The QoL is of course not having to adjust your computer clock settings to achieve the same thing.
/tz## - (sets current TZ based on a list. /tz00 = resets to current hourly TZ)
/tzlock - (Toggles locking to current TZ.)
Settings would carry over from game to game.
There could even be command line arguments that do the same thing.
I’m sure this will drown in the abyss of time, but I think it’s worth the mention anyway.
The QoL is of course not having to adjust your computer clock settings to achieve the same thing.
you’re not supposed to do that you know? it’s literally cheats
what next, you ask blizzard to make a built in hero editor?
Thanks for the bump.
It’s local single player, who cares if you think it’s cheating? What people do in local single player does nothing to affect you. There are commands to enable unlimited respecs and set the player count, so why not?
Why would the game need a built in hero editor? We already have 3rd party ones that work fine.
If it’s added as a command like playersX, it’s going to crawl into speedrun meta. And that’s not exactly single player
I can already see levelling in terrorized normal jail for nm and hell…
in single player you already have it so much easier than in multi, with static maps and predictable schedule and playersX.
Just make a mod and up the level of your favourite area to the number you want. It’s actually pretty easy, literally a number edit in levels.txt
Wow dude… You’re literally Debbie downing my suggestion as cheating, then you turn around and suggest modifying the game, which to you would be considered cheating as well? Talk about tripping over your own words.
when you modify your game it’s modding, not cheating. It’s then clear that you’re playing a mod.
So modifying the area level to gain more experience isn’t cheating? Oookay.
Your argument is flawed.
you can modify all monsters to have 1 life for all i care. It would be cheating only if you claimed to play vanilla game and participated in stuff like speedruns or the Single Player Forum
Why such a high regard for speed runs? Also you do realize that the OP suggestion would be optional, right? Speed run rules could be set to not allow adjusting the Terror Zones, which they can still do right now by adjusting their clocks.
Again, your argument is flawed.
you sound like a broken record. You just don’t like it - does not make it flawed
Speedrun rules might be set to not allow it at the start, but eventually it will give. Just like it was with players x.
And you are about as dense as a brick wall.
End of conversation.