I see so because you had your fun and got old, it does mean that it should be removed from game? Well some others still enjoy it and it makes hc gameplay more tough as you have additional danger in form of PK.
It is a trivial amount of time and energy, and in this case the “bullies” are an intended and sanctioned role that players are allowed to play using the in-game hostile system provided for that express purpose in this action role playing game.
Is it not griefing in Risk for an ally to backstab you.
Please quit. This game was intended to be difficult on hardcore. You have to learn to beat the game and avoid pkers. They have made MANY changes to give ppl a chance. You used to be able to fire guided arrows as a zon go to town hostile and your arrows would kill ppl. It was called TPPK. You want to talk about unfair? In HC always be cautious at waypoints and town entrances. I had one try and pk me last week, but I knew what he was doing. If someone hostiles you best practice is to just leave the game. Don’t try to be a hero.
There is a delay. After you hostile someone you cannot use waypoints or portals for a while. Only way you can be jumped is if you hang just outside the town in which case you can pretty much blame yourself.
Awesomely irrelevant post dude. I am discussing a game design, and you’re talking… Nothing? When did I see I got PK’d?
The source I got was a wiki.
People are getting more progressive. It’s like saying people against bullying are soft, that’s not a clever talking point.
Then make it consensual and go mad? But if a person does not want to do an activity with you, be it playing a video game or PvP and you literally force them to? That’s harassment and cyberbullying.
Making it consensual is not removing it. It doesn’t make gameplay more tough it kills public games and it causes griefing. It never bothers me because most PK’ers are actually stupid following meta builds with their meta tricks, but it does harm Hardcore.
Yeah dude, forcing a person to do any activity with you they don’t want to falls within harassment and cyber-bullying to me.
Yeah, bullying is consensual too right? Kids consent to it when they go to school. Cyberbullying is as real as bullying. I am sure there are many studies out there for you.
No, that’s your definition of “Griefing” to change the narrative. It’s wrong too and baseless.
Griefing is simply ruining the fun of other players, by forcing them to play with you when you’re extremely anti-social and obnoxious person or by using “tricks” to make them lose progress.
Anyone who actually plays Hardcore knows how rampant hacks are too (hint: assume 99.99% people using hacks when they hostile you was the meta), so to say PKing is playing the game in an intentional way is rather funny.
Also if you’re talking about intended. Well so are many things by that logic intended and we should not ask for a change then? Like the gamelist, character slots, etc.
This isn’t any different, we are asking for a changes and showing flaws in game design.
Any case this discussion is futile, I wasn’t going to reply in the first place but yeah.
We are talking about game with rpg elements. This has nothing to do with bullying.
Game has that already, its called dueling. Pk is different thing. It would not make any sense if both sides would have to agree.
No thats playing role in RPG. You realize that this is role playing game right? Being player killer is playing a role. Its a way to Express yourself in unique way not many games offer these days.
Dude just stop lmao, you used to be pk as you said. You know this statement is just BS. You very well know nobody would agree with it. Like why the hell would anyone agree with possibly losing hardcore character by PK.
Its good to see all these “Little Putins” out there in support of “Might is right”.
If you have purchased superior weaponry and armour why not go and take whatever you want, spoil someones day, or just invade a neighbouring country.
Consensual PVP is great fun, PK’ing IS just another form of cyber bullying to cause hurt by getting their kicks at someone elses expense, it should not be tolerated or encouraged in this day and age. There are so many different ways Blizzard could easily put a stop to HC PK’ing and still allow HC PvP, but they have no ambitions to do so, (a solid buisness strategy to encourage more people to buy into D2 LOL), So my prediction is : Watch the HC game die (again) as new players wake up to the fact that it’s a complete waste of time to lvl up a character just for the benefit of some Uber-griefers ego trip.
You have to admire Blizzards brass baals of ignorance in addressing this issue to think that people will keep coming back for more of that kind of treatment.