QOL: Display iLvl Please!

I guess I didn’t make it too clear, sorry for that. I just gave reasons why they might choose to not add it (even as an option). I’m personally fine with it as an option or even just straight added in.

Been recommending this for awhile now. Since it’s a toggle, it’ll be useful for a lot of folks while not being a negative for those who feel the information is just extra clutter.

I think that would be good as an option in the advanced settings and selecting it on would bring a pop up window with a brief explanation on ilvl and a confirmation yes/no.

Also from this thread it sounds like the game might benefit from an upfront link to the arreat summit for an explanation of game systems.

I’d love to see it, would also be nice for trading. “Trust me this is a baal charm”

Yes, that is a precise case where the ability to see ilvl is really important.

Perhaps, but from my experience the majority of players new to games do not check the options for additional info toggles. Those that do will be studious enough to do their research or deduce from other game knowledge what something does. Most new players won’t even utilize this option until it’s mentioned in a post they read, at which point chance are they’ve learned what iLvl is by then.

It would only affect originality for those that utilize the optional toggle, as it would be off by default. Those that did use it wouldn’t mind, of course.

Exactly! It would be helpful to know - especially as new characters starting out in a brand new economy - if the item I’m cubing actually is high enough to get the 4 sockets I need.

Prime example!

I honestly don’t think this is necessary. Most people looking in the advanced settings will either know what it is and use it, or not know/care and thus not use it. However, I wouldn’t mind having a little pop-up appear when first turning it on to reduce confusion.

Another great reason! Especially important for charms and trading high-level whites that may be cubed for sockets. There is no way to tell if a Monarch is a low-quality one that was cubed to normal (thus having a forced iLvl of 1, meaning it can’t get more than 3 sockets) or actually iLvl 72+. Easy to be scammed.

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As long as it drops from Diablo, Nihal or Baal it always has potential for 45life rolls. Re-rolling it does not change the item level. But if we could see the item level then that would allow one to trade these high level grand charms.

you can just cube them to 40+ life and thats proof enough when u sell. Prretty easy to reroll to 40+ within a couple of tries. I don’t want the itemlvl to be shown. There is no need to.

Hmm interesting idea. I like it.

In one or more of the surveys that were done either on reddit or by a streamer, whenever questions were asked about adding information to the UI such as ilvl on item or monster level of the area, a majority I believe always responded that they would want that. Seems like a no-brainer kind of change, very little opposition.

Easy fix, make it a toggle option to show these details.

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Very good idea. Blizzard, please make this happen!!!

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Ok…How is that a problem?

If the newbies are confused and ask questions then some veteran will answer it. We/they will post guide links, post youtube videos, replay the question…etc.
Then those newbies won’t be confused anymore and they may be able to help other newbs who have the same question.

Be confused and asking questions can be the 1st step of learning things.

Definitely a QOL update that could really be of benefit and harms nothing.

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Yep been mentioned many times, should def be included. :+1:

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“Drop Level” could be a useable term. This makes it more directly indicative that it’s referring the the monster that dropped it.

F them, showing ilvl is one of the few positive changes anyone could suggest.

lol :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I already explained that in detail. Take it or leave it.

There is no need for further discussion. That it CAN be confusing is a fact. Will it be? Maybe, maybe not.

The only reason I throw suggestions like those in is that people learn to view things from different perspectives, 'cause that’s what game designers and developers have to do.

It’s easier to convince them if you can argue from their point of view, considering even minor impacts no matter how much you would like a specific change.

Any confusion generated by this is easily resolved by a google search of ‘what is ilvl’ or just asking. There aren’t any meaningful downsides to this.