Purchase offline items?

Is it possible to purchase items through online venders websites for offline characters or is that exclusively for online 0layers?if so… Which website would you use for offline characters?
I’m just tired at point, I’ve been playing D2 since the beginning way back in 2000 but I’ve been looking to make a enigma going on 20+ years or at least until Jah and rune words were introduced to the Diablo servers. Currently I have a Ist and Ber, it’s this damn Jah rune. I play well over 5000 games a in a sitting sometimes it takes days which isn’t healthy, I just want to finally complete this damn item for once it’s constantly on my mind.

I’m running a FOH paladin on players 7 constantly running LK in act 3,Choas in act 4,Pit runs like a made man, Arcane for ghosts, vultures, Swarms, lvl 3 and 4 of the tower in act 1, the Counsel members in act 3,Memphisto, Diablo, Baal, super chests and i can sometimes run those ghost things that insta kill you with streams of lightening in unfair packs, Cows and I’m exhausted of looking for this damn rune.
I’ve made every rune word I’ve wanted so far besides infinity. This dang Jah rune is such a cruel drop I can not get it. I’m kinda done looking for it.

It’s not possible because there is no way to trade with offline characters. Back on old D2 you could play online with your single players characters thanks to open battlenet and tcp/ip but D2R doesn’t have those options.

Your best bet is to use a pc hero editor if you can access your saves

Sign my in-game chat petition. Then make an online character.

Then forget about offline completely

This game is a fraud product anyways so don’t hope for anything except to get fraud out of your money, The blizzard we knew is dead. It is a corpse being puppeteer by greedy CEOs, but the Internet slave creatures don’t care because they’re morons and will literally buy anything to fulfill their Internet slave creature addictions