A2 might (cold/fire/phys)
Summon druid w A1 fire (phys/cold/fire)

Those can kill nearly every monster possible. A bit slower then single element builds obviously.

If i want to faceroll /p8 Muh Muhs in record time and make a max single element zone for it, it’s completely fine. I just should’t expect great performance in CS (atleast w.o. enigma / infinity).

If i want a jack of all trades build i got to make compromises. And that is a point where imho D2 makes a pretty great job.

And as much as i hate this argument, but if you want to pown every area with every build, you might better give D3 a shot, as if it’s far less complex then D3.

For me, having to build different toons for different usecases is the greatest motivator for replaying the game.

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Removing immunities is not making game easier. Only difference is that you will kill monsters you skipped before.

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Dude, do you sometimes read the stuff you write before mashing the reply? Srsly…


Yeas but you are forced to play double element to achiev that.

Can you do it with frozen orb es sorc? With tesladin? And many others of course.

Dude, just stick to your mod, and stop trying to destroy the real D2, k? Thx. Bye.

Sounds like you would approve of the removal of synergies and bringing the game back to what its intentions were. Builds like this and even much more diversity in skills were once extremely common.

The game was always meant to be completely cleared by one character.


Can you explain what is wrong with that statement?

Immunities dont create any additional difficulty, it makes you skip content or force you to play different build than you want to enjoy.

When i play frozen orb sorc, i teleport over like 70% of hell because of immunities. Its not difficult. Then i farm ancient tunnels where i dont have immunes. How are immunities making it more difficult?

I wont farm places with cold immune monsters not because place is difficult or challenging. I will not farm it because its poitnless when my dmg cant harm enemies.

My suggestion is not making game easier, my suggestion will open whole game for you, with it you can enjoy 100% of game and not just idk 20% when you have single element.

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Hmm i like the game alot “as it is” (except the extreme level of grind, but yes i know, it’s great, sry …). Though i have quite some nostalgia for 1.09 and would love an 1.09 resurrected with bnet. Gotta admit though that 2.4 partly made that wish obsolete by making more builds viable.

go play on normal :smiley: :face_vomiting: :man_shrugging: :smile: :grin: :laughing: :sweat_smile: :rofl: :joy: :slightly_smiling_face: :upside_down_face: :face_with_hand_over_mouth: