Queues on a Monday morning?

Worse even… Once you’re in, the “fixed” crashes as “BIASGOD” likes to call them have not been fixed, and they can’t even be bothered to add a buffer. So not only do you crash, but you go right back into an even longer queue. Woooo!!

Sorry, I pretty much said what you were saying. Either way, this is some bull.

I got in at 6:30, still waiting in the queue at 7:17…

If i do a mf run and make new game am I going to need to reque?? if so im deleting this game.


that was because some asian players, like me, go to US or UE server due to a 500+ or even worse 1000+ queue in asian server. US morning is asian night, HIGH TRAFFIC TIME!

Well play on your own servers then this is absolute trash excuse

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Ugh, I just got home from a long shift at Work, started up the game. Position on Queue 130, go sh*t, shower, shave, brushed my teeth. 30 minutes later still 130 in queue. WTH is up with this? I only have so much time left before I have to get to bed and start the work night over again.

Really bummed out now.

I would almost have been better had Blizzard just taken the servers down temporarily to fix the problem instead of this BS. A little time without the game even if it were a week would be find by me at this point.

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Im not telling a excuse, im telling a reason why this happened.
there is lots of spammers and bots in asian server that forces normal players moving to US or EU just for a normal game play.
myself is no longer playing, so I have some time here reading threads and see if there could be some refund news.
if bliz give us a refund, there will be no queues anymore.

I can see that being a problem. However the real problems seems to be the fact ActiBlizz, cheaped out one the one thing that is detrimental to the performance of the game.

I know people have said and will still say, " It’s an old game" and that code is the same and all this other technical BS that may also be true, but if Blizz had stress tested this and actually did their research prior to launch. Also not being cheap as dirt on a game that is only going to make them money on a one time purchase. There would be no real problems. Week one hiccups, understandable. Game is now a month old and is probably worse off than the launching issues.

The other end of this is. They are hurting the one thing that keeps them making money. The customers and fans of the game/company. And it isn’t just D2R issues that is taking a hit with the customer/fanbase. I played WoW since 2004 and have seen some serious ups and downs. And I can say this WoW people left in droves. In my opinion that game is dead and only the lifers still play it. I am not anymore. StarCraft. I have no idea, haven’t touched in in years. Same with D3. Maybe this is the nail in the coffin for me. Still undecided on my part.


Why let the servers crash because of influx of mass players in the late AM hours to early mid PMs? Thus a que system is in place and there is nothing Biased about what i say, its the facts and you are just complaining further which won’t make a difference.

Anything blizzard does or says Majority of you will never be happy, Must be self reflection of other issues.

Plenty of other things to do besides RRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEE out on the forums lol

Well there are many more countries in the world besides the USA, and when it’s 6am NY time, it’s something like 7pm or something like that in Korea, where you can find a very important Diablo community of players.

The database is global right now (they are working on an architectural rework, but this can take long to implement). In the mean time, unfortunately there is a waiting queue. That’s bad, but that’s better than random crashes followed by 3h+ maintenance.

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The issue at hand is right now a lot of us have been in queue for nearly an hour or longer. Myself included.

A lot of people like to do a few runs before work or like myself, I got home from work at 6:30 EST. I wanted to play a few Baal runs before I have to get sleep before another 12 hour 3rd shift. I can’t play the game if I am in queue for too long. I been in Queue now for an hour 40 minutes to go from 130 in queue to 88. It’s now been just past an hour and I am at 55.

That is the problem, I don’t mind a short wait even a 15 minute one. I can live with that. But when being in queue is eating up all my free time to blow some steam in a game I enjoy playing and one I payed for. It is unacceptable.


Which is why they should have just taken the servers down for a week or so. Fixed the problem and gone from there. Yeah, lots of unhappy people there would be. But I would rather them fix the problem instead of band-aid fixing the problem little bits at a time, while keeping the servers up and running only allowing select few people that get lucky enough to log in and still play.

Fix it all in one go or make it a painful process. They are making it a painful process. They are making it more of a problem and not part of the solution.

The other issue, even if you manage to get in after queue. There is no guarantee you will stay connected while playing only to be booted and stuck back in a queue again. Which happened to me 8 times inside 3 hours yesterday afternoon.

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The real Problem is not having a Queue. The real Problem is that the game is not stable, You get in after waiting from Pos 300+ want to enjoy a few hours if at all of gameplay and then woosh game Closes/Crashes … well enjoy waiting 300+ again we hope you like our game <3 Also: Havon to wait f*ing 2 minutes to try to join a Game again just because you the the Msg “Game is Full” is bullsh**. This is wwhat needs to be fixed in my humble opinion. Greetings from EU


That is the most frustrating. I experienced that a lot yesterday. Queues weren’t that long thank god, still frustrating to say the least. Even had one when I was about to down Baal and a second when I was about to finish Mephisto. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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You are right, they should have implemented a queue bypass if you were previously connected in the last 5 minutes to handle the client crashes.

Of course, the best idea would be to fix client crashes but well… let’s just say that D2R is not the usual quality we’re expecting from a Blizzard game. Good news is that they created a great remaster and are working hard to fix all issues. Fingers crossed…

The queue would be no problem if:

  • They would kick ppl who AFK ingame or never create one (the chat botters)
  • You would keep a token for a few minutes after exiting the game so that you can just reconnect when the game crashes on you

As it is right now, it’s a total gamble how long you can play before you end up in 30mins queues again.


I really hope you are right. lol. Sometimes with all this kinda stuff going on, almost feels like some bad punchline to a really horrible joke.

Solution. Bring back TCP/IP.


after 2 hours I am now at 37 woot bet the first CTD will take less then that.

That blows. I just got in. been a little over an hour or so. But the game I am in is lagging horribly. I almost died doing a Pindle run and I almost never take any damage doing that lol.