yeah idk why studios still go for the “push it out even if it aint ready we need the cash NOW”.
with twitch being a thing you want the first impression to be great, so it lasts.
fixing things on the go yolo-style won’t work when everything is live.
maybe theyll learn eventually.
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It was 20 games per hour in the original game, and you didn’t get locked out for misspelling a game name or trying to join a full game. This is nowhere close to what they did in the original, so the comparison you’re making is apples and oranges.
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Do what Path of Diablo did, have more servers and let people choose servers they’d like to join.
See this list of servers for PoD. Servers also reboot every 3 hours with count down timers 30 minutes in posted on top left of screen so folks know when its gonna happen. This will solve the server memory leak problem.
h t t p s://
Its a solved problem - blizzard is just too cheap to add more servers or maybe too arrogant to adopt the community solutions out there.
Why people creates many games and jump from one to another? Because you cannot create a game with Px. If it was possible to create a let say P8 game whatever number of people are in a party, one can farm all acts or bosses before creating a new one. Currently, there are baal or cow runs which last 5 10mn. If you wanna farm solo and avoid to rush with others were the only target is not to play but jump on loot. You have no way. And do not say that being able to set players level will kill team playing because when you look to current situation, people just follow and rush like mad man. There is no time for socialisation.