Quest, Skill, Stat [+] Boxes: PLEASE Move them

While you’re patching things…
Remember: The 1st rule of Diablo 2 club: Never go full D3.
Screen Clutter: is incredibly annoying and detrimental to our characters health, players sanity and game appreciation/fluidity.
The fact that we have these humongous [+] Boxes on our screen is disturbing and frankly - flat out annoying.
They need to move and/or be much more discreet.
This is MY Real Estate.
Either provide options of size, placement or removal.
Ultimately - they should have never been coded in this manner. It’s shameful.

Props D2R Devs for not doing the following with chat -

Diablo 3 developers were the masters of screen clutter.
They dialed back the “Chat Box” sensitivity multiple times over the years.
Let me tell you - there’s nothing like having your cursor in the region of Chat whilst casting spells and having it “Wake-Up”(Without hitting [ENTER] to actually chat!), rendering you impotent vs the hordes of hell and possibly clicking on “social item spam” because someone just identified 40 Legendary items and Devs wanted nothing but you to “Feel Connected” to those you played with! Yes, a checkbox to disable auto-item links from clan mates came later…it was a spam fest upon identification.

Never ever should a response to screen clutter be:
“Just hit the esc key”, “just hit the Q button 2x”, “simply hit C x2 or S x2”
Mind you this is all Mid-Combat!!
They’re not skills I’m casting. They’re not actions I’m taking to further my progress in-game.
They’re actions I’m taking to remove obscenely large, poorly placed and intrusive, interactive objects that have suddenly appeared on my screen which my mouse pointer can interact with and cause at best - a delay in action & at worst: a GIGANTIC screen-blocking-box to pop-up that ideally can and should be attended to at my leisure, out of combat, in town, as I see fit and so on.

Why do I say D3??
Ever run a Rift?
People run THOUSANDS!!!
Every single Rift - Orek, the vacuum cleaner salesman, repeats the exact same spiel every single time with a gigantic TEXT Bar across the bottom of your screen.
D3 has a unique mechanic - Monsters may or may not spawn in your face upon entering a Rift.
What can you do when your Cursor is in said Field of ad nausea box? Nothing. It’s a null-space. You must perform ESC to clear your screen every single time, every single rift, in order to regain screen real estate. Panic tap ESC and now you’re in S/E menu which is a different story…

Just do it, please.
Thank you

[Edit: I started D2R Christmas Eve. I logged onto the forum after being a creeper reading everything for years just recently. I would’ve been railing against this decision from the get-go had I been here sooner. This is, hands down, the most annoying and confusing decision this design team has …decided to do. This was a CONSCIOUS Decision! …just HOW?]