So, what I have noticed running a bow, is that, often times what i am shooting at - the Zoo decides to engage (rather than their typical random engagement)… this saves me from needing to cast them in game… which means I can opt for casting gear in town, and monster killing gear out in battle.
Sure, teleport redirects them, but sometimes that’s risky, so, simply aiming at the “resurrecter of monsters” will focus the Zoo, without needing a risky Tele to get them there (sometimes)
Then, if you are currenty staying in human/caster form, you are not contributing to the damage… Bow allows you to contribute and apply Amp Damage (while “sometimes” directing the Zoo) if you so choose.
Kinda played around some myself, and, it’ll always come down to play styles and priorities/preferences, but, if you care to spend a bit reading, here is what I went through with Reapers/Insight/Pride (maybe others)/Forti/Bramble… on my journey to 99.
Starts at Mar 11, but, it’s all a good read if you have time.
It’s in the Druid section of this website… so… safe.
I do not claim to be a master of any character in the game… so, there is that.
Simply sharing my experience.
Good luck.