Returning player for few years back or so. A little new to TZ’s but, can TZ Andy and Meph drop Griffs eye if I’m lvl 88? Think it’s TZ 90. I would think so but wanted to make sure, anyone please?
Thank you
Returning player for few years back or so. A little new to TZ’s but, can TZ Andy and Meph drop Griffs eye if I’m lvl 88? Think it’s TZ 90. I would think so but wanted to make sure, anyone please?
Thank you
Hello. If you’re level 88, normal (white) monsters would be level 90, champion (blue) monsters level 92, elite monsters (yellow) level 93. This means Andarielle and Mephisto would be able to drop level 93 items.
Since normal lvl 85 areas can drop pretty much any item in the game from elite packs i would think any terrorzone above lvl 87 should be able to drop these tc 87 items from any mob. It does however feel like i drop more tc 87’s after my char got to lvl 91 but that might be coincidence and rng, i dont know but i think i saw someone mentioning that this was true
A few affixes have an ilvl above 87.
+2 to a specific class’s skills is ilvl 90 on circlets and amulets, Freezing Arrow charges on gloves is ilvl 94, Lightning Strike charges on gloves are ilvl 90, grand charms of Vita are ilvl 91, hibernal small charms are ilvl 91, Red or shocking small charms are ilvl 90, flaming small charms ilvl 89, and pestilent small charms ilvl 88.
There may be other items I missed.
I also don’t know the detail of the treasure level rolls, so I can’t tell how it affects item drops. Maybe someone else knows and can clarify.
Hey, you can check guide i made for this.
The executive summary from Zax’s guide:
When you hit lvl 88 all super uniques in TZs can drop like un-TZed Baal.
And when you hit lvl 91 they get a higher drop chance for Baal’s highest drop class.
Thanks all
Recently hit lvl 90. So from what I am understanding, TZ Andy+Meph can drop Griffons but 91+ basically has a higher chance?
I’m not exactly sure of the line, I assume you’re nearly there, but why are your worrying about it? Just level up and don’t give it another thought. TZ mobs IMO I think have a higher chance period to drop a griff, this includes the champs and trash mobs as well. Maybe it is level 91+ or maybe it is 88 or maybe it is 93, just level up to 95 and call it a day.
Since you’re level 90, even normal monsters can drop from TC87 - and my three Windforces all dropped from normal monsters, once even in Blood Moor when I was just trying stuff out.
When running Andy, I’d kill every boss/champion I pass by since they drop nicely and give xp. Others like to focus only on her and teleport past everything else … \o/
And Bone Ash might also be worth a detour when Andy is terrorized.
Awesome, thank you!
One thing I wanted to clarify on. I read Zax’s guide and saw that if you Andy bugged your quest, then you couldn’t get TZ (higher loot), if I read that correctly? I did Andy Bug my quest and during a TZ Andy dropped Metalgrid. So I wasn’t sure if Andy could already normally drop a Metalgrid or if they fixed it to where even with Andy Bugging you could still get TZ drops, anyone? Again iirc, the guide said if you wanted to get the higher drops in TZ from Andy you would need to created a new char and non-bug her.
Just wondering if I needed to make a new char to non-bug her! Again, thanks
You dont. Quest bug for andy no longer exists, it was fixed. If i have it there still , I will have to correct that information.
Ok another quick question if anyone knows. So I hit lvl 91, which is tz 93. Again, TZ hell Andy can drop griffons and not just the set Diadem right? I know I have had some answers but after watching some YT videos I heard a lot of people saying in comments Andy can only drop Set Diadem. I have probably farmed her 500ish times and I have gotten about every single tc 87 in the game except Griffons. A few set diadems and a few rare ones. Just wanted to make sure I was likely having bad luck?
Again, thank you
From your lvl88 onwards all TZ superuniues can drop all items in the game, same drop classes as un-TZed Baal. From your lvl91 onwards, all tz SU get extra chances on the highest TC.
If you’re lvl91, TZ Andy can drop Griffon’s.
I’ve heard weird stuff from folks before and when I say “let’s go and check it, it’s easy to disprove” and we did disprove their 100% certain stuff I always get big disbelieving responses and they assure me that it had been like that before.
It’s RNG. You’ve gotten green Diadems, you were just unlucky on the unique roll.
I found two Windforces before I got my very first Shako - and that was eth. Another WF prior to my very first non-eth Shako.
Since then? Not a single WF but Idon’tevenrememberanymorehowmany Shakos.
Thanks for the reply, and yeah probably in my head kinda thing but wanted to clarify I wasn’t going crazy and just some unknown Andy bug going on. Will keep up the runs
Wasn’t there some funkyness with the Quest Bug and Andy’z TZ level affect or something? That it was patched and it worked, then another new patch broke it? Maybe they fixed it again. I’m not sure how it all wound up going down though.
while it i think it might also also depends on a monsters drop table of they can drop a specific item type.
for levels:
griffons eye needs qlvl 84 to drop, and diadem needs i lvl 85
since the highest of those 2 is 85, griffins needs a lvl 85 monster to drop from.
as for that lvl is needed for certain affixes… those can be found on arreat summit
On run about 850ish Griffons dropped! Thank god it was not eth. Thanks a lot for all of your replies.
There was a lot. It was broken since TZ was introduced. Actualy in like 2 ways broken. Bacause wrongly set up TC in terror zones. Then it was broken because of old quest bug. It took forever until they fixed it. Now is her drop quest bugged always normaly and in tz. Meaning she doest drop junk items.
Yeah, RNG can be … tough.
Thank you.
Didn’t want to make another post for a quick question, but would anyone know where I can find my Offline Saved Data for D2R so I can make a copy/backup of my save files?
I found a folder that’s Saved Games/Diablo 2 Ressurected, and it has my character’s names in there, but it also has my online character names as well, so I wasn’t sure.