Don’t overdo with mf. After 200mf, there are dimishing returns. Optimize your kill speed instead. As for the hit chance, get some 130AR grand charms. I’d also level that barb to level 93, so you could craft everything possible, too.
72% is indeed nice and you probably notice the big difference.
A player will need 1000%MF to reach 200% Unique Find, but only 500%MF already grants 166%. The reason even Magical Item drop diminishes is because after a certain point, you will already find a very large amount of magical weapons and armor. Adding more to this will go unnoticed."
Here the same:
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My goal will be 500%mf than.
And yep, need AR charms too or a Grief
I rather focus on mobility, resistances and damage than mf. All I need is Stealth, Ancients Pledge and Steel to get into NM, and from there I make Myth, Radiance and Insight on merc. By the time I get into NM I’ve either crafted, Imbued, made or found a good maul, which gives me excellent damage in NM.
With little to no mf I farm NM after quickly completing it, and get the basics for Hell, such as SoE, GToe/Gore, Gface, LoH and I make either Duress or Lionheart, never having over 100 mf. If I have a gear famine I craft Blood gear.
Once I’m ready to move to Hell I start farming Act 1 and by the time I’m ready to leave Act 1 I’m so well gear I can fly to Baal with little to no struggle - better gear always dropping along the way. Once I get past hell Baal I farm the way I did in NM until the foundation of my meta is completed - eBotD TM, Enigma and for merc CoH and Infinity. A shaeled IK maul or an 2 x upped and shaeled Steeldriver are perfect for farming hell in a 3 player game.
Once my meta is all but complete I start farming strictly for experienc. With mf still blow 100 I work toward 99, all the while everything in the game eventually drops, 99% of which I sell in town or just leave on the ground. About the only things I keep are perfect rolls and eth uniques I don’t yet have.
When playing on ladder I do the same thing, but my damage and AR are insanely enhanced due to my support Enchantress!
The thing is if my kill speed is 2x or 3x the amount you’d need impossible amounts of magic find to compensate. For example, you have a certain kill speed at 200mf and another one at 500mf. With 500mf, you don’t have twice the chance of magic drop than with 200mf. If I teleport with enigma and kill 2x as fast with enigma, I’ll have a way higher expectation for a unique drop (probability times amount of tries).
Hm…but is 200%MF not to low ?
Even in the past my mf Sorcs ( not ressurected ) had 300-350%.
Atm my killspeed do not suffer much, tiny bit with nearly 500%mf ( with 2 times ali babas with ists for item find )
But what you think makes me thinking…Actually Enigma+Gheeds+ WT50 (181 mf ) would be enough and for fitem find alibaba switch ? Or 2 x Heart carvers instead of alibabas ?
Or do you mean 200 mf killing monster and higher mf for find item ?
Edit: I think you’re right. I reduced mf, only killing with Enigma+40Gheeds and 50 WT and trav gave me Cham rune, even before i horked.
But in my opinion, now that the season is already 2 months old, MF is actually bad.
At this point in the game if a claw drops, i would prefer a godly blue or rare over of a crappy Bartuc of Firelizard.
I go even further, I am all about gold find and gambling circlets/rings. Unique aren’t worth much by now, better play P8 with a light sorc or hammerdin to mf for griffon, coa or death’s web but I am pretty sure, not worth it.
I said mf% (which stands for Magic Find % on gear) doesn’t have to do with finding runes, which are not magic. So your odds of finding that Cham wouldn’t have changed regardless of how much MF% your gear had, was my point. Obviously it has plenty to do with finding magic/rare/unique/set items while farming, and can negatively effect finding RW bases. It’s a reasonable assumption to assume it would negatively effect rune finding, since they are non-magic, that’s why I was clarifying that runes are separate and are neither helped nor hurt by MF% on gear.
Congrats on the Lo! Fair enough on the Cham, but I’m poor enough I’d still pick it up! The only runes I’ve natural dropped above Ist are Sur and Ohm haha.
Yeah it’s a great way to get CBF without the classic Raven Frost since that cold damage messes with horking.
Cham probably too rich for my blood, but my Arreat’s socket is still open as I decide what to put in it. Also thinking of building a more dedicated Trav barb that uses Trang’s belt and WW to let my Frenzy barb focus and be less of a jack of all trades (although that’s fun too!)