Race to Level 99 - Season 6 HCL - New World Record

“Stop having fun!!!”

Sorry brother but you clearly broke your own rule #3. Not that I care or even think that it should really be a bannable thing, but you clearly have an auto join script for your loaders. And not that I actually even think you’ll get banned, but you for sure clearly broke your own rules lol.

Cool achievement. I never personally found the appeal to 99, I’ve done it a few times, have never thought it was worthwhile, but congrats regardless. Sucks that you got caught out on that first character though.

Loaders or not, its still quite achievement and personal sacrifice.

But I miss the old days where people leveled up more normaly to 99. And I agree with some stuff niarchist said, that something should be changed about experience distribution. Hell even with loot to improve group play and make profitable to actualy play together.

What where it was a team of 16 or so basically serving the same function? I guess there is overall more dedication from those filling your games, but those people are MFing so it isn’t like it is a time waste. I think they’re both largely equal. And I’m not saying it isn’t an achievement, it isn’t one that I particularly find appealing, but it is still an achievement.

Nothing will change if you modify the XP distribution I don’t think unless you get rid of solo XP all together. Even if you limit it to 10% boost, it is still 10% more than someone splitting.

You’re right though it would be nice if everyone had to play together, or at least it was beneficial, but that would be a lot of serious changes, and in the current state of the game grouping is far more difficult than it should be, and it would be far better to focus on fixing that rather than nerfing someone who wants to rig a P8 game.

it doesn’t seem like a “fun task” to strain your body for 4-5 days just to be the first biggest waste of time in a video game thats 25 years old.

not to mention playing the most broken build like you’re good at the game. what a joke honestly.


Sure, I wouldn’t consider that fun. But the guy clearly does, no one plays a game and a build for 4-5 days if they don’t get some enjoyment out of it.

Same goes for playing mosaic. Some people like playing cookie cutter builds. And considering how many people actually play the build vs the loud minority complaining about it on the forums…

most humans like what’s easiest, given the option, MOST humans will take the easiest route. that’s the case here, is it hard to find a 3 socket elite claw and mal gul ? no, not at all. is it difficult to find jah + ber + decent 3os armor, then all the other gear that goes along with it ?

it’s an absolute no brainer if you like things to be easy. i myself, would rather have more goals to find in my build that 2x mal gul. the people happy with the build, are just lazy gamers. end of story.

Gaming is what gamers do. This guy cheated by both blizzard rules and his own, but a games age doesn’t diminish an achievement. I love older games as much as new. I personally think d2 was the best game for the time it was released.

Congrats for punching all these numbers (and mobs) :}

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Thanks for the kind words (They seem to be seldom in this forum).

It amazes me, that I basically posted the same text in several forums (hesitantly, but I was convinced due to specific reasons), but the negativity of the comments here take the cake.

I promised myself to ignore the false accusations and so I will (haters gonna hate and while compassion is free, envy has to be earned :)).


  • Never ever has anyone achieved Level 99 faster in HCL
  • I was only able to do so due to a lot of help from people I cherish. Thank you all for helping me achieving a live long dream.
  • Only the OP mosaic build and Solo XP in P8 TZ enabled me to reach that goal
  • I want to play my part in order to change both how Mosaic and XP works, as I deem the current state of the game less fun than 1.11

Team work makes the dream work, so maybe together we may achieve the common goal to make both the world and this game a better place. We all deserve this.


child’s play. when Star Wars Galaxies released i did 9 days straight no sleep.

You’re pretending like Mosaic doesn’t need Enigma, which is untrue. Meme builds could beat a mosaic w/o one. Okay, maybe not meme, but B tier builds. And outside of that if you’re comparing all things without enigma there are a ton that put up good damage numbers as well. Not to mention blizz/light/nova/fire which could operate with just a sunder, but still have free teleport.

Dude for sure cheated. And you’re correct somewhat that an achievement doesn’t diminish just because it is on an old game. I would argue that the race to 99 is no different in the most part to reaching prestige level 10 in COD and is mostly an accumulation of time. Being the first there just means you slept the least during that time period, obviously some exceptions to that, but it isn’t anything crazy. Being the one to reach 99 in the shortest time could be cool, but nobody measures that.

There are no false accusations you’re using a script, which breaks the rules you posted. You could have left the rules out, and nobody would be able to say anything.

Simply not true, there is no way you lost a level 90 character and beat the #1 slot for being 1st to 99.

Automated scripts aren’t people. But I think you probably meant the crew you worked with during the initial phase and that ran you through the game after you died. True.

That’s nonsense.

Funny with how much passion people are defending mosaic and it’s mostly coming from people that have no skill in the game, who need to make up nonsense like that.

Light and especially fire sorcs do nothing with just a sunder and no additional-res gear. Mosaic with only 2x random mosaic claws clears p8.

lol i love it when people try and impress you with what they’ve done but it’s actually the opposite, you’re not going to impress many people here with the most hated build ATM.

I like this comment & I agree.
“The negativity of the comments here take the cake”

I don’t play the build other than I made one and didn’t like it. Sure it is good, but more maintenance than I wanted, not too much but I prefer easy auto pilot. But it was no better than a hammerdin or a nova or a java, at least not enough for anyone to be crying solely about it instead of OP classes in general. Those that think it is that far above, are the same ones who never were good enough to make a good hammerdin, and started to cry once the PTR had one. 20 years and couldn’t complete a hammerdin, but suddenly they’re experts on what is too strong.

You’re right about maybe a fire sorc, but light sorcs have cmoon. And regardless every one of them smashes a mosaic sin even without extra gear until the sin has an enigma. Maybe not in damage, but you’ll never match the speed. In fact even bad sorc builds simply having teleport, smash, and once we’re talking about getting an enigma on that mosaic sin, then we’re basically talking full builds.

You are describing yourself if you replace hammerdin with mosaic.

More nonsense. Mosaic doesn’t need to have enigma or any gear besides the claws to clear p8. Sorcs can’t do that without gear.

That doesn’t even make sense? Even in the last part lol. You tried though I guess?

And if only damage was the only thing that mattered then melee would dominate the PvM. You tried again though.

there’s a reason it says “1 hidden reply” if dizzy is talking on my end lol.

This just shows that you don’t know what you’re talking about. I guess you tried.

Mosaic has free res free dr free curse reduction free perma cc and damage.

Now I understand why you are defending mosaic so vehemently, you really have no clue