when I log onto bnet with my 95 hardcore hammerdin in hell difficulty ,almost during any time of the day, I can not find a 8 player game that lasts more Than 5 minutes.
That’s a major problem in my opinion
when I log onto bnet with my 95 hardcore hammerdin in hell difficulty ,almost during any time of the day, I can not find a 8 player game that lasts more Than 5 minutes.
That’s a major problem in my opinion
fun fact did you ever think about they may have said no to adding it on closed bnet. cuz they maybe coming out with another game mode where this can be used.
like D2/LOD has with open bnet where you can use this command. its odd to me that many asking for this dont stop and think perhaps this is why they said no
biggest reason ppl are asking for it is there is no open Bnet in D2R where many players used this command online. now that you dont have this option your seeing ppl ask for it on closed bnet.
iv said it before. had they left open bnet be a thing for D2R you wouldnt see players asking for this on closed bnet
every try using discord or other forms of social media to find 8 player games. there are other ways to find these kind of games other than just the lobby.
In normal d2 lod, I never used open net. Only normal Bnet. Open bnet is risky in hardcore.
Do u know what i did? I bought 8 CD keys, and I use to farm In my own 8 player games solo, loading up my 8 Diablo CD keys on the various laptops and computers I have.
As a last resort I can do This again on d2 res, but this is not The right workaround , it’s stupid.
So add players X. Make the many players like me who Have optimized there gsmeplay a fun and challenging addition, buy scaling players 8 on bnet
sounds like you care more about yourself rather than the actuall dmg this would do to closed bnet. which has been pointed out on countless threads on P8.
this is why i said. did you think about maybe they said no cuz a form of open bnet might be coming that will let you have your P8. where its run by blizzard like closed bnet is.
i dont think many asking for this are asking them self this.
lol and you can do the same thing with D2R just create 7 more accounts and buy 7 more copies. then you have you P8 in the same way you got you P8 in D2/LOD. since you used more than one system back in the day.
amazing how you just proved you can do this in D2R as well
it’s very unethical bro. Forcing us to buy extra copies just to get the challenging experience of 8 players, very very unethical
in the mind of bussiness its not. do you really think blizzard is going to add this knowing that players like you in the past of have bought more than one copy/cd keys to get this. why do this when they can make money off players wanting P8 in thier games.
i can tell you if i was blizzard i sure would not be adding it cuz of this too.
D2 being dead an buried was also set in stone, low and behold what do we have now.
very unethical and evil bro
lmao dead games dont get remastered bud. D2 has had a solid player base for the last 18 yrs since patch 1.14d. blizzard didnt remaster it cuz D2 was dead bud. would have not have been a good financial move to remaster a game that is dead and has no player base
the reason blizzard remasterd D2/LOD was due to players asking for it for the last 10yrs. if it was truly dead as you claim players wouldnt have asked for it for so long.
must not have been since you did this back in the day.
Step 1. Enable /Players # function in online only if in solo game. The second someone joins the game, it reverts to /Players 2…and so on…
Step 2. Just play offline.
or Step 3… Give ENIGMA teleport a 10 second cooldown.
They said they did not want to change this because they want to “always encourage online play with other players” So perhaps add different benefits other than better drop rates for playing with other players in the same game?
I have to agree with OP. We need Players X command for online because sometimes there are not enough public players online when you are on. Depending on what game mode you are playing HC etc.
If I want to have an players 8 Experience and I don’t have any friends online, my other option would be to highjack someone else’s game and that is frowned upon.
it’s Unethical and evil On them, not me.
It was my love Of The game and challenge That made me do it.
But now i find no reason for them not to Give us players X command. You said Devs had good reasons not To add it, I want you to tell me What those reasons are
Bro, did you not read my post just before yours?
you dont read the threads your posting in before you post do you. go read the 100+ threads about P8 and you will see the reasons this is bad for closed bnet. if you dont agree with the reasons or even see how this would dmg closed bnet.
thats is on you and you alone
do you own leg work and get this info yourself. its lazy to not do your own leg work. not going to keep repeating myself for ppl that can only see the positive of P8 and are blind to the dmg it will do.
If they want to “encourage” group play then you need personal loot. I’m not the only one that has stopped group play because of the free for all loot style thats abused by 3rd party programs.
Also I LOVE the idea of a cooldown on all teleporting including sorc.
That’s the reason? That’s it?
They want to encourage party play?
Right now I’m on bnet, hc, useast
There are 4 open games, 3 of them have one player each, and one of them has 2 players.
I am lvl 94 hammerdin
No matter what I do, I still can’t find a 8 player game Right now. No matter what party I’m in, I don’t need there help to defeat enemies.
Solution? Let me make My own players 8 game
Yes, I agree with you. The solution is to offer different benefits for group play. If we as a community can suggest something really cool and interesting to the devs they will likely consider it.
you do know if you actuall read the other threads on this topic you will find that most asking for this are the same ppl commenting or creating this post are for having this. this small minorty is not enough to get blizzard to change it.
if you actuall read these post you will also see the majority of the player base does not want this.
perhaps a better way to get this would be as shawmeck said
perhaps ask blizzard to add another game mode kinda like open bnet where you can use this command. your more likely to be heard if another way was brought up such as this one.
I bet everything I have, that 99% of hardcore players, that are above lvl 90, would wish that they add a players x command
Bro I’ve been playing since day one