Quitting HardCore

I want source on that quote.

Even then, that would be his opinion back in 2001. When again, Internet was a different place and technical limitations.

Exactly. It’s from different era, people evolve with their mindsets. Same with homophobia, racism, etc. People progress.

People are so soft these days…

PK, especially the threat of it, is part of the game. I personally enjoy not blindly trusting people and taking steps to ensure I don’t leave myself vulnerable.

As someone else said, anti PK is a great thing too. Deal with this. Don’t play blind.

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This already exists. For 10 seconds after declaring hostility the player may not use waypoints and his existing town portal disappears (and he may not use town portals in place by his allies).

you can check the D2 wiki for the history of it.

This is not a new game, if you want the comforts and ‘safety’ of a new game there are plenty of them to go play. D2 is not that game, it was intentionally made so you could PK your ladder competition if you wanted to. That is what makes this game great and it is part of why this game got remastered and lasted for 20 years. It’s part of the nostalgia that brought us back to play it.

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I want a true source, not some wiki.

This is not a new game, but standards change since 2001. This was released in 2021. World changed, people are more aware and frown upon cyberbullying and griefing.

Blizzard are sadly still at the phase of ironing it out and making it stable. More changes will come and we should request from now on.

You also don’t actually play the game


The responses by Max were on a site that is now defunct. That does not negate the authenticity of the responses. They happened, they were viewed by thousands upon thousands of players, and they are archived as such.

PKs exist and there is mountain of effort put in to make it difficult to PK. You have a full 10 seconds of complete safety to portal to town to remain in complete safety unless you get caught just outside a town entrance.


As I’ve suggested many times, if you’re dead set on playing Hardcore Online, and want it to actually be your fault if you die, then just play Softcore Online, and use your own Honor to Seppuku if you die legitimately.

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Another day, another absolutely stupid comment.

Some guy got pk’d in HC. You’d think playing the most punishing mode he’d be okay with the idea of other players being able to kill him.

I’ll file this thread along with people who refuse to play a sorc while also calling for Enigma nerfs and people who complain about people “stealing” their loot in an ffa loot system.

Time to get off the forum.

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I am asking for a credible source. It is fair to ask for one.

No one is arguing that, we are discussing improving the game by making it less grief-able.

?? I never got PK’d. In fact, I used to be on the opposite side of the table. Still got my EUHCNL character with full storage of ears (many of which are level 95+). I just grew out of it and I know it is griefing and stupid.

Yeah, get off the forum and log right into D2 1.0. Hopefully after they stabilize D2R they will make more changes.

A credible source has been provided. It is the best you’re going to get. You may disbelieve what everyone who witnessed it is telling you, that is your prerogative, but it won’t change the truth.

PK is not griefing. Full stop.


I guess it is my word vs yours then, oh well.

In any case, that was back in 2001 (if the quote is legitimate). Things change, people progress, etc.

PK is griefing. Full stop.

You weren’t there to witness it or not. It is your opinion against the word of everyone who saw it. Like a holo denier.

PK is using a deliberate mechanic (hostility) for its intended purpose (to enable damage to be dealt to other players). Thus, it is not griefing.

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Everyone who saw it? It’s only you and other person. Probably read it at the wiki too.

Like a holo denier? Oh wow, seriously? It’s not that serious dude, really. Also, there’s evidence that holo happened. Take a deep breathe and chill before telling people they are “holo deniers” over a video game discussion.

Edit: But anyways since you took it too serious, sure, I will assume it exists. Still my point stands different times dude, that was back in 2001.

It is griefing because it is non-consensual, simple as that. If people don’t want to play (/PvP) with you, and you keep going at it? Yeah… That’s harassment and griefing.

It doesn’t bother me because like I said I used to be a PK’er (grew out of it) and can’t even remember last time I got PK’d. But being objective about it it’s obviously griefing and there’s no denying that.

Punching down is what bullies do. Doesn’t take any skill to grief low level/undergeared characters that you can 1 shot while also ensuring that you aren’t actually at at risk yourself…

Just TP to town and laugh at their miserable existence :sunglasses::rofl:

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Glad you have accepted reason in this regard.

Consentuality does not define griefing.
Further, PK is consensual. You consent to it when you join or create a public game.
Griefing is defined by using game mechanics in unintended ways to harass others. PK is functioning as intended and therefore not griefing.

Do you always spend this much time and energy defending the antisocial behavior of bullies?

Its part of Diablo 2, sorry

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IF you got pk’d its because you’re terrible.

You cannot take a TP for several seconds after going hostile against someone.
IF you go hostile then any tp you had made DISSAPEARS.

So they had to hostile you, wait the 4-5 seconds and take a waypoint and then come find you.

Thats not really a PK thats you being terrible… Just leave the game when they hostile. I just fixed your entire issue with the system… JUST LEAVE THE GAME

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The source is dev i quoted. The original post was most likely made on some old forum which doesnt exist anymore so idk what you are really asking for.

People are getting soft and D2 is good reminder of good old times.

Pk is good for game as it makes experience more realistic, true rpg experience.

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