Quest Bugged: Khalim's Will

Greetings. I have entered a new, solo game and progressed to Act III. I initiated the “Khalim’s Will” quest, and completed the first step, collecting “Khalim’s Eye” from the Spider Cavern. On reaching level 3 of the “Flayer Dungeon” and looting the chest, the “Khalim’s Brain” does not spawn, and I have scoured the map. I have reloaded the game 3 times and repeated this process, no “Khalim’s Brain” will spawn. This is on a level 24 Paladin. Thank you for your consideration, time and advice in response to this, in advance.

Are you sure you don’t have that brain piece in your stash, cube etc?
if so it won’t drop iirc

I have the identical issue.

Was this issue ever resolved? I have a character that is still stuck on the Khalim’s Will quest wherethe game thinks I have the Khalim’s Will. I dont have it in my cube, stash, inventory, or character. I cant get the items to drop again and when I try to join someone else’s game Im not allowed to complete the quest and still dont get the drops to make Khalim’s Will.