PvP: make it official. Long post part 2/3

Reposting what I posted yesterday on the temp forum, since the whole forum apparently got closed lol. Anyway here’s the post again:

Since I can’t play the Alpha/Beta/release until I upgrade my comp, most probably in the next few weeks or so, I’d probably just write in a few suggestions now (nothing new really. These are things that are in ALL other games with a pvp mode, except Diablo!), so if people want to see some of these things implemented, just chime in and upvote and maybe we’ll get what we want lol. IMO, given that pvp is one of the biggest draws in the game (the weird part is that most of the active player base (talking about in the OG) are pvmers), I think it’s prolly time that pvp in this game got some degree of endorsement and support from the devs. This game has tons of PvP potential, and it probably does not take much to turn this into a game with pvp as a major aspect of it. Too much potential not being fulfilled. Imo it only takes a few simple QoL additions (NO BALANCE FIXES needed, but of course if you can be bothered to review the entire class balance system for both pvp+pvm then you could) to turn it into a mainstream pvp, my take here and I’ll try to simplify it as much as possible:

It’s not a pvp game and the only way to make pvps viable was to come up with a long list of rules that ppl had to remember and stick to on their own. I’d estimate that probably only 15-20% of the player base ever got started on pvp because nobody could be bothered to read those rules. Reading and enforcing the rules was probably the single largest barrier to joining pvps. In a good pvp game people should be able to jump in and play without having to adjust their gear or read any guidelines, otherwise most ppl wouldn’t get into pvps at all. Most people don’t follow or remember the rules even though they know about it, which is why pvp never took off in the original game (it seems a lot but as a % of the total player base it was actually only a small percentage). I’d also mostly focus on team pvps in this post, because team pvps are already mostly auto-balancing, whereas if you tried to balance it for individual pvps you’re basically turning the game into a joke. It’s a team game anyway. Team pvps are really where it’s at. Only a few small kinks that you have to sort out and then you would already more or less get a fully-fledged pvp mode. Not trying to take anything away from the pvm game of course, because I know this game wasn’t even designed as a pvp game, but pvp is really another game altogether. I also won’t really analyse the game in any form other than the current game, because I wouldn’t know what it would be like with WSG fixed (I am also not looking forward to pvping w/ WSG fixed).

Aside from restrictions on gear (team pvp would probably be viable without having to impose gear restrictions. If you wanted to balance out individual pvps, all sorts of gear restrictions would have to be imposed, though) and skills (there are probably only a few skills that need to be banned. Some of those may be: thorns, iron maiden, leap, iron golem, summon revives/skeletons, bone wall. To be discussed ofc. Just grey out those skills in a formal pvp game or something), the obvious rules that also have to be enforced would be the usual no jumping, no nking/townguarding, no leaving the blood moor, no extra team members/buff chars/third party hostiles, etc. And then there are the rules that are used to weed out the things that are too troublesome to bring to every pvp round (some of them are also considered cheese tactics), and they are outlawed so that nobody uses them to gain an advantage. Casual players can’t be bothered to bring those to every game, but there would be some players that would go to all the extra effort to bring those to pvp games, ruining it for the majority of players. This is probably an exhaustive list of it (these should either be made available for free/at no hassle to everyone, or disabled completely in real pvp games):

-Rejuvenation pots - the current gm ruleset only allows mana potions in pvps, which is probably the ideal. Rejuvs are not allowed because they are troublesome to obtain and are not available at NPCs, and also because pvps would go on for too long if they were allowed, and they also favour 1-hit type chars such as hammerdins. Hypothetically speaking any setting would make for good games as long as it were applied to all chars across the board. For example if it were only mana pots allowed, or no pots allowed or only rejuvs allowed it should be fairly balanced. Health pots should strictly not be allowed because of uneven mileage from each char. For example maxed block/dodge chars as compared to vita chars. Course if rejuvs could be used, nobody would be using health pots. Antidotes and thawing pots probably should not be allowed because they are absorb items and are unnecessary nerfs against cold dmg/poison dmg users, but it’s just part of the game so it’s not that big of a deal if they were allowed. Under GM rules there were exceptions for energy shield sorcs and they couldn’t use any pots, but they probably don’t have to be nerfed over here because to begin with they were only OP under GM rules. Ideally for pvp all allowed pots should be FOC at NPCs, while non-allowed pots should be banned from use
-Skill charges on items - Mostly banned under GM rules but imo adds to the depth of the pvps. They are too troublesome to repair before every game, hence why they are not really used in pvps. They also allow for cheese tactics in individual pvps, but not so for team pvps because there aren’t really any broken tactics in team pvp. My take is that less item restrictions are preferable, but I’m fine either way whether skill charges were allowed or banned. Imo if allowed then it should be FOC for everyone to repair skill charges in pvp games, and if banned then the use of skill charges should be disallowed (greyed out) across the board
-Prebuffs - imo don’t allow. A formal pvp feature can enforce this by making sure you can’t cast anything in town, and the moment you step on the blood moor you can’t open your stash anymore for the rest of the match/round. Imo prebuffing should be limited to cube bo only (i.e. prebuff gear in cube and held in inventory), not prebuff at stash, otherwise some ppl may spend several minutes prebuffing b4 every game. The ideal would probably be no prebuffs at all, and the battle starts with both teams on opposite ends of the Blood Moor, so any prebuffs would be cast after the commencement of the round
-Mercenary - it costs you 50k gold every time you bring them back, and hence they are very inconvenient for pvps. They are also not a big part of strategy because they are usually very easy to get rid of. Ideally they should be either FOC to res for pvp games, or banned from use altogether for pvps. I think either is fine, but most pvpers would generally say it won’t bring anything good to pvp games
-Ethereal items without Indestructible/Self-repair modifiers - under current rules ethereal items without the indestructible mod or replenish quantity/self-repair mod are not allowed in pvp games, and this is because items such as fort, enigma, doom, beast or even cta offer some noticeable advantages when ethereal, but will have to be replaced every few hours of pvp. Considering it takes weeks/months to find the runes for any of those, it’s not a surprise nobody wants to have to get limited use items just to keep a level playing field, so I would consider making use of the current GM rule over here that says you are not allowed to use an ethereal item if it is not indestructible or does not have replenish quantity/self-repair. I said I wasn’t much for gear restrictions, but you have to make an exception here because it is just impractical to look for gear that can only be used for a few games. It is also not much of a restriction because it only requires you to find the indestructible/self-repairing version of an item, or the non-eth copy of it, not barring the item altogether, and most people also don’t think about using ethereal breakable items on pvp chars to begin with. But even if it were not banned it probably wouldn’t break the game because it does not give that huge of an advantage and most people wouldn’t bother looking for eth breakable stuff just for this. Another scenario is that pvpers actually start incorporating eth breakable items in their setups and the cost of jahs/bers/los skyrockets, but the eth indestructible/self-repair items or non-eth items mostly fulfil the functions that any of the eth breakable items would have. I would recommend banning this, but it’s not strictly necessary for competitive pvps to take place, so it’s possible to have competitive pvps with zero gear restrictions imposed either way

Also a few other things to consider:

-Items with aura/CTC procs - Items like Bramble and Steel Carapace/Corpsemourn have Thorns aura and CTC Iron Maiden, which are banned skills in almost every serious pvp league, but over here items like Bramble/Steel Carapace/Corpsemourn don’t have much inherent use but using them only means that you can’t use Enigma or Fort etc, so I wouldn’t bother with banning those because keeping those on you only means that you have even more of a disadvantage anyway. There aren’t really any OP aura/CTC items atm (not OP for team pvp anyway), so I wouldn’t bother with any complicated restrictions on items. Course if there is another patch, then I don’t know
-Shrines/monsters - Imo could be part of the terrain, but they are excluded from serious pvp so that luck-based/external factors are eliminated as much as possible (the area is cleared of monsters prior to any matches), so imo those probably should not be kept around in any serious pvp game
-No overly defensive play - You can get rid of that problem by reducing arena size (or scale according to number of players per team) and/or setting time limits or shrinking/collapsing arena like what they use in some games to prevent stalemate or ultra defensive hit and run tactics/mass psn, etc

So if you really wanted to turn it into a fully-fledged pvp game it would actually be quite simple. The game should allow people to create regular games where you pvm or hostile each other (in some ways BMPK is more fun than regulated pvps, so I wouldn’t touch anything that goes on in regular games. You would have to also have formal pvps for pvps to have a chance of becoming mainstream, though), and then add a feature where you create pvp-only games, with all those things in the bolded paragraph added into the game and automatically enforced by the game itself, which I reckon isn’t a lot. A modder could probably add all of those in in a few hours. For pvps to be accessible to casual players, it must be something that you can jump in and play, and from the moment the game gives you the “Battle Start” message you should be able to do anything you want without worrying about being disqualified, because the game has already locked out the possibility of you making any moves that will get you disqualified, for example if the game prevents you from teleporting out of the Blood Moor during a round (i.e. anywhere outside of the Blood Moor becomes OOB, meaning you cannot go there even if you click on it), which in some leagues is an immediate disqualification. The only way to open up pvp to casuals is to make it so that there will not have to be any rules/restrictions that have to be memorised, because otherwise there would be a lot less people pvping (and in turn a lot less people trading. It is basically easiest to get the items you want with an active trading scene, and this is why the pvp scene should be made inclusive to the casual player, because an active game/active trading scene goes hand in hand with an active pvp scene). Just a single rule that has to be manually observed would ruin it. From the moment you see the “Battle Start” message it is anything goes and there is no such thing as having to remember not to do something that may get you “disqualified”. The bolded paragraph should have all the things that have to be coded into a dedicated pvp mode (just listed it from memory though, may have missed a few).

Re: balance in team and individual pvps, only team pvps are viable without much balancing measures. For individual pvp half the classes are not viable w/o gear restrictions, so it would just be a waste of your time because those would never be balanced. It turns out the balance and diversity in pvm/team pvm does translate into balance and diversity for team pvp, but it does not for individual pvps. Team pvp has a way of balancing itself out (like soccer/chess) and there is no real overpowered strategy or glaring flaw with most team compositions, but it’s just another story for individual pvps. No team can be hard countered by the other team, but with individual pvps there are very few builds that cannot actually be hard countered, and this is why only team pvps will fly, but individual pvps do not. Skill and preparation mostly determines the outcome in team pvp, while in individual pvp the outcome is mostly already determined by the matchup. You would have to impose all sorts of very specific gear/skill restrictions for individual pvp to become balanced, which would be very complicated. Imo this is a team game so team pvp is where it’s at anyway. To add, it is possible to actually balance out individual pvps without changing the current pvm game or the bmpks in regular games, because if a pvp-feature were to be implemented it would happen in a bubble separate from regular games, so it would be feasible to tweak skills (damage multipliers and breakpoints etc) on certain chars while they are in the pvp-mode, which will revert to normal stats when they join regular games, but I wouldn’t really bother with that because it would be too complicated to balance out individual pvp and it would just look like a modded version of the game if it were.

Imo what the pvp aspect of the game needs is some feature that allows people to search for formal challenges from the bnet lobby, like what Warcraft 3 uses, or maybe something less anonymous. Maybe also add pvp stats on characters like what WC3 has. IMO all it takes to get people started on pvp is to add a pvp stat to each of their characters, probably viewable from the bnet lobby or pvp channels or something like that. In the WC3 system players were generally matched against players of similar levels because the system would be able to estimate a player’s skill level after several games, so if the same rating system were to be used for pvp in D2, it should also account for character level/gear etc and also player skill, because the ratings are based on the outcomes of games. So if the same pvp matchmaking system were to be used for D2, it should be very inclusive of a lot of players including the casuals, because they would be matched up against teams/players with similar combined parameters of character levels/gear and player skill. This would incentivise players to trade for stuff to improve their chars, meaning an active economy ingame, which is something I would want to see because the realm that I played on in OG D2 did not have a real trading scene because it did not have a real pvp scene (for non-foreign language speakers anyway), and you could not actually get the stuff you wanted to use!

Best format should be First To 3 wins or First To 5 wins probably, upon matchmake all players are sent to a pvp-mode game with all the features added in like what was pointed out in the bolded paragraph to prevent foul play and all the skills that are redundant/should be excluded from pvps greyed out, with ready-made pvp arena. After all the rounds are up you are sent to the bnet lobby again, or maybe the game allows you to remain there to chat or show each other gear setups or w/e.

That’s prolly all it takes to turn D2 into a mainstream pvp game. Course I also made some mention of the over-nerfed subclass: bowazons Zons are the sore thumb of the game, buff zons: a core analysis, long post part 1/3 - #2 by Reinami-11107 . Buffing bowazons in some way should improve class balance in every way in pvp AND pvm.

There’s a few ways to make pvp REALLY popular, but it involves setting up a system that involves competitive mongering among players (I’m not saying it’s bad, it’s just difficult to set up correctly. But if set up right it would be absolutely massive!), and while these sorts of things are popular among current pvpers it’s not really something I would expect to fly in a remaster:

Pvp wagering - This is a thing among current players, but it’s only among people who love to gamble and compete. It is not likely a lot of people will get into wager pvping, unless it were not a zero-sum game. In a few MMOs I’ve played there is an exp bonus to the winner in addition to the winner getting the items or currency wagered by both parties (and those games were actually hugely popular BECAUSE of wager pvp), so it is not entirely a zero-sum game. If it were tweaked such that it were actually worth the time to win pvps for this type of thing, then it may actually get popular, for example very high level players would be item-rich but exp-hungry, while lower leveled players would just be looking for more items, so I reckon there would be a lot of wager pvps going on and a lot of ppl trying to gear up their chars, if the formula was tweaked correctly. Again, this is all hypothetical because like I said earlier only team pvps have potential, so unless individual pvps were made viable you can’t really tweak it a whole lot. I mentioned it on a post on jsp a few months ago, and I don’t feel like rewriting it so I will just copy/paste what I wrote over there: “Just to point out some of the potential of a formal pvp wager system: in formal wager pvp balance may not be an issue at all, because wager pvp is only about winning or losing and not about looking for balanced pvp at all. Competitive yes, but as for balance you never needed balance to make it competitive. Wager pvp would be FAR more competitive than any form of balanced pvp would be, especially wager pvp on ladder. That thing would turn into massive business if it was tweaked properly. You don’t even have to make it fun, although I guess it would be. People would be wager pvping as long as it advances them (acquiring gear and levels) faster than pvm will. Of course the ideal is a nice balanced pvp system, but if you’re talking about pvp between half-geared chars/teams on ladder, it won’t be balanced obviously but you would see tons and tons of people pvping anyway, because to begin with, pvp never needed balance to be fun anyway!”

Pvp tournaments w/ pot up for grabs - In contrast to wager pvping, this would be a guaranteed full-house at every tournament, because unlike wager pvp, you don’t have anything up for wager. You have nothing on the line, other than pvp stats/rankings (this is just tangential but this could also motivate ppl to put even more effort into gearing their chars, and that would mean more economy, which is going to be good for trading). This is also a thing in the OG, so again if this were actually implemented it would be HUGE, but I dunno whether I’d wanna put something this big into a remaster. If it actually gave ppl a way to gain high runes etc outside of pvm grinding I reckon it would be much welcome by the player base, though. The thing w/ handing out virtual goods as tournament prizes is that an infinite amount of it can be generated, unlike in community hosted tournaments where the tournament payouts would be finite because they came from sponsors. I would say a good ballpark would be around 1-5 high runes or the equivalent to each player from the winning team of each tournament (that’s the sort of thing like a ton of people would make time for every month/weekend to play, whatever they actually fancy their odds are…), and a good tournament format should probably be a monthly or bimonthly tournament on ladder/non-ladder/both or maybe once or twice a season, probably in a 64 team or 128 team elimination bracket where only chars of a sufficiently good pvp ranking can join. Or if you really want to make it fun just make the tournament format FFA or team FFA (e.g. 2v2v2v2). Unlike the current community hosted tournaments, which are extremely cumbersome to administer, this stuff could all be fully automated, i.e. it can just be scheduled to be run itself every month/week or whatever like clockwork, without even having to put any admins on it to monitor it. So large scale pvp tourneys could be held with absolutely no manual administration required, because the game itself already enforces the rules and umpires the game and registers the result, and hands out the tournament pots all automatically, just like a lot of online esports already do. Some of the problems with this may be lag due to geographical location, and this could probably be solved by dividing the rounds up: a series of rounds on a server close to your team’s location, and then another series of rounds on a server near the other team’s location. To also mention there really ought to be a pvp leaderboard on ladder (or non-ladder) as well, because the current leaderboards are mostly redundant because people don’t consider leveling your char to be a particularly difficult achievement (unless it’s EXTREMELY fast).

Esport/spectator sport - Esport would be a long stretch but again since if there were a pvp mode it would just be in a bubble separate from regular games, so it can be tweaked until you get something that is esport viable, and I suppose it could look something like a cross between MTG and DOTA, but again esport would be a long stretch. The formula for esport isn’t THAT difficult, for example create pvp-oriented maps instead of Blood Moor, disable non pvp-oriented minimap, enable fog of war, make it so that teams will hunt each other like in most esports, and you can also expand the game format and expand maximum number of ppl in a game so that ppl can engage in team 8 vs 8 or enforce class quotas, for example you can’t use repeats of any class on any team, so you can use Paladin+Amazon+Druid+Necro but you cannot use for example all Pallys or all Zons on a team. It’s not really difficult to introduce something as an esport, but obviously you would have to get a lot of people started on pvping before you would be able to talk about that sort of thing. DOTA got esport with a huge revamp, so I reckon it’s not impossible.

Anyway I had to say my piece. Sorry if it’s late for changes, been hella busy in rl! But to conclude, even though it’s not designed as a pvp game, pvp in this game should in fact be MORE COMPETITIVE than pvps in dedicated pvp games, and these are the few necessary things to capitalize on that potential.

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Who cares?

D2 isnt an esport and PVP is literally who clicks first.


yeah this game would benefit from some pvp support. Id like to see fully geared pvp chars added too. If people can just jump straight into pvp without farming items, I think you might reduce the demand for botted items by 90%+ at the same damn time.

Who cares?

D2 isnt an esport and PVP is literally who clicks first.

Nah was mostly kidding when I said esport, but anything is possible with those things.

I don’t think that’s the way pvp goes if both sides know what they are doing, definitely not team pvp. But I would agree with you that the point of pvp isn’t really to see who is more skillful, most of the time anyway. Actually, I think pvp was largely just to put your items/snowflake build to use, less about balance or skill. Lol. Even or balanced no, but extremely competitive yes. But for most people it isn’t about the skill or challenge. Only a few actually pvp because of the pvp game (but this is a very small %), but for a lot of people it is just a way to put their items to use and experimenting with all sorts of builds. So you would in fact see that there would be a ton of people pvping even if pvps were not balanced, and there was no skill or challenge involved. All that’s required is an umpired setting, which was obviously not there in the original. Was thinking why not just ask the devs to put in a feature that would facilitate that.

In the current state of the game you would already have been jumped and killed before you can bo, and you would already have been jumped and killed before you can say “go”. You have to farm rejuvs, gold for mercenary and get multi-client buffing chars just to be on even ground with other pvpers. In any real pvp game the game itself should have already weeded out the possibility of those things going on, and the game itself should be the referee and also provide a ready-made arena, but obviously none of these are in the original. There are the GM rules, but in practice most people do not read or stick to the rules (a lot of those are people that know the rules, but they just don’t stick to it), so that already phases out probably 80-85% of the player base from any meaningful pvps. This is where most of the participation drops off. People stop participating because the rules are not enforced, not because it is challenging or w/e. People would have things to complain about, if they lost because the rules were not enforced, but they don’t really have anything to complain about if they lost because their own skill and gear was inferior, and in the latter scenario it just doesn’t stop them from trying to compete again and again, and they would just keep on coming back for more. What’s REALLY required for mass participation in player vs player is automatic enforcement of pvp rules by the game itself, and the only real barrier to joining pvps was the umpiring (or the lack of). So you actually only have to add that in and then tons and tons of people would be getting involved in pvp.

I’ve already written more than I had planned to, but to add to the previous paragraph, gear is not really the main barrier to entry to pvps like most people think. It is losing because the rules were not enforced, that people don’t like, and they would just quit pvps after that, but losing because your skill/gear is inferior, does NOT deter people from participation in pvp, and in the latter scenario it is only going to make them come back and try harder every time they lose. This means that gear is not really that much of a barrier. The real reason that gear eventually became a barrier to entry was that you could not get anywhere in pvp (GM or BM) with mediocre gear, and because you had to get proper gear to weather all the BMing that goes on everywhere. It turned into an arms race and then it wasn’t really about pvp anymore, and there were also not a whole lot of people playing in pvps so you could not find anybody at your level (not char level, I mean your overall skill/gear levels) unless you bought all your pvp-grade items just like the other pvpers. At some point you couldn’t just walk into a game with a random build (even if it was not BM) and enjoy the pvps anymore, because you would not get to play, and you would get jumped and nk’d and nothing more. Gear is not a barrier when there is a certain critical mass of people in the pvp scene, and if the game itself finds people that are actually of similar levels of skill and gear to match you up with (or at least shows everybody’s pvp ratings/statistics, so at least you know who you should not drag into a duel with you, and who you can/should duel against). This sort of ratings system is used in online chess to determine matchups, and WC uses it also, but obviously D2:2000 did not really have that, and it was in fact only a matter of whether you had pvp gear on you or you were only something that people should avoid spending any time on… There wasn’t actually anything in between… It set a whole new, massive cutoff point in the pvp scene, and this is why gear became an additional barrier to entry to the pvp scene (so I would say between the need to gear up and the need to read and stick to the rules (the former is basically mostly a product of the latter), only about 1% of the player base remain in pvps!).

The point of me writing all this is to show why the pvp scene gets completely decimated (the only part of it intact is only the 1% that still remains. What you are looking at now is only the 1%. What I just wrote about describes the 99% of it) and why it will just repeat itself in D2R. The point is that the numbers in pvp are nowhere near what it should be, and pvp should be the core of a game like this.

yeah this game would benefit from some pvp support. Id like to see fully geared pvp chars added too. If people can just jump straight into pvp without farming items, I think you might reduce the demand for botted items by 90%+ at the same damn time.

Hm, I dunno, like I was just saying most people aren’t really looking for skill and balance in pvps. Ppl are just looking to pit the items they grabbed during pvm against other people’s items. Only a small % actually pvp for the pvps, for the rest it’s mostly about playing around with their stuff… It’s not a serious pvp game. If a serious effort were actually made to balance the game for pvp then I’d say sure why not it would be good to have test-drive chars :slight_smile:

How are we going to PK with these rules?

I love GM PvP, but PK is an important part of the game. Remember the first time someone went hostile on you when you were grinding? It was a rush for me. It’s even more fun in HC:)

Honestly though, I’d rather negotiate the rules as a community rather than have them dictated by Blizzard & played in a bubble. We probably will find balance issues in D2R that don’t exist in D2. As a community, we have the ability to fix those issues locally & flexibly, rather than playing in a walled garden.

Handshake pvp. Everything else needs to be removed.


I wasn’t recommending any rules. I was recommending the need for rules to be eliminated, i.e. the game basically prevents and locks you out of doing anything that can be called Bad Mannered (BM) or considered foul play (it’s not a big list. Just read the bolded paragraph in the original post, including the point forms), so that from the moment your pvp round starts you can just do anything you want to win without worrying about getting disqualified. This is a feature of ALL pvp games: FPS, RTS, fighting games, or any MMO with a formal pvp mode (D2’s current pvp system should be considered informal because the game itself does not arbitrate or restrict/intervene in what players do against each other, and the game itself does not enforce fair play). I guess the simple way to describe it would be to use online chess as the example because it locks all players out of making moves that are not in accordance with the rules of the game, so even complete noobs can jump in and play even if they don’t know all (or any) of the rules in chess, and this is why online chess is so much more popular than club chess, because in online chess, you literally CAN’T get disqualified and you CAN’T have any illegal moves made on you by your opponent.

I was just suggesting it be a separate mode or feature, so you can play in regular games and you can also bring your char into the walled garden, but the truth is that most players are not going to touch pvp in regular games, so we need the walled garden to get everybody to start pvping! To give credit where it is deserved, games far more complex than this game have been balanced more than satisfactorily, for example look at the RTS games or fighting games with like 65+ chars or so. If you wanted to balance this game for pvps, you would only have to take into consideration the hypothetical “optimized” versions of each char (meaning perf runewords, perf uniques, perf 6 point rares and perf 4 point crafted items. The BIS do not vary that much for each variant, so it’s not THAT complex), which is probably not as complex as balancing a lot of other games. But like I said I wasn’t very interested in having to balance the game because there are all sorts of ways to get competitive and fun pvps without needing any balance fixes, but I think that if the game were to be balanced the balance changes should be hard-coded into the game, not something players should be expected to keep on making adjustments for, every time they want to pvp.

Most people aren’t going to spend time discussing what set of rules they wanna use, forcing themselves to stick to it, or checking/reporting whether the other person is breaking the rules. You’ll only be left with a very small pool of players if that’s the sort of pvp you’re looking for. You will have to have a standard pvp game, that’s already enforced by the game itself without that hassle being put on players or the need for them to settle the parameters of the game with each other, but this is really the norm for any pvp game out there.

Imo they should leave regular games as it is. Forcing handshake pvp would mean that you can’t pk people at all, which can be worse than having to defend yourself from pks. Handshake pvp won’t really do anything for pvp because it won’t stop anybody from BMing you. They will just BM you the moment you accept the handshake that’s all, or BM you the moment they accept your handshake. MOST of the player base is either BM or nothing. You gotta make it so they CAN’T bm you, otherwise you will get bm’d.

But nobody that doesn’t want to PVP would accept the handshake… that’s the point.

Part of the problem is that most of the games you mention are specifically PVP games. You play them to engage against other people. Diablo isn’t that. It’s a PVM game with the ability to PVP. I just think the ability to PVP should be agreed upon in game, or removed entirely.

Nah, it’s designed as a pvm game, but pvp is arguably the bigger aspect of it. Pvm only keeps you playing for maybe a few months, and most of the long-term players are pvpers not pvmers. Pvpers have the biggest stake in the game by far, even if less people pvp than pvm. It’s just that pvp had a lot of barriers to entry, but pvm had none. If pvp had been cut from the game, it would likely be completely inactive today. This game is a lot more than just pvm

I guess when they add in the options we’ll find out.

I get the “noob friendly/popularity/participation” argument & it’s a good one.

My point is what is BM/GM can & should change: There may be expansions that alter balance, players may uncover unknown exploits & different regions may have different takes on what GM means.

The flexibility to respond to changes, make adjustments, respond to the desires of players & accommodate regional differences is also important to the health of PvP. If the parameters of the walled garden aren’t flexible, you’ll lose players.

I really don’t want to be in a situation where Blizzard decides what is and isn’t allowed. That should be up to the players. I don’t want to step into a fancy arena just to find out that Blizzard missed an important BM rule, or inadvertently created BM-ish stuff in an expansion.

I’d quit playing if Pking was an open event. I’m not here for PvP, I don’t care for pvp. The player base in general would drop because people get sick of not being able to accomplish anything, because of pesky pkers who feel the need to screw with the rest of us.

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The fun thing to do is hunt them down and kill them first:)

It’s not just about being noob-friendly. Long-time pvpers could use it too. There was lots of drama and griefing in pvp among long-time players and not just among the noobs over stuff like having to verify that you were not breaking the rules, and it was troublesome to check whether the other person was breaking the rules, lots of stuff like that. It’s funny b/c you had a lot of these things to get out of the way before you could get down to the game itself. If you have a life outside of gaming you won’t be doing that much quality pvps.

I’m not sure if it’s going to be that fun if you are going to have to work out balance every few weeks just to play the game. If the community thinks that it will be indefinitely stuck there adjusting/readjusting and reassessing the rules and game balance every day for years to come, it basically means that it doesn’t have faith in itself to balance the game, and you can’t really call it a pvp game then. I want to play a game lol, not get into endless arguments about how to play it. Most of us would only want to spend time on the former, not divert a crazy amount of time to the latter. It’s also going to be more difficult with this game for the player base to establish balance because nobody is using a completely optimised setup (unless you hack), and most people are using far from optimised setups, or most people have not even gotten out of the pvm phase. This is why meta in this game evolves a lot slower than say RTS or fighting games, because nobody truly has the endgame options available to them, so players themselves won’t even know what’s best for themselves or the game. Despite what I said a few posts ago, this game IS quite complex, both pvp and pvm. I also don’t think balance is a matter of flexibility. This sort of thing is supposed to be standardized. It’s not something that changes and you have to keep on updating yourself with every time you play or every few weeks (also remember that each time the community adjusts the rules, the gg item that you got off the trade forums last week, may now be something you can only use in pvm!), but it’s about finding a happy medium and then sticking to that as the standard version, not about shifting your own goalposts every few months/every few weeks. Obviously it can’t be completely perfect, and there will always be some element of rock/scissors/paper, but if it’s minimal then you already have a pvp game. When your standard balance for pvp is found, you would want to code it into the game, because if you were thinking of counting on people to abide by the “GM” rules on their own, it is never going to work out among most people, because you already know they are just going to keep on attempting to undercut each other, and nothing much else. In other words, your “pvp game” would be a failure. Of course you could leave it to the modders in a few months/years or whatever, but most people aren’t going to go into those. Most people just get the official version of the game and wouldn’t go into the mods. So most people won’t even see this super awesome pvp game that was so meticulously crafted by the pvp community, because they only play the official version for a few weeks or a few months and then they will play another game after that (which is what happens in most pvm only games). So if you really wanted this to be considered a real pvp game, you would basically have to ask the devs to put in an official pvp mode. So this game should have an official pvp mode in addition to regular bnet games, just like Warcraft 3 has the multiplayer mode in addition to singleplayer campaign mode, only over here you actually bring your own pvm/pvp chars into the game, whereas in WC3 multiplayer you just pick from a few generic choices, and it’s tailored for pvps to take place, but there is no pvm there. You would have to put a whole new PvP button in the title screen or the bnet lobby screen. The community itself has a rather limited ability both to establish balance in the game, and to see to it that those standards are adhered to (i.e. enforcing the rules they set themselves). If you wanted this to become a pvp game you would have to ask the devs to add in the changes. Then I guess it’s just a matter of whether Blizz listens to the community or not (or works out the game balance for itself), but you would have to get them to acknowledge that this should be called a pvp game, to begin with. Honestly, I don’t know what the true potential of pvps in this game is, because I just got into pvp to play around with builds and pvm was just too easy, and not because pvp has more inherent appeal to me than pvm (as in I like pvp simply because it happens to have more depth than pvm, and it is not about whether it’s more fun to go up against an A.I. or a human player), so I can’t really speak for people that got into pvp for the sake of competing with other human players, but AFAIK it should be at least worth the time for the devs to develop on the pvp aspect of it, financially-wise, so it would make sense for them to listen to the pvp community. I reckon it would be practical for them to listen to/work with the community on this like what you said, if all the balance changes could be applied in a single patch (but the remaster is another game altogether. New screen resolution and WSG alone already mean that the pvp game has been significantly altered even if the rest of the game was an exact replica. So the pvp balance as we know it won’t apply in the remaster. You may have to work on the game balance from scratch), or at most a series of patches until a real happy medium is found, but I’m not sure whether we can expect anybody from the dev team to be stuck on the bnet forum beyond the initial few months to keep on applying “balance changes” following every little whim and complaint of every person that posts on the forum. Pvp needs more actual gameplay, less haggling over rules and less drama, but both Blizz and the community itself have not delivered that, but rather the exact opposite of it.

Hm, but yeah I think you’re right. It’s gonna take a ton of work for this to be recognised as a pvp game, may not be worth the effort, I dunno. I don’t even spend that much time pvping lmao, last time I was actively pvping was over a decade ago, now can only spend the occasional weekend here and there. When I wrote all that stuff I was just thinking a standard pvp mode could automatically weed out the BMs. At the moment you spend more time weeding out the bms than you spend on pvps itself. Maybe should just get rid of bms the old fashioned way after all. It was just a very rough sketch of what pvp-mode should look like, but hm yeah you’re prolly right, you would prolly have to do a complete job in balancing out pvps (both team and individual), or else it won’t be worth adding to the game. What completely wrecked pvp was the capacity for cutting corners in pvp (e.g. using rejuvs/mercenary, jumping/townhugging, using banned skills, etc), both unintentionally and intentionally, not so much because the game was not balanced for pvps. Fixing the former alone would be easy, like a modder could prolly take a few hours to put in the mechanisms required for the game to automatically enforce “GM” behaviour, but trying to balance the game as well may be a lot more difficult. It’s a lot of wasted potential though, like this sort of thing is why games like WC3 are pulling good prize money at the ESL, while D2 LOD doesn’t generate any money at any eleague and there are only like 20 players on the LOD pvp scene now. You could basically put in a simple pvp feature there and then tons and tons of ppl are just gonna be addicted to it. The thing to understand here is that the majority of casual players are not pvpers at heart (meaning most of them won’t even care whether they are pvping in a game that is not balanced for pvp. As long as it is refereed properly they won’t care that it is not balanced or competitive), like some people are just item fetishists that want to do something with the items! Given an opportunity and an excuse to pvp, you would probably see a lot more people pvping than pvming (but they may also be spending more time pvming now in order to level/gear their chars for pvp. Again, it is pvp that drives pvm). I’d want a game with lots of people to trade with/pk, not a game that will depopulate after several months which is basically what happens in games without pvps. But the point is that the pvp numbers are much, much lower than they should be, and I’m just pointing out that it is something that Blizz really hasn’t capitalised on.

Pkers don’t cause problems for pvmers. You only run into a pk every few hundred games or so, and that was in an unchecked botting economy. If bots are checked, people will be pking less because they won’t be as fully geared.

The easiest way to deal with a pk is just to leave a game. But most don’t bother because if you have a group you can just kill him, unless your team really sucks. If you are so worried about such an infrequent occurrence, just learn to PvE. Or if you could lock the pk out using a password, then just use it. BTW you will see less pkers spilling out into pvm games if you have a designated pvp feature for it.

PvP should only be volunteer from both ends! End of discussion.
Anyone who thinks its a good idea to have forced PvP in a farming game with perma-death, should see a doctor.

D2 PvP is broken, chaotic, and nihilistic. That’s why it’s so fun. There’s nothing else like it. We don’t need some plain white bread “fair” PvP like every random “play it for a month and move on” new arena game.

These are great ideas…for D4.

I never liked D2 for PvP because it was not about how you played so much was what gear you got. The most ‘balanced’ PvP was the private server games where everyone could mod up with what they wanted thus everyone had a ‘relatively’ equal chance to get the same gear. For D2 whoever had the best drops won on PvP/Whoever had more time to farm up the best stuff won.

What I would like to see in PvP would be more like the GW/GW2 PvP. A whole separate spot where you could bring your regular guy or roll a specific PvP toon that was max level and had all ‘equal’ gear options. This way PvP becomes about skill not; I have better gear than you. I liked these games for PvP because I could drop in a play rather than have a barrier to entry that I needed to spend 8 hours a day farming gear so I could compete.

You realise you’re talking to the designers of this game, right? Not me. btw pvm is like really easy they should just mix it up with some pks imo :smiley: PKers are too infrequent to be much of a speed bump, though

I know I did say I thought BM PvP was more fun than GM. Maybe they should make an arena feature available only for stuff like tournaments (which is a thing in LOD. It goes on every week/every few weeks, or prior to the remaster anyway. They should officially host tourneys in the remaster). I suppose the rest of the PvPs and your practise PvPs should just take place in regular games where people hostile each other and PK each other on the Blood Moor.

The pvp you described doesn’t fly among most people (looking at the % of the total player base). You have to trade for expensive gear and then you have to keep on bringing rejuvs/necroing your mercenary, or you won’t really get to stay in the game. You only have to have a simple arena feature (maybe with like pvp rankings/stats and stuff, just like every other pvp game uses) and then pvp will become mainstream, but unregulated pvps is actually just a waste of time for most people.

Actually, the reason pvps didn’t take off in LOD was not because of gear availability/balance issues, but because there was no real way to enforce GM rules. People won’t be very interested in pvps if they are gonna get BM’d, even if they could win it. But they will be interested in pvps if they knew they were winning or losing fair and square, even if they knew they wouldn’t win. Gear availability or class balance wasn’t really the barrier to entry, only the lack of enforcement of GM rules was. Pvp only became an arms race because almost every game was BM. Almost all pvp that took place in LOD was BM, or would become BM within a few minutes. Eventually GMers all got geared up too, just to not get BM’d. This is why there was no room for recreational pvpers in LOD, only those who actually spent hundreds/thousands of hours leveling and gearing their chars or sunk irl $ into acquiring gear. It will just play out that way every time, original or remaster.

Games like online chess use a system where you are rated according to the outcomes of your games, and attempts to assign subsequent matchups based on the outcomes of previous games. So if you were to apply the same system to D2, it would automatically factor in the combined total of all the parameters that determine match outcomes: player skill, gear and char level. In that sense the lack of availability of gear should not have been any issue to finding competitive pvps. Of course it requires a certain critical mass of people in the game or the system doesn’t work.

As for creating your own “replica chars” I’d say sure why not, but definitely not for pvm because that’s not what pvm is about. But I should also add that pvp is probably at its most competitive state when people are pvping a week/several weeks into ladder with untwinked gear. When people are pvping at that stage, using half leveled/half geared teams or chars against other half leveled/half geared teams/chars, they probably won’t even be complaining about class balance, and class balance at that stage is a see-saw. Sorcs would be supreme with maybe only charge pallies, guided arrow zons and dflight/mb chars standing some chance, especially if sorb items are still not available. The strategies should be at least as varied as if not more varied than endgame HLD pvp. IMO pvp is best played the way pvm is best played, which is untwinked. Pvps should be going on at all stages of the game, not just in the endgame using max level chars with all perf runewords etc. Imo people should be jumping in at all stages of preparedness, not just when people have gotten to max level and gotten all their RMT items off trading sites. There was nothing to facilitate that in LOD, but they really should add this in for the remaster, imo. So in all honesty the lack of uniformity on gear availability may be a boon for pvps, and not a barrier like you say. I also don’t think it’s that huge of a problem if the pvm portion were factored into pvp, i.e. how well you do at pvp depends in some way on how well you do at pvm. Part of the competition is the preparation (so that would include your leveling/gearing), but that’s also something you can say for every other competitive sport (or recreational sport even).

Ehm Man there already rules for nice competitive dueling.
Its call D2GM. It was working for years and years.

You should fight with your toon to prove to yourself what you have achieved, not some perfect copy.
That would work for events like Master tours etc, but I dont think blizz will do it like they do for Wow.
Link: opd2gm com/pvp/

But even regular pub stomping works just fine. Well only if they bring back WSG and fix IAS bug.

Yeah that’s like 0.000x% of the player base in it, though. It’s also administered manually, meaning it can’t reach anywhere near millions or thousands of concurrent games at any given moment like what goes on in online chess or dedicated online pvp games. GM pvps also doesn’t fly among most of the casual player base like I already described, because you just want a fun mindless game to jump in, not some gentleman’s agreement crapass game where you have to keep on worrying about whether something is going to get you “disqualified” or not and you have to continually worry about watching and calling out your opponent if you see that the rules are not being adhered to. I agree the community rules were a good measure for pvp, at this point I think they should just hard code those rules into the game.

It’s a hack and slash game, it should be centered around physical damage classes, not casters. Maybe that’s why D2R doesn’t have ias caps… Pvm in D2R is still the same tho: if you want everything dead you just bring in a caster. GM rules are fully fluid, you won’t notice any imbalance no matter how imbalanced it actually is! Like they could just add rules like this, I mean just an example: 1) it should be GM for me to use FULL ABSORB, when vs an assassin 2) ban the dtalon/dclaws. Or 1) GM to use holy freeze/decrep when vs assassin 2) ban mind blast. Stuff like that xD