Reducing CPU USAGE settings that worked for me

I have kind of found the best settings for lowering CPU USAGE.

Using i7 kaby lake (2016)

Basically it all ties down the Hz setting of my monitor.

VSYNC does help if you set your refresh Hz to 60.

Without VSYNC it does increase % substantially it at least doubles.

Note that I usually don’t see higher than 50% total unless I go through a loading transition screen. Without VSYNC and 165Hz. (even though I have GSYNC)

This can be extremely helpful I think. I haven’t seen many helpful post at all.

This is extremely important for anyone who wishes to stream.

I can get D2R @ 60Hz to use around 13% to 20%. W/ VSYNC enabled.

I just used Default Settings. DLSS on or off didnt really have much impact. I changed that default setting to AUTO.
Using 2560 x 1440 Resolution (Native)

Legacy Video Options can decrease a few more percent if you change the 800x600 to 640x480 but its only a few % in use so its just for min max i guess for lower end PC.

If i use less than Native monitor resolution or more my Cpu use goes up.

With these settings I can get a stable percent near 13% with no monsters nearby. Adding 3% for minimal combat and additional 6% without transition loading screen but going to unexplored areas of map.

I haven’t messed with any other settings for comparison I honestly don’t need to.
I can stream and open multiple browser windows just fine.
That was my main goal.

This is my first post but I thought it was so important for the feel of the game and to help with the frustration of the community. These are solutions that can be done by anyone easily. You should experience similar results but if you CPU is of lower quality then you will still experience HIGH usage but with these settings in mind you can reduce it by half??? theoretically. Unless you are already bottle necked past 100%.

Have fun and get ready for the 2.4 patch!

I would like some feedback from the community to see if they had similar results.

On that note I am using a 3080 ultra gaming GPU by EVGA

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