Question about Enigma price

Im wondering if there are people, who are selling a cheap Enigma. I have some (high)Runes for offer but really dont know in which price categories its moving. Just know a normal Enigma is less than Ber+Jah.

Perhaps there are some people who recently bought one and could tell me how much they paid.

Non Sup Enigma is roughly 2 Ber
Sup Enigma is roughly 3 Ber
15% Ed bases are roughly 4 Ber

“Roughly” meaning 1-5 Ist either way

If you keep looking you might find one. Some people are more interested in ladder so if they make an announcement people may dump some stuff? There’s always a chance!

If I remember correctly, I’ve bough a AP enigma, +758def for Ber Lo Ohm recently.

So if ppl will be interested in ladder why they would sell items for half of their price ;)?

Ber Lo Ohm is super cheap for eni

How about enigma with archon plate no ed 512DEF but with a perfect roll 775+def? what is the price of it?