Regarding Paladin’s skill ‘Fist of Heaven’ (request to reduce delay time)

Dear Blizzard Administrator, I would like to politely ask you a favor.

Among the Paladin’s skills, there is a skill called ‘Fist of Heaven’.

After casting this skill, there is a delay time if the Paladin user wants to use this skill again in succession.

I would really appreciate it if you could reduce this delay time by at least half.

Considering that some of the Sorceress’ magic skills (ex. Chain Lightning, Nova, etc.) can be cast continuously with almost no delay time, I think it is reasonable to reduce the delay time of the Paladin’s ‘Fist of Heaven’ by at least half.

Lastly, thank you very much for reading my long article up to this point. And I would be truly grateful if you could apply this request to the game and provide Pala users who use this skill the opportunity to have fun hunting. That’s it.

Fist of Heaven is actually an amazing skill and does not need a buff, people who never finished that build properly are missing some key points, and the build actually does not have a weakness.

Let me explain

When you have full synergy , hitting anything in chaos will instantly kill all the undead which is like 60% of the enemies. There is no other skill that can claim that, not hammers, not lightning fury, not Blizzard, not at that range.

Okay smart guy, what about the demons?

The synergy for Fist is HOLY SHOCK, you end game build can have 1-15000. You just zeal 40% of the enemies in chaos.

I love using heavens light, works both like a wand and melee when you need it to.

The skill is good, people just don’t use brain, the build is faster than wind Druid if you use it well.

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It is not about asking an updrade or what else.
Most people don’t like the actual FoH play style.
It is slow.

No need to be rude or toxic.

The only thing to answer is : if FoH don’t please you, don’t play it.

The core of this game has been in maintenance mode for over 20 years. Not only will your idea not be considered, it will not even be read.