Raven druid on normal?

You can definitely finish Norm with only ravens, it’ll take a good while and PSN creeper will def be faster. If speed is the goal then go fissure

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Ravens on normal are best damage dealers so max them ASAP.

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Fire druid is pretty much godlike in normal and nm. In hell it slows down, but still one of the easiest to finish it and you are very rarely forced to skip mobs (unless they are both physical and fire immune + stone skin and such). Ssssoooo…why bother with Ravens or anything else if you want to switch to fire anyways?

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It seems like they hit 21-23 each at level 20, which is where i would be in act 4-5. Sounds crazy low, even with a few synergies, it would still be bad :frowning: do you have any experience with ravens?

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Where are you reading that? Without synergies, they do 73-94 per hit at level 20.

Yes, I do :slight_smile:

Your numbers are wrong. They do 73-94 dmg with no additional points in other summond skills. my druid has now level 51 and my ravens with using helm +3 ravens+fully leveled up grizzly+ some point in spirit wolves do 523-645 dmg. They are main damage dealers of summon druid.

And just spirit with +2 all skills boosts the damage by 200.


Thank you for your response! Cant find these Numbers on the internet

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Well arreat summit is sadly outdated, you can try maxroll site.


Even with the bigger numbers (in D2R) the ravens still feel really bad to me. There are so few of them (compared to before) and they still miss a lot (especially when the monster is moving). I’m also not overly fond of spamming them so much (this is slightly better than before).

Keep in mind the first time I beat Diablo in Act 4 normal with a Druid was with all ravens (in the original LoD patch when the only synergies in the game were the wolves and bear). It was pretty hilarious being able to hurt him from around a corner with pets that could not die, and I could swear the ravens have a worse chance-to-hit now than back then… :thinking:

Fissure currently outperforms the ravens (for me) by a ton, until the fire immunes start showing up en masse in nightmare :roll_eyes:.

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Poison Creeper is really fast speed for Normal.
Raven need sinergy for work well.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5kgKWON6gvc&t=10234s here ya go

The creeper is just too random, but i love it haha

Something to try is the act 1 merc. Her inner sight can raise raven accuracy by like 15% on something like pandaemonium Mephisto. It’s pretty helpful for them

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I will try that. I liked playing the druid summoner after they allowed the bear + wolves all at the same time, but wow is he slow. Safe as can be, less awkward than a necro waiting for corpses… but yikes so slow and low in damage :frowning:.

Yup. My understanding is the summons continue to benefit from synergies beyond hard points, so its def a build that benefits a lot from skills and skill charms. Maxed out, still relatively slow, but if you like it, you like it.

I will be making a summon druid myself

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I beat Hardcore as a summon Druid and the ravens are a hard carry for damage. Dunno why people are saying they are bad.


Because we have played other classes and other skills that are available in the game :roll_eyes:.

It is a comparison thing. Even a necromancer with summons feels stronger because of his curses :thinking:.

Everyone know that some spells are better, stromger and faster. But after 20 years, its not possible for me to make another pala or sorc. A variable walk through build with some difference, Can add som Spice :joy:

My Druid is lvl97, and has no points in shape shift or elemental.
As cast in town my Ravens are doing 4534-4928 damage, and there are 5 of them, and they can hit 58 times (each) before they expire… and they will hit 58 times, because they cannot be targeted.
The Bear hits for 6236-6411… but there is only 1 of him… he is essentially unkillable.

Agree, and even in end game he’s still usefull… cast him on Baal and DClone to stop regen… and watch him tear stuff up at the edge of the screen on TZ clears. He dies easy but is easy on mana and a hoot to watch.
Early game, 5 Ravens in the air ASAP, then bring out the creeper.


This is true as well, but run with an Act1 merc and a Bow on the Druid, and he’s not as bad as you see on all the U-tubes where the Druid is just standing there doing nothing.
Start out by picking up a couple 3os bows from Charsie and stuff them with gems as you roll, fire and lightening are good, as the Act1 Merc I roll is cold.
Pick up yellow bows as you play and keep equipping the better for you and your Merc.
Early game I like to get 5 Ravens in the air ASAP, and the Poison Creeper.
Once you get rolling you really want to find/trade for a WizenDraw, and then Kuko… 2 Kuko’s will take you through Hell. WitchWild String is nice too esp with 2 Shaels.
Ideally in end game you want Faith on the Druid and Mist on the Merc.
Off hand is casting gear with plus skills, HOTO or Spirit… you don’t need CTA, you have Oak Sage and HoW… you don’t really need the life anyways because with 5 Ravens, 5 Spirit Wolves, 3 wolves and a Bear, with an Act1 Merc standing beside you, you rarely take damage.
Really only use Oak Sage for Baal and DClone… or group play…
If going where there are going to be lots of PI’s, he swaps in a BoneBreak and a Atma’s.
Could also run with WitchWild or Wrath.

I’m not saying he’s keeping up with a Javazon, but a friend mains a couple Barb’s (1 is lvl96 the other 99), and the Barbs and the Zoo make an awesome Duo.
I mean, it’s really a melee build at the end of the day… so it’s going to cruise around at melee speed.


Been leveling an Amazon, and finally got her to lvl97… this thread has made me go dig out my DooDoo… forgot just how much fun he is.
Was going to campaign my Amazon to be my next lvl99 character… but… I think I’ll go with DooDoo instead.
He’s a blast, and looks like a complete HoBo in his DuskShroud and Jalals.
And he just dropped a 6os PB with 15%ed and +2 attack rating… dang.
Anyone want to buy a LashWish base?

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