Qol D2 Legacy questions

Why are we unable to get any QOL updates to D2 LOD like added runewords bug updates hell even try things out on legacy ladders to see if it would work for D2r would take anything.

Well realistically how many people still play LOD, 500-1000 maybe, and that is optimistic.

It would be nice to maybe get a few item updates, just tweak some numbers to make them more fun to find. Looking at you Stormspire

D2r is waiting for you.

Far more difficult to update (and keep bug-free) old code (with no one from the business familiar with it) compared to new code. Also dealing with old Bnet vs Bnet 2. Old Bnet relatively unstable and easily becomes unplayable due to far faster telecom and computers–it can’t handle it and crashes (YCHBI) frequently. Bnet 2 designed for relatively current speeds and data volumes.