Quiting until online dif. scaling

lmao HC is a small minority of the player base. very weak argument to try and use the HC player base. the majority of players do not play HC. even in D2/LOD back in the day HC was the minority of the player base

Is the problem ladder? is that by chance what you’re worried about? Ok I’ll compromise if thats the issue. NO playerX in ladder but normal play gets it along with the new runewords.

So just add the players X command then.

SoftcoRE players don’t have to use it. there’s enough players and games there.

Hc players NEED IT. Even if I make a game right now saying full game, no-one will join, or maybe 1 or 2.

Your argument of open bnet isn’t fair, because I want to be on normal bnet, and participate in ladder.

lifes not fair bud. grow up devs said no. move on all your doing is crying cuz you got told the big FAT NO.

quit being a little child and grow up. children cry and moan when they dont get what they want.

IMO They should allow /players 3 (Max Online) for solo play. At least you get “some” Benefit but still make it so playing with 8 players = max reward.

Or they could simply change rune drops somehow, but that will never happen (I hope it don’t).

I play online with my “Legally Blind” Brother and it’s extremely hard to find players that will go at his pace so allowing /players 3 would at least give us some benefit. Right now we pretty much play Solo and only talk in coms because it’s more beneficial for us to be in different games, because being in a 2 player game is 0 benefit to either of us.

I agree that something has to be done about people ruining others’ games by MFing there. Perhaps an even easier thing is to stop taking into consideration both the number of players in game and the number of players in zone, and instead, just the # in zone and adjust the number accordingly.

“Quiting until you do what I say” doesn’t look like a very mature behavior.

i would ask for your stuff

but i alredy have everything after playing online solo for a few months :stuck_out_tongue:


Lobby blows.

also for 8 players in a game just not enough lvl 85 content to clear, you will be making new games every 5-10 mins. Maybe a reset option in game??? instead of making new games? or player difficulty introduced to online, 3 of my chars just one shoting everything. where is the fun???

As stated many times, this is not coming. The devs have already spoken about it.
The MAIN reason people are asking for this is that they want the drop rates/lowered no-drop chance /players 8 gives, without having to play in an 8 player game and scrambling for drops.

In essence, people just want a combo of high drop chance + personal loot. THAT is why most people are asking for /players 8 online. Given the devs have already stated this isn’t going to happen, perhaps you can find another dead horse to beat on?

You want more hardcore multi-player games? Ask for an easy way to organize it in-game / give people more incentive to play hardcore thus allowing for a higher player-base playing that variant of the game. This would be in sync with the current vision of the game where devs want to encourage more people playing together, not discourage it (Which is the main reason the devs stated they will not be bringing /players 8 to online bnet). Ask for things the devs would be willing to do, and you’ll have a better shot at getting it.


wouldn’t that require more stash space to keep all that extra loot? ^.^

there are no 8 players games to play in that last more than 10 minutes.

I want to play at my own pace, streaming and relaxing, with my own 8 player difficulty going on while still participating in ladder.
Loot doesn’t matter, it’s the challenge and fun we want, which was there in older patches when the game was much harder.

Now it’s much easier

Well good riddance then. Don’t let the door hit your rear on the way out.

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I MF in 8 player games on my light sorc all the time. It’s easy. Just join a baal game and then quickly run chaos sanctuary while everyone is doing baal. Or join a chaos game and run baal while everyone is doing chaos. Or join a cows game and do chaos and baal while everyone’s running cows. It’s literally not hard at all. People are just lazy.

Okay and what if I don’t play doing “prime time”
Why do I have to quickly rush and get my mf run complete before the Baal Run ends?
What if I don’t play a class that teleport?
What if I play hardcore mode, where the player base is far less than softcore

Why am i punished for not playing during the popular times and punished for playing a more Challenging mode which most people don’t play.

Doesn’t it make sense to just let me make my players 8 game, play by myself, at my own pace, the way i want

Well then play single player. Literally sounds like single player is for you by the way you’re talking. If you want a /players command then play SP. It’s not designed for multiplayer and the devs aren’t gonna ever give you ez mode commands on multiplayer. Sorry.


No true at all…

it’s not ez mode. P8 solo is the most challenging way to Play. That’s the basis of my argument, I want challenge. Because hardcore players at lvl 90+ understand the game so much that playing at p1 is so boring and easy.

Why can’t I have the option to play with friends and family on occasion ,trade with people on occasion, participate in ladder, and have option to create a p8 game when I want to play alone

really?? not ez mode. bud with the way p8 works you can switch from p8 back to p1 and now you can one shot mobs and bosses. p8 is a cheat. perhaps look up on purediablo or any diablo wiki on how p8 works.

seems you keep asking the why question cuz you dont like the replies to why you cant have your cake and eat it too. you have been given several very good reasons why.

you dont like them so you keep asking why. what your really after is all about me me me dont care what ppl/devs say all i care about is my wants my needs me me me is all your doing. world does not revolve around you bud.

you may not like the why your cant have it. to keep asking the why cant i have p8 is not going to get you any other answer.

you just want the answers you want to hear rather than what you need to hear.

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Can I have your stuff?

I found the vast majority of my wealth (30+ hr’s) in single player games, in my first two weeks.

If the argument is 8 player games for fun, I get it, it’s more challenging. If the argument is to gain wealth, you’re dead wrong.