Raven druid on normal?

Trap assa is fine i play that one too, i like fire trapsin but it requires a bit more investment than light trapsin but once u can afford a phoenix shield and a flickering flame it becomes a beast at clearing cow level and open areas, in my opinion its better than light for these areas. That being said i always end up with a druid build :smiley: im just a sucker for the druid and im quite happy with some of the changes he got in D2R and i really dont care if there are faster builds out there if i dont enjoy them the same way

I ofren have diablo running on the side, while i play wow. The zoo-keeper is perfect for this hhahah

Poison Creeper on normal. Easy and safe. A point in Oak is a must.

I am going Home and make my zoo druid now


Ravens can carry u through normal by themselves if u want to save the reroll

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Poison creeper on normal is fun. Just walk through the acts and get exp while running. I have missed my zoo-man

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Allright now i had to sell my leaguestarter assa too so i could make another druid. Got to lvl 81 now and think ill go with the reapers toll fury/summoner again :smiley: just love that build


Ty for the post on the other topic before :slight_smile: bunch of nasty dudes tried to rough me up. I just hate the whole idea of P8 online, Anyway running the Fury/Summon druid online ladder and just about to hit lvl 89 just running trav runs :smiley: hell of a lot of runs to climb just 1 lvl now but the income is nice and heā€™s got both reaperā€™s, jalal, gores, loh,string of ears and highlordā€™s now + ravefrost ofc so he is just smacking those trav dudes with ease

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No need for thanks man, you were standing strong on your own meritsā€¦
I hate those greedy, need-it-now, cannot-put-in-the-effort, too hardā€¦ whaaaaā€¦ gimmee-easy-mode adolescentā€™s as well.
Shame is they are likely perceived by their piers as ā€œmenā€ā€¦ or ā€œgrownupsā€ if they happen to be ladies.

Oh dang, he is on his way manā€¦ Armor? Merc?

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Found a few hrā€™s so far and did make enigma, feel like i should probably have done a forti but the enigma will help when boosting other players cause i do enjoy helping people out sometimes when looking through lobby :slight_smile: you know the usual ā€œneed ancientsā€ or ā€œhelp diabloā€ type of games. Now i will get act 1 faith next but for trav i dont really need the merc and for boosting i have a insight bow :smiley: just to tp around and a harmony in stash which to be honest dont see much daylight atm when running trav

Edit the harmony was really nice for leveling though with the vigor aura. i did try out hustle bow too but the lvl 1 fana aura just dont have enough radius since act 1 merc stays too far back

Travincal always save my ladder to be honest, its just ez runs and best hr drop chance on P1, found my first Sur rune on run 34 the first day i was running trav

Never have tried Enigma on my Fury-Wolf/Zoo manā€¦ want to at some point, but, Forti is sooooo insaneā€¦ if Feral would only be like 3 times longer LOLā€¦
I will admit one of my more favorite things to do in game is to join ā€œhelpā€ gamesā€¦ so I get it.

Just finished running Trav TZ lvl96ā€¦ best rune was a Thul LOL!
Lots of crafting materials, not much else, oh, and Astreonā€™s Ward, but, +2skils and crappy rolls else-wiseā€¦ bye bye in a ā€œfreeā€ game.

Yeah the enigma was only because of having the tp option for help games :slight_smile: and maybe jump river of flame if i start chaos running soon, i might regret it and the cheap hustle armor i used before does seem better when i dont have the faith but ill keep travincal till i do. I do however like the extra mf from the eni :slight_smile: forti is definitely the best option for pure damage and survival but with the faith merc even enigma is great

Yeah i just finished 1 hour of Tz trav too :slight_smile: got a few charms and a perfect -70 cold sunder